
A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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This Week In Republican Outreach And Re-Branding

Filed in National by on February 25, 2014 45 Comments
This Week In Republican Outreach And Re-Branding

Let’s see how things are going with the Republican wooing of gays, minorities and women.

First up, the LGTB Republican love letter – that the Arizona legislature has passed (and sealed with a kiss) and the only thing that may stop Jan Brewer from signing it into law is the threat of losing the super bowl.  Priorities, people.  Anderson Cooper delivered the ultimate smack-down to Arizona state Sen. and gubernatorial candidate Al Melvin.  Seriously, watch the video.  Melvin isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed, but it seems Arizona is full of tools.

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Missouri Lawmaker Wants To Make Biology Class An Elective

Filed in National, Science and Health by on February 14, 2014 7 Comments
Missouri Lawmaker Wants To Make Biology Class An Elective

Fact:  You cannot teach biology without evolution.

Several years ago, my 10th grade son was taking AP Bio.  My Bio major (and quite successful immunologist today) brother asked to see his textbook.  When I (art major sister) asked why, my brother said, “Just wanted to make sure the textbook started off with evolution.  It does, so all is fine.”

Which brings us to this nonsense:

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Snow Day Tomorrow

Filed in Delaware by on February 12, 2014 3 Comments
Snow Day Tomorrow

Here we go again!  As of now, Brandywine, Christina and Red Clay Schools are closed tomorrow.  Nothing on Appo’s site yet, and I can’t make sense of Colonial’s (horrible site) but it looks like they haven’t called it yet.  Use this thread to keep us updated.  And, no, I’m not looking up 19 flippin’ districts.

Everyone ready?  Milk, bread, eggs? Alcohol?

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Oh Look! Conservative Freak Out Over Coca-Cola Ad!

Filed in National by on February 3, 2014 44 Comments
Oh Look!  Conservative Freak Out Over Coca-Cola Ad!

I’m sure Reince Priebus will be demanding apologies any minute!.

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Breaking: Oh no! Phillip Seymour Hoffman Dead

Filed in National by on February 2, 2014 13 Comments
Breaking: Oh no!  Phillip Seymour Hoffman Dead

This makes me really sad.  I loved his work.

Award-winning actor Philip Seymour Hoffman was found dead Sunday afternoon in his New York City apartment, a law-enforcement official said.

He was 46.  Such a loss.

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The Difference Between Being Broke And Being Poor

Filed in National by on January 30, 2014 2 Comments
The Difference Between Being Broke And Being Poor

Re-posted, in its entirety, with permission by the author, Richard Mayhew of Balloon Juice.  There is a big difference between being broke and being poor.  Keep reading.

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State Of The Union Open Thread

Filed in National by on January 28, 2014 61 Comments
State Of The Union Open Thread

Have at it!  I’ll be here all night! (Am I the only one that loves these things?  Is that wrong? Or really weird?)

[Update from Delaware Dem]: Some excerpts of the speech are starting to leak, as they always do. The White House, all White Houses, do this to prep the ground and give the pundits something to talk about in the run up to the speech. Here is one such excerpt

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In Case You Were Wondering If Republicans Got Their Act Together And United…

Filed in Delaware by on January 28, 2014 3 Comments
In Case You Were Wondering If Republicans Got Their Act Together And United…

They haven’t. Here’s who the GOP has responding to the President’s State Of The Union address:

1. The official GOP response is to be delivered immediately after the SOTU by Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA)
2. Americans will also get a rebuttal from Tea Party Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT)
3. Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) will give a pre-recorded address (because he’s psychic?)
4. Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL) announced Monday she will deliver her own State of the Union response in Spanish

That’s four – count ’em, FOUR! – different Republican responses.

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Joe Scarborough Thinks He’s Found A Way To Shut This Whole Hillary Thing Down

Filed in National by on January 28, 2014 6 Comments
Joe Scarborough Thinks He’s Found <i>A Way To Shut This Whole</i> Hillary <i>Thing Down</i>

Here’s Joe Scarborough pretending to think out loud over whether “invoking Monica Lewinsky against Hillary Clinton could be an appropriate tactic.”

“If Hillary Clinton attacks the Republican Party’s handling of women, and treatment of women and disrespect for women, and suggests they’re misogynists et cetera, et cetera, et cetera, it does seem to be a fair question to ask right now, a few years out, does the media have a responsibility to say, ‘Well, let’s see what happened when you were in the White House, and how women were treated when you were in the governor’s mansion and the White House?’ Is that fair?” the ‘Morning Joe’ host asked Monday morning, as quoted by Mediaite. […] “Does this not compromise Hillary Clinton’s ability to bash Republicans as being terrible toward women, misogynist, et cetera?” he asked.

How exactly would Republicans use Bill Clinton’s infidelity against Hillary Clinton?  How does that look?  Would they say she was a-okay with infidelity because, if she wasn’t then she would have divorced him?  Would they say she’s sexist and misogynist because she’s married to a man who had an affair?  Most likely they would do what they love to do and tell Hillary to sit down and shut up… maybe they could even tell her to go make them a sandwich. But whatever route they choose they will end up putting forth this message:  Ladies, you are merely an extension of your husbands.  Your opinions will only be considered if they align with your husband’s opinion and behavior.  If they don’t, well… then you may not speak on certain subjects.

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Those Republican Classes On How To Woo Women Aren’t Working

Filed in National by on January 24, 2014 16 Comments
Those Republican Classes On How To Woo Women Aren’t Working

After the 2012 election, Republicans announced that they would be changing their ways.  Call it outreach, sensitivity training, whatever, they knew they had female problems.  They also have minority problems, immigration problems, LGBT problems, 47% problems, but I’m going to focus on their female problems for this post.  Let’s start with their latest example.  Mike Huckabee.

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Wednesday Open Thread (01-15-14)

Filed in Open Thread by on January 15, 2014 2 Comments
Wednesday Open Thread (01-15-14)

Here’s a story that makes me hate people.  Just go read the post.  Calling a dying woman’s tweets about her, you know, dying, “deathbed selfies” is vile.  Seriously, what is wrong with these people? If you have other feelings about how people should live or die, you can keep them to yourself, Keller family and mouth-breathers at Fishbowl DC. No one asked you, and no one ever will.

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My Pet Peeve Doesn’t Seem To Be Going Away

Filed in National by on January 15, 2014 67 Comments
My Pet Peeve Doesn’t Seem To Be Going Away

I really don’t understand why things like this keep happening.

Acclaimed molecular gastronomy chef Grant Achatz caused a stir over the weekend when he took to his Twitter account to ask his followers if a ban on babies was in order at his three-Michelin-starred Chicago eatery Alinea.

The clearly ruffled Achatz paused his dinner service to complain about a couple at his restaurant who brought in an eight-month-old, who promptly started to wail.

“Tbl brings 8mo.Old. It cries. Diners mad,” Achatz tweeted. “Tell ppl no kids? Subject diners 2crying? Ppl take infants 2 plays? Concerts? Hate saying no,but..”

Alinea obviously doesn’t encourage diners to bring their babies — there are no high chairs on site; the baby sat on its mother’s lap — but it doesn’t have a written policy prohibiting their presence.

The establishment uses a ticketing system which requires would-be patrons to reserve, and pay for, their entire meal (minus the drinks) weeks in advance. If something comes up at the last minute, Alinea allows customers to sell their reservations or hand them off to someone else.

Personally, I found Achatz’s tweet extremely reasonable.  I would have kicked the couple out, but I’m mean and this has always been one of my pet peeves.  Yes, Virginia, there are places you shouldn’t take your children.

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Health Insurance Cannot Be A La Carte

Filed in National by on January 6, 2014 18 Comments
Health Insurance Cannot Be A La Carte

Health insurance only works if it covers your health care needs and mine.  It only works if the pool is big enough.  It really isn’t a case of priorities, because, if it were, then that numbers game would result in orphan diseases (very rare diseases that only affect a few) not being covered.

And, I sincerely doubt that those advocating for not covering birth control and maternity coverage would be fighting against coverage for Adrenoleukodystrophy and Landau Kleffner syndrome – let alone Viagra.  Know why?  Because the debate now raging isn’t about the ACA.  It’s, once again, about women and sex.  It’s just another branch of the war against women, and the men who love them.

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