
A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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Violence Against Women Act VS Women Need Guns Because… Violence

Filed in National by on January 31, 2013 61 Comments

I’m having a hard time reconciling what Republicans are saying.  I know, shocking. Yesterday, during the Gun Violence Hearing, you would have thought that Republicans would have overwhelming supported the Violence Against Women Act, given that women were trotted out as one of the main defenses of AR-15s and 30 round magazines. Of course, they […]

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Concussions and Football (And Other Sports)

Filed in National, Sports by on January 28, 2013 3 Comments

When I was growing up concussions were simply a hard hit in the head that took longer to recover from.  As I entered high school, I remember concussions being discussed more often – usually with the warning of not letting the injured person fall to sleep – and not much beyond that. Today, the number […]

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Seriously? New Mexico Bill: Rape Victims Who Get An Abortion Will Be Charged With Tampering With The Evidence

Filed in National by on January 24, 2013 46 Comments

Yeah, it won’t pass, but… OMG! Someone actually introduced this bill:

A Republican lawmaker in New Mexico introduced a bill on Wednesday that would legally require victims of rape to carry their pregnancies to term in order to use the fetus as evidence for a sexual assault trial.

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Catholic Ministry States: Fetuses Are Not People

Filed in National by on January 24, 2013 10 Comments

Why would a religious organization who has been extremely vocal when it comes to abortion, contraception and the unyielding belief that life begins at conception suddenly claim that state law protects doctors from liability concerning unborn fetuses on grounds that those fetuses are not persons with legal rights.

Because they are being sued.

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Rand Paul Is A Hypocrite And A 2016 Grandstanding Fool

Filed in National by on January 23, 2013 11 Comments

Rand Paul decided to burnish his Tea Party cred at today’s Benghazi hearing with Hillary Clinton.

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Nicola Pizza Co-Owner Returns Home

Filed in Delaware by on January 23, 2013 56 Comments

Okay, I wasn’t even aware of this story until Cassandra mentioned it while we were watching the inauguration.  I googled it at the time, and based on these comments in the News Journal article, decided that Nicholas Caggiano would turn up on his own accord.  Which he just did.

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Roe v. Wade Turns 40

Filed in National by on January 22, 2013 2 Comments

40 years ago today, the Supreme Court voted, with a 7 to 2 majority, in favor of Roe. Most people still agree with that decision.

More than 50 percent of Americans believe abortion should legal in all or most cases while 70 percent want the landmark Supreme Court ruling of Roe v. Wade to be upheld, according to an NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll released Monday night.

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Frank Knotts Leaving Delaware Politics Blog

Filed in National by on January 20, 2013 43 Comments

Frank Knotts, longtime contributor to, has written his farewell post.

I have come to the conclusion recently that Delaware Politics has taken a turn down a path that I am no longer comfortable with traveling. there are some who will say it was I who made a turn, and that may be fair, but whatever the case, I see myself and the management here heading in two separate directions.

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GOP Rape Sensitivity Training Program

Filed in National by on January 18, 2013 8 Comments

The Republican Party has sent itself to rape sensitivity school.

And it may have added new urgency to a training program that’s already being launched by an anti-abortion group — the Susan B. Anthony list — to keep candidates and lawmakers from continually making the same kind of comments that may have helped ruin Republicans’ chances of winning the Senate.

I agree the GOP needs a course in Rape Sensitivity, but that’s not what this course is shaping up to be.

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UPDATED WITH LIST OF EXECUTIVE ACTIONS: Today The White House Will Put Forth Their Proposals To Reduce Gun Violence

Filed in National by on January 16, 2013 76 Comments

I know, I know… another gun post. Today, around noon, President Obama and Vice President Biden will announce their proposals to reduce gun violence. I will attempt to blog this event in the comment section – help from our commenters would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Meanwhile, the NRA finds new lows. Josh Marshall sums it up:

It takes a lot for the NRA to shock. But this is just beyond disgusting. The NRA has launched a new ad campaign calling President Obama a ‘hypocrite’ for allowing armed Secret Service agents to protect his school aged daughters.

There are so many vile things about this ad. But one thing to note is the ad is really only designed to appeal to people who have a deep – really deep – animosity toward the President. The sort of people who don’t think he and his daughters should be in the White House and wish him the sort of ill citizens should never wish upon a freely elected head of state.

Vile is the perfect word for the NRA’s behavior.

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Republicans May Need To Shut Down The Government Just To “Get It Out Of Their System”

Filed in National by on January 14, 2013 2 Comments

Getting something out of your system is never a sign of maturity. It can be a step towards maturity if the person survives the procedure, but it’s rarely good in itself. We associate getting things out of your system to such things as youthful experimentation, sowing wild oats, drugs, alcohol, sex and obsessions.

Know who else we say needs to get things out of their system? Toddlers having temper tantrums.

Which brings me to this quote:

GOP officials said more than half of their members are prepared to allow default unless Obama agrees to dramatic cuts he has repeatedly said he opposes. Many more members, including some party leaders, are prepared to shut down the government to make their point. House Speaker John Boehner “may need a shutdown just to get it out of their system,” said a top GOP leadership adviser. “We might need to do that for member-management purposes — so they have an endgame and can show their constituents they’re fighting.” [emphasis mine]


Starting Monday, Boehner will huddle with his leadership team to discuss his preliminary thinking on a spending strategy. A source who attended meetings to prepare for those private talks said GOP leaders are authentically at a loss on how to control members who don’t respond to the normal incentives of wanting to help party leaders or of avoiding situations — like default — that could be public relations nightmares.

So how do you think that huddle is going to work out? What exactly will John Boehner, worst Speaker in history, do? Why he’s going to hold a class (“walk members through”) on default. Don’t get me wrong, the majority of Republicans need this class. They also need a sex ed class and one on Climate Change.

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A Look Inside The Mind Of A Charter Advocate

Filed in National by on January 11, 2013 8 Comments

Over at Kilroy’s an interesting comment from Publius e decere was posted laying out his/her vision concerning charter schools and vouchers. It is quite enlightening. Come inside to see.

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Joe Scarborough Claims He’s Not A Chauvinist By Acting Like A Chauvinist

Filed in National by on January 10, 2013 16 Comments

First, Mika didn’t call Joe a chauvinist, but she should have.  Check out the part where he snaps his fingers at her.  Unbelievable!  He also never lets her finish a sentence… he’s too busy mansplaining. [youtube][/youtube] Joe Scarborough is a chauvinist.

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