Delaware’s Legislators Of The Week: March 18-20
Four legislators deserved mention for their work this week. We’ll list the Honorable Mentions alphabetically: Sen. Stephanie Hansen: Successfully shepherded a package of bills through the Senate designed to provide relief for rate payers. Her expertise in this particular policy area played a key role in developing the bills. Sen. Marie Pinkney: I wish more legislators had […]
General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Thursday, March 20, 2025
Let’s address the two big issues that surfaced yesterday. The Musk-Pass corporate law bill made it through the House Judiciary Committee yesterday. As Xerxes Wilson pointed out in this comprehensive piece, Wednesday’s three-hour hearing in the House Judiciary Committee was the first time full-throated opposition was raised in Legislative Hall. Dozens of attorneys, as well […]
General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Wednesday, March 19, 2025
So much to unpack from yesterday’s passage of HB 140 (Morrison), the ‘end of life options’ bill. I had predicted somewhere around 25 votes for passage yesterday. Instead, the bill passed with the bare majority of 21 votes. Why? Because the entire Wilmington delegation and Rep. Deb Heffernan, all of whom were absent for the […]
Delaware General Assembly Pre-Game Show: Tuesday March 18, 2025
The Big Story: House To Consider Death-With Dignity bill today. HB 140 (Morrison) is virtually the same bill that both houses passed last year, only to be vetoed by Delaware’s Worst Governor Ever, John Carney. The bill: …permits a terminally ill individual who is an adult resident of Delaware to request and self-administer medication to […]
Thumping The Tub For Chumbawamba’s Boff Whalley
A fortuitous, and completely coincidental, mash-up of two events. A couple of weeks ago, Al featured Chumbawamba’s ‘The Day The Nazi Died’ as his song of the day: For reasons that neither of us can figure out, the post and song went totally viral. Perhaps it’s because people need their political viewpoint now more than […]
Delaware Liberal Needs Help!
No, not an editorial comment from Captain Obvious. LiberalGeek, who has kept this site running smoothly since its inception, is retiring. We cannot even begin to thank him for his selfless (did I mention, unpaid?) efforts. We need someone with WordPress skills who also has the tech savvy to keep the site up and running […]
General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Thursday, March 13, 2025
The Big Story: Delaware Prepares To Legalize Prostitution. Again. No, not legalized sex work, which I support. We’re talking Delaware prostituting itself because apparently we’re desperate. There is ample precedent. The Financial Center Development Act of 1981 essentially legalized usury in the form of high credit card interest rates. In exchange for so-called ‘credit card banks’ […]
General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Weds., March 12, 2025
Pull up a chair. If yesterday was (barely) an amuse-bouche, today’s a full-fledged legislative banquet. Starting with plutocrats seeking to gorge themselves courtesy of a watered-down corporate law bill. But first, here’s yesterday’s legislative activity report. Only item of note was the passage of SS1/SB 5 (Townsend), which enshrines the right to abortion in the […]
Delaware General Assembly Pre-Game Show: Tuesday, March 11, 2025
Lots happening this week, the least of which is the seating of two undistinguished Corporadems to replace Sarah McBride and Kyle Evans Gay. Their names, like them, are unimportant. Talk about a downgrade. Gonna put the blinkers on and take it one day at a time. Let me first catch everyone up on recently-introduced legislation. […]
A Very Special Pre-Pre-Game Show: Delaware General Assembly, March 2025
Been posting here since 2009. Been doing the General Assembly previews since then. I can’t recall a more uncertain legislative landscape than what we face now. 1. There is no precedent for the upheaval at the federal level. Nobody knows how this will impact the federal flow of money to Delaware, including Governor Meyer. You […]
Sen. Bryan Townsend Has A Big Fat Conflict-Of-Interest
He’s not only the prime sponsor of SB 21, he is the chief advocate on behalf of it. The legislation changes corporate law governing the Court Of Chancery. If you’re not familiar, here is a balanced piece on the bill. There are legal heavyweights who both support and oppose the bill. While I oppose the […]
DL Open Thread Thursday, Feb. 27, 2024
Progressive politicians’ Sisyphean struggle to increase Delaware’s tax rate on high earners has resumed. Spotlight Delaware runs down the proposal in Sean Lynn’s bill: Income above $250,000 would be taxed at 6.95%. Income between $125,000 and $250,000 would be taxed at 6.75%. Income between $60,000 and $125,000 would remain taxed at 6.6%. Income between $20,000 […]
DL Open Thread Monday, Feb. 24, 2024
Here’s another sterling example of why you shouldn’t give the mainstream media your trust or your money: A former KGB spy said that the Russians have cultivated Donald Trump as an asset since 1987. No American media has reported it. Donald Trump was recruited by the KGB in 1987 and given the codename “Krasnov,” claims […]
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