Unstable Isotope

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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Former Governor Russell Peterson Has Died

Filed in National by on February 22, 2011 22 Comments

Former governor Russell Peterson has died. He was 94.

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Monday Open Thread

Filed in National by on February 21, 2011 13 Comments

The Monday edition of your semi-daily open thread.

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Firefighter Refused To Respond To Giffords Emergency

Filed in National by on February 21, 2011 2 Comments

A Tucson firefighter refused to respond to the Giffords shooting because of “political bantering.”

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Paranoia, Delaware Style

Filed in Delaware by on February 21, 2011 37 Comments

The 9/12 Patriots are holding a class on emergency preparedness for when the Dictator Obama declares an emergency. One must be prepared!

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Weekend Open Thread

Filed in National by on February 19, 2011 7 Comments
Weekend Open Thread

The weekend edition of your semi-daily open thread.

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DelDOT’s Carolann Wicks Resigning

Filed in Delaware by on February 18, 2011 27 Comments

DelDOT’s Carolann Wicks announced her resignation, effective next month.

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Wisconsin’s Financial Crisis Caused By Scott Walker

Filed in National by on February 18, 2011 22 Comments

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker inherited a $120M surplus which he turned into a $140M deficit within 2 months. Now he’s tryin to balance the budget by taking money away from state workers and taking their collective bargaining rights while he’s at it.

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Friday Open Thread

Filed in National by on February 18, 2011 14 Comments

The Friday edition of your semi-daily open thread.

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Thursday Open Thread

Filed in National by on February 17, 2011 27 Comments

The Thursday edition of your semi-daily open thread.

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How Not To Talk About Rape

Filed in National by on February 17, 2011 19 Comments

We haven’t really talked about the case of Lara Logan, the CBS foreign correspondent who was separated from her crew in Egypt and then sexually assaulted. It’s been depressing watching it play out, not only because of the depressing nature of the crime, but also because people are cruel. Echidne of the Snakes has monitored […]

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Repeal The Job-Killing Speaker Of The House

Filed in National by on February 17, 2011 10 Comments

John Boehner on Tuesday: “Since President Obama has taken office the federal government has added 200,000 new federal jobs, and if some of those jobs are lost in this, so be it.”

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Thousands Rally To Protest Their Despotic Dictator

Filed in National by on February 16, 2011 9 Comments
Thousands Rally To Protest Their Despotic Dictator

Where can you find this crowd of an estimated 50,000 people?

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Wednesday Open Thread

Filed in National by on February 16, 2011 41 Comments

The Wednesday edition of your semi-daily open thread.

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