Unstable Isotope

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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Why Are We Talking About Tiger Woods But Not Ben Roethlisberger?

Filed in National by on April 19, 2010 23 Comments

After looking at the release of the police report, I don’t understand why Ben Roethlisberger was not charged with rape. In one of two handwritten police statements, the woman recalled that she told Roethlisberger, “No, this is not OK, and he then had sex with me. He said it was OK. He then left without […]

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Republicans’ False Populism

Filed in National by on April 19, 2010 7 Comments

Republicans have been pretty shameless in their attempts to exploit the financial crisis for electoral gain. Even though the bailouts were done under Bush, they’ve managed to pretend it was all Obama’s fault. Now Republicans have been pretty shamelessly pushing talking points that the new financial regulation bill will create more taxpayer bailouts despite the […]

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Weekend Open Thread

Filed in National by on April 17, 2010 20 Comments

I hope everyone is having a beautiful spring weekend! You shouldn’t be inside looking at your computer, but if you are here’s an open thread to play in. Hooray for sanity in Arkansas! Circuit Judge Chris Piazza ruled today that Act 1, an initiated act approved by voters in 2008 that bans any unmarried person […]

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Friday Open Thread

Filed in National by on April 16, 2010 15 Comments

It’s time for a TGIF open thread. Share your thoughts, both deep and shallow with your fellow addicts posters right here. Washington Mutual Bank was the biggest Savings & Loan bank failure in the history of the U.S., with $307B in assets when in failed in September 2008. The Senate is investigating the failure of […]

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Delaware Teabonics

Filed in National by on April 16, 2010 20 Comments
Delaware Teabonics

A Delaware Liberal special correspondent sends us some pictures from yesterday’s Sussex Tea Party.

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Fox News Gives Hannity A Public Spanking

Filed in National by on April 16, 2010 6 Comments

It’s hard to know where the line is with Fox News, but Sean Hannity must have crossed it: Angry Fox News executives ordered host Sean Hannity to abandon plans to broadcast his nightly show as part of a Tea Party rally in Cincinnati on Thursday after top executives learned that he was set to headline […]

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Thursday Open Thread

Filed in National by on April 15, 2010 11 Comments

Welcome to your Thursday open thread. I know you have a lot of burning ideas that you need to get off your chest and here’s the thread for you to do it. Mitch McConnell has done a lot of media interviews calling the new financial reform bill a permanent taxpayer bailout for banks. I have […]

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Teabagger Round-Up

Filed in National by on April 15, 2010 5 Comments

There seems to be a lot of news about the teabaggers lately, probably because today is their big protest day. A new survey of Tea Party supporters found they are older, whiter, more male and more likely to call themselves “angry” than other Americans. Their political beliefs aren’t even internally consistent: Their responses are like […]

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Bendy Straws Are Presidential

Filed in National by on April 14, 2010 4 Comments

Sarah Palin spoke to students at California State University last week and some students found a copy of her hospitality rider contract in the trash. Saint Sarah has gotten used to the life of a well-paid celebrity already. Here are the four strangest–or most outrageous–provisions in Palin’s. (1) The Lear Jet A.P.’s Robin Hindery reports, […]

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Wednesday Open Thread

Filed in National by on April 14, 2010 15 Comments

If it’s Wednesday then it’s time for an open thread. Let’s thread! Massey Energy CEO Don Blankenship has already demonstrated his contempt for safety and the life of his workers. He’s also a PR disaster and the shareholders of his company want him gone. Shareholders are calling on Massey Energy to seek the immediate resignation […]

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Filed in National by on April 14, 2010 24 Comments

There is a lot of persistent myths around about debt, deficit and taxes that are fueled by the GOP. One myth is that Obama is fiscally irresponsible and that his programs are creating unprecedented deficits. It’s true that the deficits are high, but it was caused by Bush’s tax cuts, Bush’s war, Bush’s recession and […]

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Tuesday Open Thread

Filed in National by on April 13, 2010 20 Comments

Hello gloomy Tuesday! What would lift your gloom? How about an open thread? David Gregory thinks fact-checking is for the little people: Critics say that kind of truth telling rarely happens on television. But David Gregory, the moderator of “Meet the Press” on NBC, said that accountability is “in the DNA” of his program. He […]

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KWS Pre-Game Show

Filed in National by on April 13, 2010 20 Comments

This afternoon is the hearing in Dover about the Insurance Commissioner’s job performance. The hearing is supposed to cover the denial of coverage for stress tests for Delaware residents and the Captive Insurance Bureau but I imagine a lot of issues will arise in the hearing. I know that our very own liberalgeek plans on […]

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