
A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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The Tea Party’s Rebel Yell!

Filed in National by on October 17, 2013 12 Comments
The Tea Party’s Rebel Yell!

TPM has a story up about how the Tea Party looks at what happened yesterday.

For a certain block of House conservatives, the ones who drove Speaker John Boehner toward a government shutdown and near-default against his will, the lesson of the last few weeks isn’t that they overreached. Not that they made unachievable demands, put their leadership in an impossible position, damaged their party’s position with the public and left a deep uncertainty about whether the GOP conference can recover and legislate.

No, what they’re taking away from the 2013 crisis is: They didn’t go far enough.

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Erick Erickson Predicts GOP Split, 3rd Party Coming

Filed in National by on October 10, 2013 37 Comments
Erick Erickson Predicts GOP Split, 3rd Party Coming

Via TPM:

Incensed that House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) and House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) are reportedly abandoning the effort to defund or delay the Affordable Care Act, editor Erick Erickson predicted Thursday that Republican leadership is providing fertile ground for the rise of a “real third party movement” that will split the GOP.

I’m torn on the idea of the Republican Party splitting in two – mainly because the Tea Party has already taken over, and deep down Republicans (95% of them) actually agree with the Tea Party agenda.  Jason wrote a post the other day, in which he said, “I don’t use “Tea Party” any more because the fact is the Republican Party is staffed and run by members of what was once called the Tea Party.”

Jason’s correct.  Go ahead and try to put today’s Republican politicians into column A (RINOs) and column B (Tea Partiers).  You won’t end up with a balanced list.  Column A is pretty empty.

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How’s That Republican Outreach To Women Going?

Filed in National by on October 6, 2013 2 Comments
How’s That Republican Outreach To Women Going?

Well… let’s take a look.   Honestly, Republicans have added new heights to stupid.  In the words of Tom Levenson at Balloon Juice, “Please proceed, GOP”  

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I Can’t Imagine Why This Guy Is Still Single

Filed in National by on September 25, 2013 48 Comments
I Can’t Imagine Why This Guy Is Still Single

Some days you just gotta love the internet. I am looking for a decent girl that wants to be in a long term monogamus relationship with me. I want the girl to be attractive. I like girls that are thin, or with a toned or athletic build. A average build is fine too, just as […]

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AIG… I Just… No

Filed in National by on September 25, 2013 1 Comment
AIG… I Just… No

There simply are no words.

American International Group’s chief executive said in an interview published Monday that the insurance company, which was aided by an extensive taxpayer bailout in the aftermath of the 2008 recession, was wrongly targeted for awarding its employees bonuses after the crisis — comparing the outrage in Washington to lynchings that occurred in the Deep South a half a century ago.

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Tonight’s The Night! DL Get Together!

Filed in Delaware by on September 19, 2013 7 Comments
Tonight’s The Night!  DL Get Together!

Could we have picked a more perfect night!  Love this weather!  We’ll be on the second floor (either inside or on the deck).  I’ll try and find my DL pin!  Unfortunately, my printer is acting up, but I’ll try and make a DL table sign!

Thursday, September 19th

7 pm

Iron Hill Brewery
(on the Wilmington Riverfront)

Be there, or be square! 😉

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Don’t Forget! DL Get Together This Thursday!

Filed in Delaware by on September 16, 2013 3 Comments
Don’t Forget!  DL Get Together This Thursday!

Let us know if you can join us!

Thursday, September 19th

7 pm

Iron Hill Brewery
(on the Wilmington Riverfront)

Looking forward to seeing everyone.

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Washington, DC Navy Yard Shooting

Filed in National by on September 16, 2013 80 Comments
Washington, DC Navy Yard Shooting

This is an evolving story.  Post liveblog here.

“D.C. police are looking for gunmen they say shot 10 people at the Washington Navy Yard Monday morning. The U.S. Navy said shots were fired around 8:20 a.m. at the Naval Sea Systems Command Headquarters building, where about 3,000 people work.”

The situation at the Navy Yard is rapidly changing, but here’s what we know shortly after 10:45 a.m.:

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It’s Friday… Gotta Share!

Filed in National by on September 13, 2013 0 Comments

This made me cry!

So sweet!

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DL Get Together! (aka Liberally Drinking)

Filed in Delaware by on September 11, 2013 7 Comments
DL Get Together!  (aka Liberally Drinking)

It’s been a while since we’ve held one of these, so… Let’s get together!

Thursday, September 19th

7 pm

Iron Hill Brewery
(on the Wilmington Riverfront)

All are welcome!  Looking forward to seeing everyone!

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Ed Reform Isn’t About Education

Filed in Delaware by on September 9, 2013 20 Comments
Ed Reform Isn’t About Education

Yes, I’ve written about this before, but in case you’ve forgotten, Ed Reformers have changed their motto from Charter Schools offer a superior education (compared to public schools) at less cost to Parent Choice!  Which is really convenient since it allows them to ignore failing schools by claiming these schools are what parents want.  Oh, ed reformers are quick to point out failing public schools in the name of supporting charters, but are mum on schools like Moyer Academy and Pencader.

Which brings me to an interesting article in the News Journal on Sunday…

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Stand Your Ground Meets The Bush Doctrine

Filed in National by on September 6, 2013 5 Comments

Should have seen this coming. Attorneys for a man who police said shot three people at the culmination of a neighborhood feud have filed a motion demanding a jury determine whether William T. Woodward’s murder charges should be dismissed under Florida’s Stand Your Ground law. The motion says Woodward had been the target of a […]

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My Thoughts On The Miley Cyrus “Incident”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment, National by on August 27, 2013 31 Comments
My Thoughts On The Miley Cyrus “Incident”

First, I refuse to buy into the parent “outrage” over their precious children witnessing such an “outrageous” display.  Hello?  It’s MTV.  It’s what they do – it’s their flippin’ business model.  Second, if you’re one of those people who still thinks MTV is a music video channel… let me enlighten you.  Here’s a sample of MTV’s programming lineup: 16 and Pregnant, Teen Mom, Real World, Engaged and Underage, Jersey Shore, Lingerie Football League, and, of course, Snookie and Jwoww.  There’s plenty more, but that gives you the idea.  So, I’m not going to waste my time over parents who were shocked by a show on MTV.

Back to the Miley incident…  (If you haven’t seen the VMA video, here it is.)

I am not disgusted or outraged by her performance.  I am embarrassed for her. 

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