
A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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Todd Akin Isn’t Alone In His Rape Beliefs

Filed in National by on December 14, 2012 10 Comments

Superior Court Judge Derek G. Johnson: “I’m not a gynecologist, but I can tell you something, If someone doesn’t want to have sexual intercourse, the body shuts down. The body will not permit that to happen unless a lot of damage in inflicted, and we heard nothing about that in this case.

“That tells me that the victim in this case, although she wasn’t necessarily willing, she didn’t put up a fight.”

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DL’s Holiday Extravaganza Tomorrow!

Filed in Delaware by on December 13, 2012 0 Comments

Everybody ready for tomorrow night? Hope so!

In keeping with tradition, please bring food for the Food Bank of Delaware. We will be collecting the goodies and necessities and then delivering them the Food Bank. Let’s make someone’s season bright!

Date: Friday, December 14th

Place: Timothy’s (Riverfront)

Time: 7:00p.m.

Looking forward to seeing everyone!

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CHANGE OF LOCATION – DL’s Holiday Extravaganza

Filed in National by on December 11, 2012 8 Comments

Did you know that area establishments book up early on December weekends? Who knew?

I’m really sorry about this change of plan, and I take full responsibility for the mix up. We are moving the Extravaganza to Timothy’s on the Riverfront. Same date, same time.

In keeping with tradition, please bring food for the Food Bank of Delaware. We will be collecting the goodies and necessities and then delivering them the Food Bank. Let’s make someone’s season bright!

Date: Friday, December 14th

Place: Timothy’s (Riverfront)

Time: 7:00p.m.

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Have You Heard About Delaware Liberal’s Holiday Extravaganza?

Filed in National by on December 8, 2012 6 Comments

ark your calendars, and get ready for my daily reminders!  All our welcome!

In keeping with tradition, please bring food for the Food Bank of Delaware.  We will be collecting the goodies and necessities and then delivering them to the Food Bank.  Let’s make someone’s season bright!

Date:  Friday, December 14th

Place:  Iron Hill Brewery (Riverfront)

Time:  7:00p.m.

If you’re able to make it, let us know in the comment section!  Looks like almost all of the DL contributors will be in attendance!

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Happy Hanukkah!

Filed in Delaware by on December 8, 2012 2 Comments
Happy Hanukkah!

Happy Hanukkah to all our Jewish friends! The Pandora household is heading over to a friend’s house tonight for the lighting of the first candle and potato latkes!  Can’t wait!

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Conservatives Are “Gonna Get Medieval On Your Ass”

Filed in National by on December 7, 2012 15 Comments

Attention, True Patriots! Are you tired of living among liberals? Do you believe the collapse of the USA will happen any day and you’ll be trapped in your cul de sac, unable to maneuver you SUV around all the “hungry, diseased souls” who will try to steal your liberty? Can you prove you can shoot a gun, and would like to live in a castle where everyone 13 and older is armed? Do you not only long for the good old days, but the really awesome Medieval days? If so, there’s a place for you!

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My Close Encounter With A December 21, 2012 Believer

Filed in Delaware by on December 6, 2012 33 Comments

It was supposed to be a relaxing evening catching up with what’s been going on in our lives over wine and my awesome cucumber, basil and peanut Thai salad, but that isn’t the way it turned out.

For a solid two hours I listened to my friend go on about the upcoming “Enlightenment” that would occur on 12/21/12. I’m sorry to admit that the word “crazy” left my mouth far too often last night, and that feelings might have been hurt, but… there simply isn’t another word for this stuff. It’s crazy.

Don’t believe me? Here’s a list of what I was told last night. This is going to be a bit of a mess since the conversation jumped all over the place. But here are the key points…..

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Raising The Medicare Age Has Insurance Companies Saying, “Whoa”

Filed in National by on December 6, 2012 5 Comments

Like we couldn’t see this coming.

The possibility that Democratic and Republican leaders will agree to slowly increase the Medicare eligibility age to 67 is creating strange bedfellows: liberals — both in and out of Congress — and the health insurance industry.

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Delaware Liberal’s Holiday Extravaganza

Filed in National by on December 5, 2012 23 Comments

I had actually forgotten about our yearly holiday extravaganza, but, luckily, commenter Dave sent me an email asking if I could put up a post on Random Acts of Kindness performed by DL’s readership this holiday season.  Use the thread below to share your random acts of kindness (Bet you guys have some great ideas!) […]

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College Dorms For Young Guns

Filed in National by on December 5, 2012 15 Comments

I am probably going to regret writing a gun post, but… here goes.

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Governor Jan Brewer – MIA

Filed in National by on December 4, 2012 14 Comments

Gov. Jan Brewer has taken a nearly week-long out-of-state work trip that was shrouded in secrecy Monday as she skipped an event to certify election ballots and her spokesman refused to disclose her location.

Brewer spokesman Matthew Benson said in a brief email to The Associated Press that Brewer was unavailable to participate in the general election canvass Monday morning because she was out of the state on official business.

“That is all I can disclose at this time,” Benson added.

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Boehner Is Weak

Filed in National by on December 4, 2012 8 Comments

John Boehner will probably go down as one of the weakest Speaker of the House in history.  He has absolutely no control of his caucus.  Altho… the most you can be sure of when trying to organize crazy people is that if you put sticks in their hands they’ll trash the place.

So Boehner, who can’t save himself, expects to be saved by President Obama.  Republican Leadership is an oxymoron. 

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Here We Go Again

Filed in National by on November 30, 2012 6 Comments

Florida has a problem.

On Friday night, gun collector Michael David Dunn pulled his sedan up next to the SUV in which the unarmed 17-year-old Jordan Davis sat with his three friends at a Jacksonville, Florida, gas station. Dunn, 45, allegedly asked them to turn down their loud music. According to the Orlando Sentinel, that provoked an argument with Jordan and his friends:

Jordan and Dunn exchanged words, and Dunn pulled a gun and shot eight or nine times, striking Jordan twice, [Jacksonville sheriff’s Lt. Rob] Schoonover said. Jordan was sitting in the back seat. No one else was hurt.

Jordan died that night in his friend’s arms. Jordan’s father, Ron, later called Dunn a “coward” for shooting at the teens.

Guess what law Dunn is citing? You guessed it – Stand Your Ground.

Here is another case where the shooter initiated the confrontation and now says he feared for his life. If he viewed the teenagers as dangerous why would he confront them? That’s a serious question.

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