Unstable Isotope
Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.
Unstable Isotope's Latest Posts
Heckuva Job, Teabaggers

In the new NYT/CBS poll, Congress gets the highest ever disapproval rating, 82%.
Thanks, Supreme Court
Mitt Romney is definitely benefiting from Citizens United. Financial disclosures records of Restore Our Future, a Super PAC set up to support Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign, show it was bankrolled, in part, by a million dollar donation from one suspicious donor. That donor is a mystery company that was created in March and dissolved shortly after its donation in July, NBC reports.
Tea Leaf Alert: Christine O’Donnell

The tea leaves think that Christine O’Donnell isn’t running for Senate.
Keep Your Eyes On Wisconsin
With less than a week to go before 6 Wisconsin recall races, Democrats are ahead in 3 races and tied or slightly behind in 3 more.
Let’s Take A Closer Look At Those Triggers
Jonathan Chait has a fascinating analysis of the trigger in the debt deal and how there’s a potential to tear apart the Republican coalition.
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