
X Stryker is also the proprietor of the currently-dormant poll analysis blog Election Inspection.

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Outsourcing Santa

Filed in International by on December 29, 2008 0 Comments
Outsourcing Santa

China built the world’s largest ice Santa. Why does China love Santa? Because all the plastic toys purchased for Christmas are made in China. If you want to inject a little realism into your children’s life, tell them Santa’s elves are Chinese and live in Guangzhou (AKA Canton). Fun facts – Guangzhou is larger (population-wise) than […]

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Happy Chanukah from Delaware Liberal

Filed in National by on December 22, 2008 10 Comments
Happy Chanukah from Delaware Liberal

Have a happy Chanukah, one and all! During Chanukah, we remember how the Jews (led by the Maccabees) won their independence from King Antiochus IV of the Selucid Empire (a Hellenistic successor to Alexander the Great’s empire, stretching from Turkey to Pakistan), who outlawed their religious practices, sacked Jerusalem, and defiled their temple. Before the […]

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Who is this masked man?

Filed in National by on December 13, 2008 10 Comments
Who is this masked man?

Hint: Check out the image URL. (h/t NY Daily News)

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GOP Mad-Libs: Response to Scandal

Filed in National by on December 10, 2008 15 Comments

The investigation continues regarding [name of person], who [is from the same state as / served on a committee with / once played basketball with] Obama. Obama is not implicated in the investigation, nor has he been accused of any wrongdoing; he stated that he was unaware of what [name of person] had been up […]

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Illinois Governor Blagojevich Arrested

Filed in National by on December 9, 2008 34 Comments

U.S. Attorney’s office spokesman Randall Samborn says both Blagojevich and his chief of staff John Harris were arrested Tuesday. Authorities aren’t yet releasing details about those charges. However, a federal law enforcement official tells The Associated Press the governor is accused of corruption charges. The official says the charges stem from the selection process of […]

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Late Night Indie Music

Filed in National by on December 8, 2008 0 Comments

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AYsslpUK1Q4[/youtube] The Fade to Black, by Secret Dakota Ring. Indie Pop Candy – the remedy to an overproduced synthetic world.

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Weekend Elections Update

Filed in National by on December 8, 2008 3 Comments

Here are the big election/campaign stories of the weekend: LA-02: Corrupt douchebag incumbent William Jefferson (D-New Orleans) lost in a surprise upset to Joseph Cao (R), an immigration lawyer who will become the first Vietnamese-American to serve in congress. Cao’s website is very short on details – he’s for clean ethics, hurricane recovery, good education, […]

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QOTD: Sundays in Wilmington

Filed in Delaware by on December 7, 2008 25 Comments

I live in downtown Wilmington, where almost everything is closed on Sundays. Things I know that are open: The Exchange Washington St. Ale House McDonald’s on 4th Dunkin’ Donuts (but only until like 2pm) Also, for the month of December only, the Happy Harry’s on Market will be open. We went there today and we […]

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Appoint Castle to the US Mint

Filed in National by on December 5, 2008 3 Comments

Aw shucks, that sweet old Representative Castle ain’t so bad. Why, he’s a swell, moderate, bipartisan kind of fellow. Since Obama wants well-qualified individuals, including Republicans, who can work for the good of the country in the spirit of bipartisanship, how about he gives nice old Mr. Castle a cushy, fun job that rewards Castle […]

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KBR: Pure Evil

Filed in International by on December 5, 2008 17 Comments

Is there any company that better personifies pure evil than KBR, the largest and most nefarious defense contractor in Iraq? Some might suggest Monsanto, Exxon, Altria (Phillip Morris), or Wal-Mart. And those are all good choices, but KBR (which stands for Kellogg, Brown & Root) wins the prize in my book. How evil is KBR? […]

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Marriage Equality and Civil Unions

Filed in Delaware by on November 29, 2008 37 Comments

First, the facts Massachusetts and Connecticut license same-sex marriages. California did until prop. 8 narrowly passed. New Hampshire, New Jersey, and Vermont license Civil Unions. Maine, DC, Hawaii, Washington, Oregon, Maryland, and California offer gay couples “some” legal protections via Domestic Partnership. New York recognizes same-sex marriages performed legally in other states.’ New York and […]

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Gates to remain at Defense

Filed in National by on November 26, 2008 14 Comments

ABC reports that Robert Gates will stay on as Secretary of Defense. This is likely to be a short-term run to help ease the transition in a time of war. Also, Gates isn’t as much of a douchebag as Rumsfeld was. I expect Richard Danzig will be named as his understudy, although a Hagel placement […]

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Earn It

Filed in Delaware by on November 24, 2008 13 Comments

I’ve met John Carney. I like John Carney. Carney’s going to get my support (speaking for myself only) for any office that he runs for. And this is Delaware, so I’m betting that Carney’s not going to run against the Biden name, even though I hope he will (assuming that Beau indeed runs for Senate […]

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