
A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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We, Especially Young Men, Are Driving Less

Filed in Delaware, National by on July 5, 2012 19 Comments

I have witnessed this phenomenon first hand.  When my brother and I turned 16 we couldn’t wait to drive – and drive we did.  When my son got his license… shrug.  He didn’t want to drive.  Worse, he only drives if I make him.  My nephew is staying with us for the summer.  He’s sixteen, and guess what?  He has no interest in driving.

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Mitt Romney’s Such A Prankster

Filed in National by on June 17, 2012 2 Comments
Mitt Romney’s Such A Prankster

He’s just not funny or clever, but he thinks he is. Weatherly, Pennsylvania (CNN) – Mitt Romney, known as a fan and perpetrator of practical jokes, left a note for reporters covering his multi-state bus tour on Saturday. This is what passes for Mitt humor: Sad.

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How To Remove A Tea Partier

Filed in National by on June 14, 2012 4 Comments

Like a good Tea Partier, Wagner voted against every single appropriation of money put forward by the legislature, including a bill that arrived on Governor Brian Schweitzer’s desk last April which contained grant money for local communities (including Wagner’s district), for things like sewer upgrades, fire department repairs, and the like.

Schweitzer–who is known to enjoy mixing it up with right-wingers–saw an angle. He noticed that Wagner had voted against the bill. So, Schweitzer used his “line item veto” power and selectively crossed out the funds that would have gone to Wagner’s district. Schweitzer did this to several legislators who voted against the grant billl. Schweitzer said that it was logical to assume that if Wagner and others voted against the bill, then their constituents must not have expressed much interest in getting the money.

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Zimmerman’s Bond Revoked – Headed Back To Jail

Filed in National by on June 1, 2012 17 Comments

Via CNN: (CNN) — A Florida judge revoked bond Friday for George Zimmerman, who is charged with second-degree murder in the death of Trayvon Martin. Seminole County Circuit Court Judge Kenneth Lester Jr. ordered Zimmerman to surrender within 48 hours. Lester accused Zimmerman of having misrepresented how much money he had when his bond was […]

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UPDATED: Moving School Board Elections To The General

Filed in Delaware by on May 31, 2012 51 Comments
UPDATED: Moving School Board Elections To The General

After this last school board election I think I’m ready for this. There is draft legislation, sponsored by Rep. Longhurst, that would align public school board elections with general elections.

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Kilroy And Transparent Christina On WDEL Now!

Filed in Delaware by on May 30, 2012 3 Comments

Kilroy and Transparent Christina will be on the Rick Jensen show at 3pm.  Tune in!

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Another Teachable Sexism Moment

Filed in National by on May 24, 2012 34 Comments

This has to stop. More than that, it has to be forcibly denounced by everyone. If you don’t get why this is so very, very wrong, please turn in your Progressive card. This sort of behavior is abhorrent on every level, and my heart breaks for Ms. Cupp. This image exists. It doesn’t matter that it’s PhotoShopped. It exists, and will be sent across the internet. Can you imagine how Ms. Cupp feels (how you would feel) knowing that her friends and family will see such a thing, an image that will never go away? I’m not a lawyer, but I hope she’s able to sue Larry Flynt for every penny he’s worth.

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50 Shades Of Agony

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on May 23, 2012 15 Comments

It’s rare that I don’t finish a book, but I just couldn’t make it through the latest sensation 50 Shades of Grey.

Before I get into my review of a book I didn’t finish, let me tell you that I’m a sucker for a good, steamy romance.  After a day of pouring over political articles and listening to pundits I love to be swept away in romantic fantasy.  There.  That’s my confession… and guilty pleasure.

Moving on… I heard about the book from my mother (who hasn’t read it, but had heard about the hoopla) who knew I indulged in the genre.  Out of curiosity I downloaded the book to my Kindle.   I tried to read it, and in my defense I don’t expect romance novels to be great literature, but… Oh. My. God.  What I read of this book was terrible.  Poorly written, poorly edited, and with a heroine no one but Twilight fans could relate to.

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Republican Super PAC Threatens To Put Religion On The Table

Filed in National by on May 17, 2012 18 Comments

My first thought is… are they seriously considering putting religion front and center?  That strikes me as politically nuts since the last thing Romney obviously wants to discuss is his Mormonism – Hell, he can’t even refer to his religion by name!  And if this PAC goes down the religion road then I’d expect Romney’s religion would suddenly become fair game… and he’d end up not only uttering the word Mormon, but explaining its tenets to his Real Christian base.

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School Board Elections… A Postmortem

Filed in National by on May 9, 2012 27 Comments

I’m tempted to copy and paste my previous post My Thoughts On Tomorrow’s School Board Election because I think I actually nailed it.  Here are several points from that post that I believe explain what happened. I’m not sure what to say about the candidates running for school board since they’ve become an afterthought in […]

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UPDATED: School Board Election Results – Voices 4 Delaware Loses

Filed in Delaware by on May 8, 2012 20 Comments

Shirley Sutton Saffer wins in Christina and Kenny Rivera wins in Red Clay.

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School Board Election Today – VOTE

Filed in Delaware by on May 8, 2012 14 Comments

Here’s my assignment for you… Call a friend or neighbor and get them to vote today. You can find my thoughts/posts on the School Board elections here, here, here and here. For information on who can vote and where to vote click here. I still haven’t figured out exactly why School Board elections have become such a hot ticket item – I just know that this year they are. Our votes will matter. No excuses. Go Vote!

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My Thoughts On Tomorrow’s School Board Elections

Filed in National by on May 7, 2012 26 Comments

I’m not sure what to say about the candidates running for school board since they’ve become an afterthought in this election.  The main player in this election is Voices 4 Delaware.  Not because of the money, but because of the tone and their failure to understand school board elections.  They have cast themselves as Citizens […]

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