Unstable Isotope

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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Tomorrow is Sarah Palin Day!

Filed in National by on July 25, 2009 1 Comment

Tomorrow is Sarah Palin’s last day as governor of Alaska. I know you’re all broken up about this. Sarah Palin’s last press conference as governor will be held at 6 p.m. tomorrow. I plan on liveblogging. Join us here to relive your favorite memories of Sarah Palin before she embarks on her new, more lucrative […]

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Weekend Open Thread

Filed in National by on July 24, 2009 19 Comments

Some links to carry you into the weekend.

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The Guide To Republican Excuse-Making

Filed in National by on July 24, 2009 14 Comments

Whenever a Republican gets caught doing something wrong, he or she and their apologists are always ready with an excuse. Here’s a handy-dandy guide to Republican excuse making.

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Birthers Causing A Problem…For CNN?

Filed in National by on July 24, 2009 31 Comments

CNN’s Lou Dobbs is a crazy birther. Jon Stewart ridicules him, while CNN repeatedly debunks the birth certificate nonsense.

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They Just Can’t Help Themselves

Filed in National by on July 23, 2009 38 Comments
They Just Can’t Help Themselves

Tea party activist and neurosurgeon Dr. David McKalip thinks a picture of Obama depicted as a witch doctor is “funny stuff.” He thought it was so great he sent it to his fellow tea partiers.

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Blue Dogs Raking It In and Sticking It To The Poor

Filed in National by on July 23, 2009 10 Comments

The Blue Dog Democrats coalition has raised more money than any other PAC in 2009. Somehow, coincidentally, the Blue Dogs are the ones holding up healthcare reform. I’m sure there’s no relationship.

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Common Ground, Not So Much

Filed in National by on July 23, 2009 10 Comments

A group called Democrats for Life kicked out Rep. Tim Ryan (D-OH) because of his support of a bill increasing access to contraception. So much for the “common ground” argument.

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Late Night Video

Filed in National by on July 22, 2009 3 Comments
Late Night Video

Fox News’s Neil Cavuto asks whether highly accomplished Surgeon General nominee Regina Benjamin is too fat to be Surgeon General. Really.

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Late Night Video: Fight The Socialist Takeover

Filed in National by on July 21, 2009 4 Comments

Comedian Lee Camp shows us the socialist nightmare that our country has become.

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Rachel Maddow Corrects Pat Buchanan

Filed in National by on July 21, 2009 3 Comments

Rachel Maddow addresses the errors in Pat Buchanan’s remarks on Sotomayor from last week.

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Sarah Palin In New Ethics Scandal – I Know You’re Shocked

Filed in National by on July 21, 2009 14 Comments

Chris Cillizza at the Washington Post reports on the newest Sarah Palin ethics scandal. Sarah Palin failed to report donations to a legal defense fund.

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Early Morning Open Thread

Filed in National by on July 21, 2009 2 Comments

Sarah Palin’s resignation speech is copy edited by Vanity Fair.
Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates, Jr. is arrested for breaking into his own home.
Atwater City Councilman Gary Frago (California) sent racist emails about the Obamas to staff and community members.
President Obama fights back against Senator DeMint’s “waterloo” comment.

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Another Bloodthirsty Fox Pundit

Filed in National by on July 20, 2009 2 Comments

Fox News Pundit Lt. Col. Ralph Peters hopes that the Taliban will just execute the American soldier they captured to save the U.S. the trouble of putting him on trial.

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