tommywonk's Latest Posts
Wonky Wednesday: Delaware’s Energy Future Is on the Line
The Public Service Commission (PSC) held the first of three hearings on the Delmarva Power RFP last night in Dover. The hearings continue tonight and tomorrow night: Tonight at 7 p.m., Delaware Technical & Community College, Owens Campus theater, Georgetown Tomorrow night, March 8 at 7 p.m., Carvel State Office Building auditorium, 820 French St., […]
Wonky Wednesday: A Prediction
As part of the effort to keep the lights on while Jason takes a break, I will be posting here on Wednesdays. LiberalGeek suggested calling my contributions, “Wonky Wednesdays,” and I couldn’t think of anything better. In Delaware’s unique corner of the blogosphere, liberals and conservatives read and even link to each other. For instance, […]
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