Unstable Isotope

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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Bad News For GOP Pessimists, Good News For Everyone Else

Filed in National by on May 4, 2010 1 Comment
Bad News For GOP Pessimists, Good News For Everyone Else

A new CBS/NYT survey shows a sharp increase in optimism about the economy, 41% say the economy is improving while only 15% say it’s getting worse.

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Politico Does Hit Job On Chris Coons

Filed in National by on May 4, 2010 31 Comments

Politico runs a hit piece on Chris Coons.

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Monday Open Thread

Filed in National by on May 3, 2010 16 Comments
Monday Open Thread

Your Monday edition of your daily open thread.

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NYC Car Bomb Scare – What Does It Mean?

Filed in National by on May 3, 2010 26 Comments

You’re probably all aware that on Saturday, an attempted car bomb was found in New York City’s Times Square. Authorities have released more information about the attempt: Raymond W. Kelly, the New York City police commissioner, said on Sunday that the materials found in the Nissan Pathfinder — gasoline, propane, firecrackers and simple alarm clocks […]

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Weekend Open Thread

Filed in National by on May 1, 2010 110 Comments

Welcome to Kentucky Derby weekend! As some of you know, I’m a Kentucky native, yet I’ve never attended the Kentucky Derby. It’s interesting to see the rest of the world watch a 3-minute horse race and then quickly forget about horse racing for the rest of the year. Are you watching the Derby? Just remember, […]

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Rasmussen Puts Castle Up By 23%

Filed in National by on April 30, 2010 14 Comments

Rasmussen released a new poll for the Delaware U.S. Senate race. The U.S. Senate race in Delaware is virtually unchanged over the past two months, with Republican Mike Castle continuing to draw strong support from the state’s voters. The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Likely Voters in Delaware shows Castle picking up 55% support […]

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Filed in National by on April 30, 2010 1 Comment

The man who would be Speaker of the House, John Boehner, was interviewed on NPR’s Morning Edition this morning. Boehner had quite a few things to say, but a particularly interesting exchange was about the new health care reform bill. Boehner is advocating “repeal and replace” of the bill with Republicans’ “common sense” proposals (ones […]

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Friday Open Thread

Filed in National by on April 30, 2010 19 Comments

The Friday version of your daily open thread.

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Filed in Delaware by on April 30, 2010 17 Comments

QOTD: Why isn’t the primary battle between Richard Korn and Ken Matlusky for State Auditor generating passion?

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Dirty Energy Isn’t Cheap

Filed in National by on April 30, 2010 69 Comments

Yesterday we learned that the Deepwater Horizon oil spill was five times worse than first thought. The oil is spilling at a rate of 210,000 gallons of oil per day. That oil is now hitting the coast of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Florida. Unlike what we were told, offshore drilling is not so technologically advanced […]

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Republicans Rely On Lies

Filed in National by on April 29, 2010 4 Comments

J.L. Bell at Salon finds that Obama has had 2x as many internet rumors as Bush did during his whole term according to Snopes. Only 9% of the rumors were accurate while 43% of rumors about Bush were true.

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Thursday Open Thread

Filed in National by on April 29, 2010 26 Comments

The Thursday edition of your daily open thread.

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The Secret Plan Is Working!

Filed in National by on April 29, 2010 12 Comments

Tom Tancredo reveals Obama’s super-secret plan to make Republicans look crazy.

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