Unstable Isotope

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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Jon Stewart Rips Apart Health Care Misinformer

Filed in National by on August 21, 2009 18 Comments

I don’t know how many of you know who Betsy McCaughey is, but she is very influential in Republican health care politics: Back in the early 1990’s, Betsy McCaughey wrote “No Exit,” an article for The New Republic on the Clinton administration’s healthcare reform plan. The piece was filled with falsehoods — so many, in […]

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Another Member Of The Republican Brain Trust Speaks

Filed in National by on August 21, 2009 14 Comments

TPM has a video of Senator “Diaper” David Vitter (R-LA) being asked by a constituent about his support for drug reimportation from Canada. Republicans have spent many months describing Canada as a socialist hellhole, so why would Vitter support using the lower prices that Canada’s system is able to negotiate from pharmaceutical companies? Vitter’s answer? […]

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Afternoon Open Thread

Filed in Delaware by on August 20, 2009 59 Comments

Is there something on your mind? Here’s some stories that have caught my attention. This is the scandal that will ruin Obama’s presidency for good! Michelle Obama wore shorts! (I know, some people have nothing better to do.) I’m all for compassion but I don’t understand this decision: Scotland freed the terminally ill Lockerbie bomber […]

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Is This A Bad Sign?

Filed in National by on August 20, 2009 25 Comments

Senator Kennedy has asked the state of Massachusetts to re-examine its law to fill a vacancy in a Senate seat: A cancer-stricken Sen. Edward M. Kennedy has asked Massachusetts leaders to change state law to allow a speedy replacement of him in the Senate, fearing a months-long open seat will deny Democrats a crucial vote […]

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Bush’s C.I.A. Hired Blackwater To Be Its Assassination Squad

Filed in National by on August 20, 2009 17 Comments

It’s been a while since we had a new Bush scandal to talk about… The Central Intelligence Agency in 2004 hired outside contractors from the private security contractor Blackwater USA as part of a secret program to locate and assassinate top operatives of Al Qaeda, according to current and former government officials. Executives from Blackwater, […]

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Late Night Video: Daily Kos Hatemail

Filed in National by on August 19, 2009 1 Comment

This video debuted at the Daily Kos party at Netroots Nation. Andy Cobb and Sam Seder put together dramatic readings of actual hate mail received by Daily Kos. Extremely hilarious! Warning: NSFW! (Not Safe For Work)

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Oopsie! “Anti-Corruption” Candidate Christie Admits Ethics Violation

Filed in National by on August 19, 2009 2 Comments

One of the off-year races that people have been watching is the New Jersey governor race between incumbent Jon Corzine and challenger Chris Christie. Corzine has been in danger of losing the race, and polling has shown him trailing Christie by double digits. Corzine is not universally loved and Christie came across as a straight-shooter, […]

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Open Thread: I Need A Hug Version

Filed in Delaware by on August 19, 2009 2 Comments

Awww…look at the puppy So comforting R.I.P. Don Hewitt, creator of 60 Minutes. Leave it to the witty people on Twitter to come up with #obamacarefacts.

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Health Care Reform: The Flow Chart

Filed in National by on August 19, 2009 5 Comments
Health Care Reform: The Flow Chart

Nicholas Beaudrot of the blog Donkeylicious (who I met at Netroots Nation) put together this handy flow chart of what health care reform will look like: Simple and easy to understand!

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It’s About Time! Democrats Will Go It Alone On Health Insurance Reform

Filed in National by on August 18, 2009 17 Comments

This is the best news I’ve heard in a while. The Democrats have decided to go with a Democrat-only bill for health insurance reform. Republicans have made it painfully obvious that they are not interested in any type of reform. Grassley has even said that he will vote against a bill that had everything he […]

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Great Moments In Constitutional Interpretation

Filed in National by on August 18, 2009 12 Comments

Today the Supreme Court announced a decision ordering a new trial for Troy Davis, who is on death row awaiting execution for the killing of a police officer. The conviction was based solely on witness testimony and the witnesses have now recanted. The decision was 6-2, with Scalia and Thomas dissenting from the majority. In […]

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Ugh, Brett Favre

Filed in National by on August 18, 2009 38 Comments

Once again, the drama show that is Brett Favre announces his un-retirement. Brett Favre, who only three weeks ago said he planned to remain retired, changed his mind yet again Tuesday, agreeing to join the Minnesota Vikings after all. It’s the second time in two years that Favre announced he was retired, only to reverse […]

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Reflections On Netroots Nation

Filed in Delaware by on August 18, 2009 8 Comments

If you were following the blog last week, you probably know that I attended the Netroots Nation conference in Pittsburgh last week. Netroots Nation is a conference for bloggers from the left side of the blogosphere with opportunities for training, networking, self-congratulating, and, of course, partying. Here are the previous posts: Day 1, Day 2 […]

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