
A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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Would You Use This Product?

Filed in National by on January 10, 2013 11 Comments

Every time I see a commercial for Low T (and there are a LOT of them) I end up talking back to my television.  Here’s the reason why: Direct contact with the application site can expose others to this medication. Women and children should avoid contact with the unwashed or unclothed area where the medication […]

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Australia Is Really, Really Hot

Filed in National by on January 10, 2013 4 Comments

Take it away, Mr. Pierce: Australia is simultaneously burning down and melting, which is a considerable climatic feat when you think about it. There are gas stations that can’t pump fuel because it vaporizes too quickly. It’s gotten so bad that they have had to change the weather maps. “The Australian Bureau of Meteorology has […]

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Sounds Like It’s Not Only Corporations That Are People, My Friends

Filed in National by on January 9, 2013 11 Comments

For the life of me I can’t figure out the rationale behind this: The Tucson Police Department also held a gun buyback Tuesday. Police want to destroy the 206 firearms turned in to them. But the National Rifle Association says that would violate Arizona law. […] Todd Rathner, an Arizona lobbyist and a national board […]

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What’s Going On In Steubenville?

Filed in National by on January 7, 2013 24 Comments

I have been following the Steubenville rape story for a while, but I haven’t written about it… until now.  This post won’t be about who should face criminal charges – I don’t know enough to make that call.  But what I do know is vile.

If you aren’t familiar with the story, the NYT has written an extensive piece.

Some in the crowd, which would grow to close to 50 people, arrived with beer. Those who did not were met by cases of it and a makeshift bar of vodka, rum and whiskey, all for the taking, no identification needed. In a matter of no time, many of the partygoers — many of them were high school athletes — were imbibing from red plastic cups inside the home of a volunteer football coach at Steubenville High at what would be the first of several parties that night.

“Huge party!!! Banger!!!!” Trent Mays, a sophomore quarterback on Steubenville’s team, posted on Twitter, referring to one of the bashes that evening.

By sunrise, though, some people in and around Steubenville had gotten word that the night of fun on Aug. 11 might have taken a grim turn, and that members of the Steubenville High football team might have been involved. Twitter posts, videos and photographs circulated by some who attended the nightlong set of parties suggested that an unconscious girl had been sexually assaulted over several hours while others watched. She even might have been urinated on.

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My Advice To Dems: Ignore Republicans

Filed in National by on January 4, 2013 18 Comments

Republicans are in tough guy mode.  Lots of chest thumping and trash talk going on as they, once again, thrust the debt ceiling onto center stage.  The howling is quite intense, and, as usual, our awesome media will latch onto the hysterics with a passion that would make a Twilight fan blush.  My advice to Dems… Ignore it.

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Sperm Donor Required To Pay Child Support?

Filed in National by on January 3, 2013 19 Comments

Well now, this is interesting

TOPEKA, Kan. (AP) — The state of Kansas is trying to force a man who donated sperm to a lesbian couple to pay child support, arguing that the agreement he and the women signed releasing him from all parental duties was invalid because they didn’t go through a doctor. Under Kansas law, a doctor’s involvement shields a man from being held responsible for a child conceived through artificial insemination.

Okay, so if you go through a doctor (and pay a big fee) then you aren’t responsible, but if you skip the doctor (and the big fee), sign an agreement, with all involved parties, that relinquishes your parental rights, you are still responsible.  Wonder which group helped write this law?

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Iowa Supreme Court Rules: Okay To Fire Women For Being “Irresistible”

Filed in National by on December 26, 2012 21 Comments


Women in Iowa beware: If your boss thinks you’re really really ridiculously good looking, he can fire you. And it’s perfectly legal. The all-male Iowa Supreme Court refused to reinstate a lawsuit Friday, noting that a dentist didn’t break the law when he fired an employee who had worked for him for 10 years because he and his wife saw her as a threat to their marriage, reports the Associated Press. Melissa Nelson, the 32-year-old dental assistant was by all accounts a stellar employee. But her boss, James Knight, complained of her tight clothing, “once telling her that if his pants were bulging that was a sign her clothes were too revealing.”

I’m not even sure where to begin.  How about…

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Merry Christmas Eve!

Filed in Delaware by on December 24, 2012 20 Comments

I don’t have any recipes to share this year because I decided (after 20 years of cooking Christmas Eve dinner) to give myself a present and have tonight catered – nothing extravagant, just good food from a small local restaurant.  I even went to Fulton’s and purchased high quality disposable plates.  I’m feeling a bit guilty, but extremely relaxed and am actually looking forward to being part of the celebration this year.

I want to wish all our contributors and commenters a wonderful holiday and thank them for making DL a great place to hang out!

So… what are everyone’s plans?  And if your cooking, feel free to share your amazing recipes!

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NRA Press Conference Today

Filed in National by on December 21, 2012 83 Comments

Via TPM: The National Rifle Association is scheduled to hold a press conference Friday at 10:45 a.m. ET at the Willard Hotel in Washington, D.C. NRA CEO Wayne LaPierre is also scheduled to appear on NBC’s “Meet the Press” on Sunday morning. My prediction: The NRA will blame video games, Hollywood and probably mental illness.  […]

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Guns, Me And Steve Newton – Or City Mouse Meet Country Mouse

Filed in National by on December 20, 2012 29 Comments

Steve Newton wrote a post the other day that I’ve been trying to find time to respond.  It’s a fascinating post, exposing a world that I was never part of.  I couldn’t stop reading it – which is code for you to go read it now.  The world in which Steve was raised is so […]

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Where Are The Big, Brave Gun Owners?

Filed in National by on December 17, 2012 41 Comments

Funny how they suddenly have nothing to say. Usually you can’t shut them up. And if they really believed they had nothing to do with this then they should be making their case. But they can’t, because they aren’t part of any solution.

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Twenty Children Are Dead – Don’t You Dare Forget That

Filed in National by on December 17, 2012 9 Comments
Twenty Children Are Dead – Don’t You Dare Forget That

This will be a difficult post for me. I simply cannot stop thinking about the children and the families in Newtown, Connecticut. I can’t stop envisioning the parents walking past their child’s empty bedroom, filled with stuffed animals and probably a pair of tiny socks that didn’t make it into the hamper, and knowing that that bedroom will remain empty. I can’t stop imagining how these parents are stumbling across the Christmas presents hidden in that secret hiding place. Everywhere they turn they will see the evidence of their child’s existence. The Cap’n Crunch cereal. The juice boxes. The Legos. The Barbies. The candy wrapper under the bed.

My heart is breaking. And all I can think is This Has Got To Stop. What The Hell Is Wrong With Us? Because this is bigger than Adam Lanza and Jared Loughner and James Holmes. This is about how we’ve come to accept these events; how we almost take them in stride, because, you know… Freedom.

I’m so sick of that lame response. I’m sick of hearing about the freedom to arm yourself to the teeth because, you know… Government. I’m sick of hearing about how someone needs to 30 rounds per second because someone is trying to get you. I’m sick of responsible gun owners being in bed with with these paranoid, fantasy driven freaks who need to live, and act out, their delusions. And I’m sick of the body count.

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Breaking: We Have Lost Our Minds

Filed in National by on December 14, 2012 93 Comments
Breaking:  We Have Lost Our Minds

Police are responding to reports of a shooting at an elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut, the Hartford Courant reported Friday morning.

Police are reporting a number of injured parties. The nature of their injuries is not clear.

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