Unstable Isotope

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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Sotomayor Hearings Day 3 Open Thread

Filed in National by on July 15, 2009 50 Comments

Highlights of questioning from day 2 of the Sotomayor confirmation hearings.

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Late Night Oddity: Fox Goes Birther

Filed in National by on July 14, 2009 37 Comments

Fox News reports on the challenge of a wingnut soldier against deployment to Afghanistan like it’s real news and a real issue for Obama. It isn’t. Psssst…Fox, don’t encourage the fringe crazies, it hurts your credibility. Not that they had much credibility anyway. And for crazy anon, here’s his birth certificate and birth announcement. Update […]

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Scientists Differ Significantly From The Public

Filed in National by on July 14, 2009 29 Comments

First, test your science literacy against the general public with this short quiz. The Pew Center recently released the results of a study comparing scientists to the general public and have found that scientists views of themselves, of controversies and of politics are significantly different than the public. First, 84% of Americans say that science […]

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Fresh Sotomayor Hearings Thread

Filed in National by on July 14, 2009 1 Comment

Since you were all so chatty yesterday, here’s a fresh new thread to discuss the Sonia Sotomayor hearings. Here’s a recap of yesterday’s hearings from TPM. Here are yesterday’s opening statements. Pay special attention to Senator Whitehouse’s statement. Plus, brand new Senator Franken spoke! w00t! TPM is also featuring liveblogging by a legal expert.

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Marcy Wheeler Utters Forbidden Word On MSNBC

Filed in National by on July 13, 2009 10 Comments

Marcy Wheeler, one of the blogosphere’s best investigative bloggers, utters the word “blowjob” on MSNBC. Apparently, this is very, very naughty even though we spent almost 2 years discussing it in the late 90s. I guess the whole sordidness of the Clinton impeachment is supposed to go down the memory hole?

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Sotomayor Hearings Start Today

Filed in National by on July 13, 2009 78 Comments

Within weeks we should have a new Supreme Court associate justice, but the Republicans will try to make things interesting. Among the people that have been called as witnesses against Sotomayor are a Bush appointee who foresaw the need to create internment camps for Arab-Americans, anti-abortion activists and Frank Ricci, the dyslexic fireman from the […]

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Valley Swim Club Invites Kids Back To Pool

Filed in Delaware by on July 13, 2009 7 Comments

Earlier this week we read about the Valley Swim Club in Philadelphia which turned away 65 mostly African-American kids from a day camp. Today the Valley Swim Club announced that they were reversing the decision. Duesler said the club canceled its contract with the Creative Steps day-care because of safety, crowding and noise concerns, not […]

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The Sarah Palin Party

Filed in National by on July 12, 2009 15 Comments

There has been endless discussion on this blog and elsewhere about Sarah Palin and her relationship with the Republican Party. Peggy Noonan wrote a recent op-ed about Sarah Palin, and how she’s a creation of the elite branch of the Republican Party: America doesn’t need Sarah Palin to prove it was, and is, a nation […]

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Audra Shay Wins Leadership Of Young Republicans

Filed in National by on July 11, 2009 6 Comments

Remember Audra Shay? She’s was the candidate for chair of the Young Republicans groups that had this exchange on her facebook page:

Two minutes later, Piker posted again saying “Obama Bin Lauden [sic] is the new terrorist… Muslim is on there side [sic]… need to take this country back from all of these mad coons… and illegals.”

Eight minutes after that, at 2:02, Shay weighed in on Piker’s comments: “You tell em Eric! lol.”

She then de-friended some Republicans who dared to complain.

Well, she’s now the leader of the Young Republicans.

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What’s Got The Right Wing In An Uproar This Time?

Filed in International by on July 11, 2009 56 Comments
What’s Got The Right Wing In An Uproar This Time?

It’s this photo: OMG! He’s so evil! He’s checking totally checking out her rear end. I guess the news that John Ensign had to have his buddies drive him to FedEx to send a letter to his girlfriend and had his mommy and daddy pay off her family has put Republicans over the edge. But […]

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Ensign Affair Still Raising Eyebrows…And Questions

Filed in National by on July 10, 2009 9 Comments

When I first read about the Ensign affair I thought it was just your standard, run-of-the-mill scandal, but it’s scandal that won’t end. First, Doug Hampton gave an interview to the Las Vegas Sun. TPM Muckraker gives us the summary of the revelations: Hampton said that Ensign paid Cindy more than $25,000 in severance when […]

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Sean Hannity’s Pants Are On Fire

Filed in National by on July 9, 2009 19 Comments

Media Matters brings us yet another story of Sean Hannity cropping and distorting Obama’s words in order to bash him. This one is pretty blatant. Hannity aired the following clip: GARRETT: In your speech this morning, you said the Cold War reached its conclusion because of the actions of many nations over many years. Mr. […]

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Democrats Pick Polly Adams Mervine As The New SD 19 Candidate

Filed in Delaware by on July 8, 2009 45 Comments

Mike Matthews is reporting by Twitter that the new Democratic Senate candidate in the 19th SD is Polly Adams Mervine. More as details emerge. Update: Matthews is reporting that Matthew Opalinski is also a candidate. A four-way race! This should be interesting.

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