
A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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Questions That Need To Be Answered In The Trayvon Martin Case

Filed in National by on March 27, 2012 13 Comments

It wasn’t until Trayvon’s father, Tracy Martin, called to file a missing-persons report on Feb. 27 that police went to his fiancee’s house with pictures of his son’s dead body. News reports have said that Trayvon’s body was tagged as a John Doe. But the “Partial Report Only” that was completed at 3:07 a.m. on Feb. 27 lists Trayvon’s full name, city of birth, address and phone number. How did police get that information? Was Trayvon carrying identification? Did police try to contact that home number?

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Let The Smearing Begin: Trayvon Martin’s Suspension

Filed in National by on March 26, 2012 5 Comments

Via Miami Herald:

Miami Gardens teenager Trayvon Martin was suspended from school because he was caught with an empty plastic bag with traces of marijuana in it, the boy’s family attorney has confirmed.

Marijuana and a hoodie! Oh well then… kill him.

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Katniss Everdeen Is No Bella Swan

Filed in Delaware, National by on March 26, 2012 14 Comments

Before I get into this allow me to tell everyone what I tell my kids – The book is always better than the movie! That said, I am thrilled with Katniss Everdeen! Katniss is a strong, consistent in her actions, smart hero. You can’t help but root for her. And go ahead and cheer, because Katniss Everdeen won’t let you down. There is no damsel in distress moment, no need to be rescued for stupid, reckless behavior. Not one.

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NRO: Women Using Birth Control and Family Planning are Part of a “Suicide Cult”

Filed in National by on March 26, 2012 7 Comments

I normally don’t visit the Crazy Corner (Yes, that is a link to crazy town, so consider yourself warned), but this article exposes the Conservative mindset vividly. Michael Walsh is counting the numbers in a them vs us game and is panicked that his side is losing. That’s really all this article is about – women deciding when to have children is a dangerous thing we need to stop, feminists have secretly formed a suicide pact to wipe out civilization, and the browning of the world population.

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A Picture Says A Thousand Words

Filed in National by on March 24, 2012 36 Comments
A Picture Says A Thousand Words

Powerful. Miami Heat players came together and put their hoodies up for Trayvon. (LeBron James tweeted and Facebooked the picture.)

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It’s Friday Afternoon – Have Purchased Your Hunger Game Tickets Yet?

Filed in Delaware by on March 23, 2012 28 Comments

First, you should know that I’m the most unreasonable mother on the earth.  Why?  I wouldn’t let my 14 year old daughter attend the midnight premiere of the Hunger Games last night.  Now, since everyone went last night she’s stuck going with us on Saturday. Truthfully, she was disappointed and had trouble understanding why we […]

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President Obama Speaks On The Trayvon Martin Case

Filed in National by on March 23, 2012 55 Comments

At a news conference today, President Obama was asked about the Trayvon Martin Case. His response is inside.

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BREAKING: Sanford Police Chief Steps Aside “Temporarily!”

Filed in National by on March 22, 2012 7 Comments

I was going to wait and post this, but then I thought some of you might not be aware of the press conference and may want to watch at 3:30. I will update this post during and after the press conference. If you haven’t heard, yesterday the Sanford City Commission passed a motion of “no confidence” for Sanford Police Chief Bill Lee.

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Pro-Life Female Republican Senator Breaks With GOP, Sides With Planned Parenthood

Filed in National by on March 22, 2012 3 Comments

Uh oh. Looks like there’s a crack forming in the ranks of the GOP.

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Make The Time To Watch This Video

Filed in National by on March 22, 2012 4 Comments

Rachel Maddow goes there: “Mitt Romney is a liar.” BTW, he is. Click through to watch.

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Social Media Is Driving Issues… And Getting Results

Filed in National by on March 22, 2012 6 Comments

What do Komen, Rush Limbaugh and the Trayvon Martin Case have in common? All of them can thank (or blame) social media for their current situations.

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Calls For Sanford Police Chief To Resign Over Trayvon Martin Case

Filed in National by on March 21, 2012 8 Comments

Police chief Bill Lee, of Sanford police, has insisted he carried out a “fair and thorough” investigation of the killing and that he cannot arrest George Zimmerman because he has told police he shot the teenager in self-defence and there was no evidence to contradict his account.

A thorough investigation? Not a chance. No evidence to contradict Zimmerman’s account? Well, if you don’t look for or gather evidence then there won’t be evidence, now will there? Gross incompetence of the Sanford Police would be a generous description at this point. Let’s look at what the Sanford Police didn’t do.

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It Appears I’m Not Alone In Not Forgiving Komen

Filed in National by on March 21, 2012 3 Comments

A Komen insider told HuffPost that “employee morale is in the toilet” since Komen leadership made the controversial decision to defund Planned Parenthood, one of the nation’s most prominent women’s health and family planning organizations. The move was led by anti-abortion executive Karen Handel, then Komen’s senior vice president for public policy, who has since resigned.

“Brinker in complete meltdown,” the source wrote to HuffPost. “People want her to resign but she won’t.”

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