Unstable Isotope

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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Breaking: Appeals Court Denies Delaware’s Appeal

Filed in Delaware by on September 29, 2009 13 Comments

This just in from the News Journal: The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit today denied Delaware’s petition for a hearing on its bid to offer sports betting on the outcome of fewer than three National Football League games. A three-judge panel of the appeals court in Philadelphia ruled last month that Delaware’s […]

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Comment Rescue – Call Carper’s Office Today

Filed in Delaware, National by on September 29, 2009 3 Comments

John Manifold reminded us yesterday – we need to call Carper’s office today. Today the SFC will be debating several amendments relating to the public option. Carper is considered one of the Senators on the bubble, so calling him to tell him what you want is crucial. Bob Reich says Tuesday is the day to […]

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Glenn Beck’s Ten Worst List

Filed in National by on September 29, 2009 14 Comments

Glenn Beck is obviously a deep thinker. In his new book, Arguing With Himself Idiots he furiously whacks at strawmen, teaching the “idiot” about what the founders really meant. September 22 brought us the release of Beck’s second book of 2009, the ironically titled Arguing with Idiots. In it, Beck is engaged in an ongoing […]

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Monday Open Thread

Filed in National by on September 28, 2009 13 Comments

OK admit it – how many people’s brains are still working in weekend mode? Chat away. Here’s something that caught my attention: A new 60 Minutes/Vanity Fair Poll was released late yesterday, with a variety of quirky questions. CBS News described the poll as intended to be “topical, fun, amusing, illuminating and most importantly, interesting.” […]

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These Laws Only Apply To The Little People

Filed in National by on September 28, 2009 14 Comments

I don’t know how many people have been following the Roman Polanski case this weekend. Roman Polanski, who has been a fugitive from the U.S. for 30 years, was arrested in Switzerland this weekend. The U.S. and Switzerland have an extradition agreement. I find this case particularly infuriating because not only has the media shown […]

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ACORN Filmmaker O’Keefe’s Other Videos

Filed in National by on September 28, 2009 12 Comments

The Village Voice did some investigation of supposedly independent filmmaker James O’Keefe (of ACORN pimp and prostitute fame) and found that contrary to what O’Keefe has said that he is a wingnut welfare recipient. James O’Keefe, the activist filmmaker who achieved sudden fame for a series of undercover videos recording ACORN workers, has repeatedly said […]

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Conservative Icon William Safire Has Died

Filed in National by on September 27, 2009 12 Comments

Conservative icon William Safire died today, according to the New York Times. My condolences to his friends and family. William Safire hardly ever said anything I agreed with, but his wit and style makes him stand out. Safire coined the phrase “nattering nabobs of negativism” among others and had a long-running column on language and […]

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Weekend Open Thread

Filed in International by on September 26, 2009 9 Comments
Weekend Open Thread

A hidden treasure version of your open thread for your weekend. An unemployed amateur treasure hunter found the largest find of Anglo-Saxon treasure ever found. Amazing photos at the link! Full story I would totally wear that! This is totally cool. There’s a website called The Museum of Animal Perspectives. Here’s the armadillo cam:

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More Becklash: This Time From All Sides

Filed in National by on September 26, 2009 10 Comments
More Becklash: This Time From All Sides

As we discussed yesterday Glenn Beck has been getting a lot of media attention lately. He’s got a new book coming out, with a book cover that is just unbelievable: Glenn Beck went on CBS News and was interviewed by Katie Couric (is Katie Couric the right wing’s favorite interviewer?) and she asked him to […]

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More Details Emerge In The Census Worker’s Death

Filed in National by on September 26, 2009 2 Comments

The authorities aren’t talking but the death of U.S. Census worker Bill Sparkman is looking increasingly like a homicide. We still don’t know the motives of the killer(s) but anti-government sentiment of some kind must be involved. There are some details when you click on the link.

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Compassionate Conservatism

Filed in National by on September 25, 2009 16 Comments

Excuse my language, but John Kyl is an asshole.

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Friday Open Thread

Filed in National by on September 25, 2009 12 Comments

TGIF! Here is a good way to start your weekend – a hilarious post called the “Balloon Juice Lexicon.” It’s really a dictionary of sorts of leftie blogosphere terms, some specific to Balloon Juice. Here’s a couple of my favorites: Center-right nation – A frequent refrain among right-leaning commenters that successfully penetrated mainstream opinion leaders […]

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A Conservative Becklash?

Filed in National by on September 25, 2009 30 Comments

Is there a backlash brewing against Glenn Beck by other conservatives? Steve Benen documents the details: On Tuesday, MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough blasted Beck, and argued that the Fox News personality may be fomenting violence. “You cannot preach hatred,” Scarborough said. “You cannot say the president is racist. You cannot say things that have very deadly […]

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