Unstable Isotope
Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.
Unstable Isotope's Latest Posts
Frontrunner Romney

Mitt Romney is on a charm offensive. Offensive is definitely the right word here.
More Evidence For The GOP Meltdown
In the latest WSJ/NBC poll, the people who say the government should do more relative to people who say the government should do less has reversed from the 2010 election.
Ron Williams On Double Dippers
Ron Williams writes about an auditor’s report and AG opinion on “double dipping” by state legislators.
How Low Can We Go?
A SuperPAC called Right Turn USA has released a vile racist, sexist ad for the CA-36 special election.
Presidential Material
Michele Bachmann narrowly escaped having to talk to someone who disagreed with her.
Cathcart Has A New Job
Dick Cathcart is ready for a new challenge making less money, but he says it has nothing to do with the scandal he’s involved in.
Black Republican Leaves The GOP
In California, an African-American Republican activist leaves the party because of it’s appeals to racism.
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