
A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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We’ve Found One Of The Causes Of Gun Violence, And It Isn’t Video Games… It’s Wayne LaPierre’s Mouth

Filed in National by on February 26, 2013 1 Comment

Wayne LaPierre knows his audience. (via Denver Post)

Denver police have arrested a Colorado Springs man for sending racially and sexually offensive e-mails to state Rep. Rhonda Fields, including one that said he hoped she would meet the same fate as a congresswoman who was shot in the head.

Franklin Glenn Sain, 42, was arrested Friday on suspicion of harassing Fields, D-Aurora, and unlawfully attempting to influence a public official.

Sain told police he was “just voicing some frustrations” about the Aurora legislator’s efforts to tighten state gun laws.

Just voicing some frustrations? Let’s look at how he allegedly did that.

Sain admitted sending Fields e-mails laced with profanity and racial and sexual epithets and leaving her similar voicemails. Denver police also believe he sent an unsigned, threatening letter to Fields that said: “I keep my 30 Round Magazines There Will Be Blood! I’m Coming For You!,” according to an affidavit supporting his arrest.

The letter also mentioned Fields’ daughter and said: “Death to Both.”

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Oklahoma Idiocy, Part 2

Filed in National by on February 26, 2013 15 Comments

Oklahoma isn’t done being stupid. Looks like they have a plan to ensure they produce more children to lie to…

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Sonia Sotomayor Doesn’t Suffer Fools

Filed in National by on February 25, 2013 0 Comments

On Monday, Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor called out the racially insensitive comments of a federal prosecutor. Via TPM, here’s what Mr./Ms. “Professional” Prosecutor said:

The prosecutor–whom Sotomayor refused to name–said during cross-examination of a drug conspiracy case: “You’ve got African-Americans, you’ve got Hispanics, you’ve got a bag full of money. Does that tell you–a light bulb doesn’t go off in your head and say, This is a drug deal?”

Here’s Sotomayor’s response:

“It is deeply disappointing to see a representative of the United States resort to this basic tactic more than a decade into the 21st century,” Sotomayor said. “We expect the government to seek justice, not fan the flames of fear and prejudice.”

“I hope never to see a case like this again,” Sotomayor concluded.

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State Votes To Close Pencader Charter School

Filed in National by on February 22, 2013 51 Comments

Pencader has struggled for quite a while. I’ve written about the school last July here, and last August here and here. I’ve watched all this come to a head, and held off calling for outright closure once the new Pencader Board came into being, but this passage from Nichole Dobo’s article had my eyebrows raising.

The new school leadership submitted plans for moving forward that contained errors and omissions, said John Carwell, director of the charter school office in the state Education Department.

For instance, Pencader’s leaders reported that the school outperformed the state average on student achievement tests, Carwell said. In reality, the school was below the state average on math and reading assessments, he said. This mistake, and others, showed the school’s leaders were “ill-prepared, at best,” he said. Subsequent reports did not convince state leaders otherwise, he said.

Ill-prepared, at best? At best?

If it’s true that the new school leadership reported false achievement test scores, as well as other errors and omissions then they should be investigated. Isn’t this sort of thing against the law?

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To V, With Love

Filed in National by on February 21, 2013 13 Comments

This post is in response to this plea: Pandora, special request. can you go over to mike’s blog and write a response post here to his assertion from yesterday that people who are for gun regulation hate rape victims? pretty pretty please? with a cherry on top? *waits eagerly* Here is the post she referenced, […]

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Republicans Love Living In Their Bubble

Filed in National by on February 21, 2013 6 Comments

Steve Benen looks at the latest polls, and – surprise! – Americans still aren’t buying what Republicans are selling.

This poll suggests the GOP isn’t just wrong, its understanding of public attitudes is the exact opposite of reality. The public is prepared to hold Republicans responsible for this self-inflicted wound that will undermine the economy, the military, and public needs. The one thing the GOP is counting on — avoiding blame at all costs — is already failing miserably.

Indeed, looking ahead, voters were asked, “What should be the focus of steps to reduce the deficit?” A whopping 76% majority said there should be a combination of spending cuts and new revenue. Only 19% of the public — fewer than one in five — agrees with the Republicans cuts-only approach. Given the number of Americans who self-identify as members of the GOP, this suggests the Republican Party has failed to even persuade some of its own voters.

Wait, it gets even worse for Republicans (and better for Democrats).

On specific issues, the same poll found that Americans side with President Obama over the GOP on who has the better approach to reducing the deficit, who’s right on reducing gun violence, who has the better plan to deal with immigration, and by a huge margin, who’s better on the climate crisis.

What’s the good news for Republicans in these new national polls? There is no good news for Republicans in these new national polls.

Meanwhile, the Koch brothers are scratching their heads in confusion.

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I Got Nothing

Filed in Delaware, National by on February 19, 2013 9 Comments

I’ve spent a good part of the morning looking for something to write about, and I got nothing.  Have I become immune to Republican crazy?  There’s enough of it out there, but it’s the same old, same old. Seriously, I feel numb.  I can’t even muster up outrage for all the stupid.  Perhaps I’m not […]

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Why Does The NRA Block Policies That End Up Benefiting Criminals?

Filed in National by on February 18, 2013 193 Comments

Yes, another gun post.  Sorry, but the fact that everybody is still talking about this is a good thing.  And may I personally thank Wayne LaPierre, the NRA, and other gun nuts for making my case to the American people.  Keep up the good work.

David Frum has a piece today that asks a lot of pertinent questions.  Go read the whole thing, and then ask yourself why the NRA is pro-criminal.  Not one of the steps Frum lists would lead to gun confiscation, but they sure do make killing someone or getting away with murder/crime easier.

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Man Who Struck Toddler Loses His Job. Good.

Filed in National by on February 18, 2013 7 Comments

When I first read this story several days ago I thought it was a joke.  It’s no joke.

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My Valentine’s Day Gift To You – When Trolls Are Awesome!

Filed in National by on February 14, 2013 3 Comments
My Valentine’s Day Gift To You – When Trolls Are Awesome!

So this happened

After some Reddit/4chan MRA babies tried to make #INeedMasculismBecause happen on Twitter today (co-opting the popular feminist meme, because EYEROLL), it blew up in their faces bigtime. The hashtag was gleefully hijacked by the normal, thinking humans of Twitter, who are currently churning out hundreds of tweets lampooning Men’s Rights talking points.

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Wayne LaPierre Doubles Down On His Paranoid Fantasies

Filed in National by on February 14, 2013 36 Comments

If you ever wondered what drove Adam Lanza’s mother to build a personal arsenal this might be the answer.

Following President Obama’s call for a vote on proposed gun safety legislation in his State of the Union speech, Wayne LaPierre, CEO of the National Rifle Association, on Wednesday issued a call-to-action for gun owners to prepare for post-apocolyptic-style scenarios and rally against the gun control movement.

In an op-ed published by the Daily Caller, LaPierre outlined a three-step plan of action to preserve gun rights against an administration that he argues poses a serious threat to the Second Amendment.

Go read LaPierre’s manifesto and then explain to me how this man is in charge of anything. Here are some choice bits:

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Ted Nugent To Attend State Of The Union?

Filed in National by on February 11, 2013 14 Comments

Rep. Steve Stockman (R-TX), who threatened President Obama with impeachment over his plan to reduce gun violence, has offered a ticket to the State of the Union tickets to Ted Nugent — whose criticism of the president once resulted in a sitdown with the Secret Service.

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BREAKING: Pope Benedict XVI Resigning

Filed in National by on February 11, 2013 22 Comments

For the first time in 600 years, a Pope will leave the job voluntarily and alive. Pope Benedict XVI has announced this morning that he will resign effective February 28, for health reasons.

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