
X Stryker is also the proprietor of the currently-dormant poll analysis blog Election Inspection.

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Napolitano for Homeland Security?

Filed in National by on November 20, 2008 22 Comments

Politico reports that Arizona Governor Janet Napolitano (who is awesome) has been tapped to be the Secretary of Homeland Security. Gosh, who could have predicted it? Oh, that’s right, me. Just like I predicted Eric Holder for Attorney General and Tom Daschle for Secretary of Health & Human Services. And my prediction of Gates at […]

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Who’s the bigger DINO? Carper or Lieberman?

Filed in National by on November 18, 2008 14 Comments

Let’s take a side by side comparison: Issue Carper Lieberman Iraq Voted for war, but recanted and supports timetables Pushed for war, still supports it Torture For it For it Bankruptcy Bill Sponsored it Voted against it but also voted against filibustering it Alito Voted against him but also voted against filibustering him Ditto, and […]

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Good night

Filed in National by on November 18, 2008 3 Comments

In case my summary of the economic mess we’re in below is giving you a bout of nervous insomnia, here is a music video to calm the nerves. Corinne Bailey Rae – “Put Your Records On” [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wkEeNpWMvgk&feature=related[/youtube] Sleep well!

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A Fine Mess

Filed in National by on November 17, 2008 16 Comments

The most frustrating aspect of living through the economic woes of the early 2000’s (aside from how badly it messed up my career path in Computer Science) was watching the limp, tepid response of the Bush Administration to it. The “voodoo economics” that had become passe by the time Bush Sr. was elected were back. […]

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What did we learn today?

Filed in National by on November 16, 2008 17 Comments

Hey folks, your friendly neighborhood Stryker has joined the party here at Delaware Liberal. I intend to work the evening shifts, and with that in mind, let’s reflect on the day that was, November 16th, 2008. 1. Tom Noyes’ voice is so soothing, it deserves to be posted twice. 2. The Iraqi Cabinet sent their […]

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Joe Biden announces yet again

Filed in Uncategorized by on January 8, 2007 5 Comments

This time, it’s the AFP that is fooled into thinking this is news. The money quote: “I’m going to be Joe Biden and try to be the best Biden I can be,” the 64-year-old senator said. “If I can, I got a shot. If I can’t, I lose.” I get it, Joe. This race is […]

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Blossoming of a New Era

Filed in Uncategorized by on January 5, 2007 4 Comments

Today marks the official return of Democrats to the offices of Congressional leadership. It is a wonderful, glorious, jubilant day, on which my only regret is that we don’t have a Delaware Democrat in the House of Representatives to share it. I am joyful none the less, and I have confidence the 110th Congress will be proceed […]

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Atkins Roundup

Filed in Uncategorized by on January 4, 2007

If you haven’t been following the latest discussion of Rep. John “Booze ‘n Bruise” Atkins, here’s the trail for you to follow: Mike Matthews brings new details to light: After having an enjoyable night out at at a Halloween party (word has it that Rep. Atkins’ wife showed up in a police-officer-porn-star costume!) at that ultimate […]

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New Years Resolutions

Filed in Uncategorized by on January 2, 2007

Happy New Year, Delaware! Tomorrow will be the first day of a new year I will spend in the First State advocating for the man I believe should be our first black president in 2008. Five things I love about 2006: We won congress! I’ve finally begun to find my niche on the blogosphere. Beau […]

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Why Ford Pardoned Nixon

Filed in Uncategorized by on December 31, 2006

Why did the late President Gerald Ford pardon Dick Nixon? Was it for the good of the country? Despite Nixon’s opinion, Ford told The Washington Post last year that his long personal friendship with Nixon played a role in his decision to issue the pardon for Watergate wrongdoing. “I looked upon him as my personal […]

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Crashing the Gate

Filed in National by on December 29, 2006

Howdy folks, I’m X Stryker, and I’ll be your host during Jason’s vacation week. I’m an Obama fan, and a frequent commenter on Swing State Project. I’m not one to shy away from controversy, so I’ll get straight to business: Dana‘s exposing more double dipping from Democratic state legislators, and provides an outlet in the comments section […]

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