Unstable Isotope

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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Filed in National by on June 23, 2009 5 Comments

I’ll admit it – I ruined blogging. I was trying to reach something on the top shelf and I accidently knocked blogging off. It broke into a bunch of pieces. I tried to superglue it back together, but it fell apart again. My bad.

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Sanford Makes Ensign Look Smart In Comparison

Filed in National by on June 23, 2009 23 Comments

South Carolina governor Mark Sanford’s disappearing act just keeps getting stranger and stranger. Let’s count the evolving stories: 1) Sanford is missing and not even his wife knows where he is, but she’s not worried because he’s writing 2) Sanford’s cell phone is last located in Atlanta 3) Sanford’s aides say they talked to him, […]

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What’s Going On With The VCCB?

Filed in Delaware by on June 23, 2009 3 Comments

Last week, El Somnambulo wrote about the Violent Crimes Compensation Board and political patronage. The Joint Sunset Committee has a bill to change the VCCB to an appeals board. It’s a good change. So, if the board is changing to an appeals board, why was a member appointed to a new three year term? From […]

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How Did That Anti-Sotomayor Campaign Work Out?

Filed in National by on June 23, 2009 14 Comments

The Republicans already admitted that the Sotomayor nomination fight has failed to inspire the donations they expected. Now some polling has shown how much their over-the-top crazy rhetoric has hurt their standing with Latinos. Favorability of Republican Party among Latinos May 18-21 (before the Sotomayor nomination) Favorable 11 Unfavorable 79 No Opinion 10 June 15-18 […]

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SC Governor on Walkabout?

Filed in National by on June 22, 2009 15 Comments

If your governor goes missing for 4 day and no one notices, what does that mean? Presidential hopeful Mark Sanford is apparently missing and no one knows where he is. The whereabouts of South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford (R) “have been unknown to state officials since Thursday, and some state leaders are questioning who is […]

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Reagan Was Wrong

Filed in National by on June 22, 2009 12 Comments

Sorry, I can’t claim credit for that title. It comes from a Newsweek article about the writings of an influential British conservative, Henry Fairlie. He predicted the state of today’s GOP presciently in the 1980s. Fairlie’s critique of American conservatism began with a GOP heresy: that by embracing the free market so completely, the party […]

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Health Care: Why Is A Public Option Considered Controversial?

Filed in National by on June 22, 2009 8 Comments

There are new polling results out from the New York Times that show an overwhelming majority of Americans support a public, Medicare-like option for health care reform. In bad news for Republicans, only 18% trust Republicans to reform health care while 57% trust Democrats. According to this poll even a majority of Republicans want a […]

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Late Night Video

Filed in National by on June 21, 2009 10 Comments

John Hodgman at the Radio & Television Correspondents Association dinner. Hodgman asks the important question: is Obama a true nerd? You decide. Some sample questions: What are the three types of orcs? What is Superman’s father’s name? What is the name of the god worshipped by Conan the Barbarian? What is the name of the […]

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Let’s Gossip

Filed in National by on June 21, 2009 16 Comments

There were a couple of eyebrow-raising articles in today’s News Journal. First, Joe Biden for President 2016? But when pressed on whether he’d rule out a White House run, Biden said, “No, I won’t. I won’t rule that out. No.” Seriously, Joe? As the NJ points out, Biden would be 74 years old on inauguration […]

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Latest On Iran: Open Thread

Filed in International by on June 21, 2009 16 Comments

Yesterday President Obama released this statement on the events in Iran: The Iranian government must understand that the world is watching. We mourn each and every innocent life that is lost. We call on the Iranian government to stop all violent and unjust actions against its own people. The universal rights to assembly and free […]

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CIA Report on Torture Release Delayed

Filed in National by on June 21, 2009 3 Comments

All I can say is that I can’t wait to see this report. I wonder if the revelations that KSM said he lied a lot is a leak from this report. Keep watching! According to the article, the report will be released on Friday. Hmmm, looks like we’re going to have to keep waiting: The […]

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Call the Waaahmbulance for Glenn Beck

Filed in National by on June 20, 2009 11 Comments

What a bunch of whiners. Glenn Beck and Tommywonk look-alike Griff Jenkins talk about the failed ACORN ambush. Someone needs to get Rep. Maxine Waters some better talking points, though.

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Important Day In Iran

Filed in National by on June 20, 2009 7 Comments

Today there is a planned demonstration in Iran despite the warnings of Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khameini. There could be great bloodshed. Our thoughts go out to the people of Iran. I hope this situation can be resolved peacefully. For live updates of what’s going on in Iran, check out Andrew Sullivan and Nico Pitney’s Huffington […]

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