
A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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Unemployment Drops Below 8%

Filed in National by on October 5, 2012 40 Comments

Good News! The U.S. economy added 114,000 jobs in September, with the unemployment rate falling from 8.1% to 7.8%, according to the Bureau of Labor and Statistics.

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Obama Raises $150 Million In September

Filed in National by on October 4, 2012 6 Comments

President Obama’s campaign set a monthly record for the 2012 cycle in September, hauling in $150 million, according to the Wall Street Journal.

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Not The Behavior Of A Winning Team

Filed in National by on October 4, 2012 10 Comments

Watch the video inside and tell me what Sununu hopes to accomplish. Seriously, what’s the point?  Oh, I get the big ol’ dog whistle, but what I don’t get is why Sununu would go down this path after a supposed victory?  These are not the words of winners.

Maybe, he just didn’t want to be outdone by his buddy Newt.

“[Obama] really is like the substitute [National Football League] referees in the sense that he’s not a real president,” Gingrich told Greta Van Susteren on Fox News Tuesday night. “He doesn’t do anything that presidents do, he doesn’t worry about any of the things the presidents do, but he has the White House, he has enormous power, and he’ll go down in history as the president, and I suspect that he’s pretty contemptuous of the rest of us.”

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Let’s Discuss The Debate

Filed in National by on October 4, 2012 9 Comments

Obama seemed distracted last night, and everyone can feel free to list their reasons why.  He missed several openings to hit Romney, but that’s hardly new for Obama.  He’s not a debater – go back and watch his debates against Hillary Clinton.  The best you can say about Obama is that he did no harm.  So was I thrilled with Obama’s style last night?  No.  He lost on style, but there’s two parts to a debate and the second one is substance.  (More on that in a minute)  What Obama did do was deny Mitt Romney a debate ad clip.  There was no gotcha moment for Mitt to seize upon. But if Mitt walks away with no ad clips Obama walks away with a ton. Which brings us to substance.

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Tucker Carlson Is An Embarrassment

Filed in National by on October 3, 2012 7 Comments

“All that Carlson did is clip it to get an “angry black man” in the minds of Americans. It’s at once one of the most desperate and lame and vile plays of the race card I can remember – an obvious recognition that the 47 percent tape can only really be countered emotionally with race-baiting. […] Carlson used to be a brilliant writer. He’s now a racist demagogue. He’s a story in one person of how degenerate and disgusting much of American “conservatism” has become.”

This is all they’ve got left, folks.  Expect more of this: Breaking News!  Obama is an angry black man! I had actually hoped we’d moved beyond this crap.  Silly me.

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How Many Coming Out Parties Does Mitt Romney Need?

Filed in National by on October 2, 2012 1 Comment

Again?  Seriously? Another Debutante Ball? Romney’s advisers have a simple strategy: They want their candidate to balance his finely tuned arguments with personal warmth. Since Romney is a reserved man, his advisers acknowledge that it will be difficult for him to endear himself to the country, especially under the hot studio lights. But they consider […]

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The Party That Cried Wolf

Filed in National by on October 2, 2012 7 Comments

So I read this today… American Crossroads and its affiliate Crossroads GPS are going up today with their biggest paid media push so far in the 2012 cycle, with a $16 million one-week buy on TV and radio in eight presidential battlegrounds and four Senate contests, POLITICO has learned. On the presidential level, American Crossroads […]

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Romney Relying On… Zingers?

Filed in National by on October 1, 2012 19 Comments

First, I have trouble envisioning Mitt Romney delivering a zinger.  Zingers work when they flow naturally.  Zingers work when your opponent plays the straight man/woman and gives you the opening.  They do not work when forced.  They do not work when you look for, or make-up, an excuse to use them. And zingers alone won’t […]

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Romney Feeds His Own Negative Narrative On A Daily Basis

Filed in National by on September 28, 2012 15 Comments

I really have never seen anything like the Romney campaign.  Disaster is too mild a word.  If there’s a misstep to be made, Romney makes it.

And every single error, misstep, gaffe Romney makes confirms what the Obama Campaign has been saying all along. That’s why the attacks/criticisms against Romney are resonating.

Romney’s hopelessly out of touch with average people – his social awkwardness (if you haven’t seen Romney trying to get the crowd to chant his name here it is) isn’t the least bit endearing; it’s jaw-droppingly shocking.  Romney’s compassion for people resembles a profit/loss analysis – there are simply groups (a whopping 47%) of people he’s willing to write off.  And it’s funny that a man who lacks compassion for the poor is resolute about humanizing corporations.

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NSFW: Samuel L. Jackson Says, “Wake The F Up”

Filed in National by on September 27, 2012 5 Comments

This is brilliant! [youtube][/youtube]

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Could Someone Tell Me Why Scott Brown Thinks This Is A Winning Strategy?

Filed in National by on September 25, 2012 18 Comments

Scott Brown keeps hammering Elizabeth Warren’s Native American claim. And I mean hammering. Here’s the thing. Yeah, it’s embarrassing, but is that really all he’s got? He brings it up constantly, and I’m not sure why. Is there a large Native American vote he’s wooing? 😉 Seems to me this line of attack isn’t going to change many votes, and yet it’s almost all you hear about when Scott Brown speaks. Sure, take the shot, toss it in occasionally, but building your entire campaign around it? I just don’t get it.

Brown is obviously very offended by Warren’s Native American claim, but then his campaign goes and does this:

Staffers for Sen. Scott Brown (R-MA) reportedly participated in war-whoop sounds and “tomahawk chop” gestures at supporters of Democratic challenger Elizabeth Warren, mocking Warren’s claimed Native American ancestry.

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Obama’s 47% Ad

Filed in National by on September 24, 2012 6 Comments

This ad hits every note by linking Romney’s 47% statement on taxes to his own, not yet released, taxes. [youtube][/youtube]

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Romney: Rules Are For The Help

Filed in National by on September 23, 2012 0 Comments

Via BuzzFeed:

Mitt Romney’s campaign took a hard line with the Spanish-language network Univision, making last-minute demands in the run-up to last week’s town hall that helped insure his success in the forum, sources familiar with the broadcast told BuzzFeed.

When the Republican took his place Wednesday night in the first of two back-to-back candidate forums televised on the mega-network, he was greeted by an adoring, raucous crowd that cheered his every word, and booed many of the moderators’ questions. The next night, President Obama was treated to stone cold silence from the audience as he was aggressively grilled on his lackluster immigration record.

That’s quite a different audience response.  Wonder why?  Perhaps it had to do with this:  “they (the Romney Campaign) told the network and university that if they weren’t given an exemption to the students-only rule, they might have to “reschedule.” Or… Nice show you have scheduled.  It would be shame if something happened to it. 

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