Unstable Isotope

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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Thursday Open Thread

Filed in International, National by on October 29, 2009 29 Comments
Thursday Open Thread

Remember, tonight is Drinking Liberally: Death Panel Edition at the Homegrown Cafe in Newark, Delaware starting at 7 pm. Come in costume if you want to be judged by our very own death panel! Here’s a story that has been rocketing around the web – a young Canadian folk singer was killed by coyotes while […]

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House Health Care Bill Revealed

Filed in National by on October 29, 2009 31 Comments

Nancy Pelosi is holding a press conference to announce the House health care reform bill. The bill is called “The Affordable Health Care For America Act, ” H.R. 3962. Click through for a review of some key provisions.

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Filed in National by on October 29, 2009 8 Comments

This edition of the QotD is brought to you by Armstrong Williams. Do you remember Armstrong Williams? He was just one of the media figures secretly paid by the Bush administration to push Bush administration policies. In Williams’s case, he was paid $250K to promote “No Child Left Behind.”

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3rd Quarter GDP Grew 3.5%

Filed in National by on October 29, 2009 10 Comments

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Obama Makes Surprise Trip To Dover To Honor Fallen Troops

Filed in Delaware, International by on October 29, 2009 64 Comments

Last night President Obama made a surprise trip to Dover AFB to observe the ceremony honoring the Americans killed in Afghanistan on Monday. President Obama made an unscheduled, overnight trip to Dover Air Force Base in Delaware overnight to observe up close a “solemn dignified transfer movement,” the event which marks the return to the […]

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One Is The Loneliest Number

Filed in National by on October 28, 2009 14 Comments

A very interesting thing happened at a Senate hearing this week that hasn’t gotten much attention, but should. Several Republican senators disagreed with climate science denier-conspiracist Jim Inhofe on the science of global climate change: It must be very lonely being the last flat-earther. Sen. Jim Inhofe of Oklahoma, committed climate-change denier, found himself in […]

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Wednesday Open Thread

Filed in National by on October 28, 2009 20 Comments

It’s time for your open thread of the day. Can I ask a question? Are the open threads working for you? We’re about 2 months into this experiment and it seems like the community likes them. What can we do to make them better? Here’s another discussion starter – Newt making some sense (discussing the […]

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Because It’s Irresponsible Not To…

Filed in National by on October 28, 2009 20 Comments

We’ve spent a lot of time discussing the Castle/Biden race but what about the other big race in Delaware – the U.S. House race. More specifically – who is the shallow bench going to sacrifice run against John Carney? Let’s examine the bench. First, here are the elected Republican officials: State Auditor Tom Wagner Senator […]

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F U Joe Lieberman

Filed in National by on October 27, 2009 27 Comments
F U Joe Lieberman

Joe Lieberman announces that he may filibuster the health care reform bill with the Republicans because he doesn’t like it: “I told Senator Reid that I’m strongly inclined–i haven’t totally decided, but I’m strongly inclined–to vote to proceed to the health care debate, even though I don’t support the bill that he’s bringing together because […]

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The Wise Antonin Scalia Speaks

Filed in National by on October 27, 2009 15 Comments

Supreme Court Justice and model for Republican judges Antonin Scalia: In an appearance at the University of Arizona, Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia “said he likely would have dissented from the historic 1954 Brown v. Board of Education decision that declared school segregation illegal and struck down the system of ‘separate but equal’; public schools,” […]

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Tuesday Open Thread

Filed in National by on October 27, 2009 47 Comments

What is there to look forward to on a Tuesday? A fresh, shiny new open thread that’s what. Also, Drinking Liberally on Thursday at the Homegrown Cafe in Newark! Republican economist Bruce Bartlett has advice for the Republicans, not that they’ll take it. The advice is that the economy needs spending, not cuts: According to […]

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The GOP Health Care Plan

Filed in National by on October 27, 2009 22 Comments

Rep. Paul Broun (R-GA) has introduced a new bill to fix Medicare. He wants to privatize it: In an attempt to reclaim the right’s rich tradition of opposing Medicare, Rep. Paul Broun (R-GA) has proposed legislation that would roll back the Medicare system and replace it with a system of vouchers that seniors could use […]

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Health Care Reform: The Day After

Filed in National by on October 27, 2009 5 Comments

Well, it’s one day after Harry Reid’s big announcement that the Senate bill would include the opt-out public option. The next big thing is ironing out the details of each bill in the House and the Senate. Democrats are taking a look at some details and proposing some changes, most notably speeding up implementation of […]

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