
A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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Don’t Forget! Red Clay Referendum Vote Today

Filed in National by on February 28, 2012 2 Comments

I have no idea how this will turn out. Here’s the basic info on who can vote and where you can vote. I’d like to take a moment to thank everyone for reading and commenting on my posts over the last several weeks. Your comments were interesting, thought provoking and informed! I learned a lot. Thanks!

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Red Clay Referendum Tomorrow

Filed in National by on February 27, 2012 2 Comments

Everything I’ve written has all been leading up to tomorrow’s referendum. Info on where to vote can be found at The Friends of Red Clay (Red Clay’s SuperPac?) referendum site. For those that want to catch up or review, click inside for links to my past posts.

But an education post wouldn’t be complete without linking to Kilroy‘s post “Red Clay’s political bedfellows take a hand at pouring Kool-Aid – which points us to the News Journal’s editorial by Fred C. Sears II, president and CEO of the Delaware Community Foundation and Karen L. Morris, managing partner of Morris and Morris LLC.

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A Comment At Kilroy’s Sparks Another Education Post

Filed in Delaware by on February 25, 2012 9 Comments

I’ll post the original comment from commenter, Deliberate_1, first and then my reply. Click inside to read it. After reading this yesterday my head was spinning. First, this guy is really angry and defensive. I almost didn’t respond, but then Cassandra came over last night and we got to talking. What follows is what we discussed – a mind meld of pandora and cassandra. Pull up a chair, this is going to take a while.

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Education Segregation: Delaware Black Caucus Threatens To Sue

Filed in National by on February 24, 2012 43 Comments

While Race to the Top may be the trigger, the re-segregation of our schools was well underway long before RTTT with the help of Choice, Neighborhood School’s Law, and Charters. Jea Street spells it out: “The new millennium term is ‘charter school’ and ‘choice school. I call it segregation. There are black charter schools and there are predominantly white charter schools. You can call it what you want, but it is what it is.”

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Update: Red Clay Board Member, Kim Williams, Replies To Jack Wells

Filed in Delaware by on February 23, 2012 13 Comments

I was actually stunned to find this response in my email this morning. Once again it was copied to everyone.

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The Republican Female Problem

Filed in National by on February 23, 2012 3 Comments
The Republican Female Problem

Welcome to 2012 – The Year of the Women. And women are furious. And while Romney may have won last night’s debate, he’s losing women. Take a look inside at a chart from TPM. Look what happened to Romney’s favorability among women once the contraception debate entered the discussion. And make no mistake, this is a debate about contraception. Oh, Republicans are trying to make this about religion, but that’s not going to fly. Why? Because it’s a lie.

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I Forgot About The Republican Debate

Filed in National by on February 22, 2012 12 Comments

Just turned it on in time for a question about contraception. The audience booed and howled. Mitt and Newt got all self-righteous. Then Newt asked the moderator why Barack Obama, in 2008, wasn’t asked about his support of infanticide. Oh my! They really have no shame.

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School Choice By District, Or One Of These Districts Is Not Like The Other

Filed in Delaware by on February 22, 2012 43 Comments

When it comes to Choice the Red Clay Consolidated School District wins. Take a look at these numbers:

Red Clay:

# of Students in District: 15,954

Total Choice Students: 4946


# of Students in District: 17,190

Total Choice Students: 1409


# of Students in District: 10,657

Total Choice Students: 1982


# of Students in District: 9,925

Total Choice Students: 296

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Jack Wells Questions Red Clay

Filed in National by on February 22, 2012 11 Comments

If you aren’t on Jack Wells’ email list, I’m surprised – since everyone seems to be on this list! But if you’re not… welcome to dueling emails. It begins with the one Mr. Wells sent to Red Clay on its hiring practices. Ms. Floore, the CFO of Red Clay responds.

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Red Clay’s Referendum Meeting At Highlands

Filed in National by on February 17, 2012 12 Comments

First, no referendum PowerPoint, just straight to the talk. Which was fine with me. The superintendent, Merv Daugherty, began with opening statements, in which his point was… I’m not sure. He’s proud of our all schools. His door is always open. Everyone has his phone number and we can call him any time. Okay, standard speech given at all schools.

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Romney Won’t Participate In Pre-Super Tuesday Debate

Filed in National by on February 16, 2012 8 Comments

Mitt Romney will not participate in the Republican presidential primary debate on March 1 in Georgia. ”Governor Romney will be spending a lot of time campaigning in Georgia and Ohio ahead of Super Tuesday,” Romney spokeswoman Andrea Saul emails. “With eight other states voting on March 6th, we will be campaigning in other parts of the country and unable to schedule the CNN Georgia debate. We have participated in 20 debates, including 8 from CNN.”

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There’s A Name For Forced Penetration Of A Women Without Her Consent

Filed in National by on February 16, 2012 12 Comments

The Republican war on women – and it is a war – has moved on to the next, but certainly not last, step in Virginia.

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Rick Jensen Interviews Red Clay Officials On Referendum

Filed in National by on February 15, 2012 24 Comments

Kilroy live-blogged the show. Go over to his place and read the whole thing!

Before I get into what was said during the interview let me say that it looks like we’ve found a tax increase that Rick Jensen supports.

According to Kilroy, when Red Clay was asked about building a school in the city, rather than the suburbs, their answer was to cite the number of Charter Schools that opened in the city. Seriously? Charter Schools are not Red Clay schools, and that statement sounded as if RCCD was saying, “We don’t need to consider our city residents since, if they aren’t happy with our RCCD schools, they can leave our traditional public schools and go to Charter schools.

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