
A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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Ignite Wilmington Tonight

Filed in Delaware by on April 7, 2011 9 Comments

There’s still time to buy tickets! Ignite Wilmington is a night of presentations with a twist. Presenting on a subject of their choice, speakers have exactly five minutes to teach something, enlighten us, or simply inspire—backed by twenty slides auto-advancing every fifteen seconds. Quick, fun, and smart, Ignite sells out the largest venues in Wilmington. […]

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Blaming Teenage Girls – It’s All The Rage!

Filed in National by on April 6, 2011 27 Comments

Jennifer Moses is conflicted. All of which brings me to a question: Why do so many of us not only permit our teenage daughters to dress like this—like prostitutes, if we’re being honest with ourselves—but pay for them to do it with our AmEx cards? Gee, I don’t know, Jennifer.  Why are you okay with […]

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A View On The Republican Presidential Candidates

Filed in National by on March 30, 2011 3 Comments

Joe Klein: “I have never before seen such a bunch of vile, desperate-to-please, shameless, embarrassing losers coagulated under a single party’s banner. They are the most compelling argument I’ve seen against American exceptionalism.”

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Sussex County Angel Weighs In On The Basketball Net Saga, And Crosses A Big Line

Filed in Delaware by on March 28, 2011 39 Comments

Sussex County Angel has put up a post titled Government Gone Wild! DelDOT Workers Take Toys From Children?, and she crosses a line.

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Filed in National by on March 28, 2011 10 Comments

I’m honestly shocked that Republicans are going after the AARP… given that they cannot win anything without seniors.

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Time To Make A Call – 5 Reasons To Call Your AG Tomorrow

Filed in Delaware by on March 28, 2011 6 Comments

Tomorrow is the day where you and thousands of people will call our Attorneys General to demand a strong settlement against the big banks. Why is your phone call so important?

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A Tale Of Two Republicans

Filed in Delaware by on March 25, 2011 27 Comments

Currently there are two posts on the blogoshere written by Delaware Republicans.  Over at TommyWonk, Michael Stafford lays out why religious beliefs and science are compatible.  He states, correctly, that in order to understand the Right’s anti-science stance one must understand that it’s rooted in religion – and not a particularly deep religion. As a […]

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Rand Paul Is Ready To Move On To Bigger And Better Things

Filed in National by on March 22, 2011 13 Comments

OMG! Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., visited Charleston Monday to talk about his possible presidential bid, how to rein in the national debt and the current military action in Libya. Paul, a tea party favorite who won his Senate seat last fall, is visiting several early presidential voting states independently of his father, 2008 presidential contender […]

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Intelligent Design Is Not Science

Filed in Science and Health by on March 20, 2011 11 Comments

Read this statement: The measure from Republican state Rep. Bill Zedler would block higher education institutions from discriminating against or penalizing teachers or students based on their research into intelligent design or other theories that disagree with evolution. Zedler said he filed the bill because of cases in which colleges had been hostile to those […]

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Wisconsin Dems Set Up Offices With A View

Filed in National by on March 3, 2011 17 Comments

Via TPM: Access to the state Capitol building in Wisconsin has now been heavily restricted, so some Democrats are providing a solution to members of the public who can’t get to assembly members’ offices: They’re bringing their offices to them. “Obviously there was a court order to open this building and anybody with a brain […]

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Huckabee Tells A Lie – Which Will Become The Tea Party’s “Truth” In 5… 4… 3…

Filed in National by on March 1, 2011 24 Comments

I honestly expected honesty from a former preacher who constantly plays up how moral and religious he is. Mike Huckabee: During a radio appearance yesterday, Mike Huckabee repeatedly falsely claimed that President Obama grew up in Kenya. After questioning Obama’s purported secrecy about the birth certificate, radio host Steve Malzberg asked Huckabee if “we deserve […]

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On Dying

Filed in Delaware by on February 28, 2011 24 Comments

There is a difference between being told you have a terminal illness and being told you’re dying.  And between these two things is a big, gaping hole. I want to talk about that hole.  A year ago my best friend was told to get her affairs in order.  It was quite a blow.  As I […]

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Will Ron Sams Be Voted Out On February 16th?

Filed in Delaware by on February 10, 2011 6 Comments

Looks like this might just happen. As of February 3rd, “34 GOP Executive Committee members” had signed a petition asking Ron Sams to resign.  At the next GOP meeting (on February 16th) Ron Sams and the Vice Bryan Shupe will apparently not be present.  All interested parties may wish to attend to see what happens.  […]

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