
BREAKING: ‘Team’ Marino In Turmoil!

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on February 13, 2017 57 Comments

Less than two weeks before the SD 10 Special Election, John Marino’s campaign has lost both its campaign manager and volunteer coordinator.  Both quit the campaign, at least one of the two due to the extreme right-wing nature of Marino’s positions. Multiple sources have confirmed the departure of the two aides. Captain Obvious Says: “When […]

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February 13, 2017 Open Thread

Filed in Delaware, Open Thread by on February 13, 2017 2 Comments
February 13, 2017 Open Thread

Lt. Steven Floyd, Albert Boscov, Wilmington police, Syrian refugee family, Delaware Route 1, Punkin Chunkin

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Tom Carper, Wall Street’s Tom Hagen

Filed in Delaware by on February 10, 2017 1 Comment
Tom Carper, Wall Street’s Tom Hagen

This morning on my Facebook feed had a link for Tell Sen. Tom Carper To Stand with Elizabeth Warren and Consumers, not Donald Trump and Wall Street. This is about changing the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau into a bipartisan commission instead of an independent director lead bureau. It looks like this tactic has been dropped. When bankers met with Democrats, Tom Carper was there with his hand out and his banking mouthpiece running at full steam.

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JFC Looking at Medicaid Options

Filed in Delaware by on February 10, 2017 7 Comments
JFC Looking at Medicaid Options

The Republican congress is scattershot. The Republican president is temperamental. This is what the Joint Finance Committee has to deal with when looking a repeal of the Affordable Care Act and its repercussions in the state.

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Is Tom Carper a Lizard Person?

Filed in Delaware by on February 10, 2017 12 Comments
Is Tom Carper a Lizard Person?

After Tom Carper voted no on confirming the Republican racist Attorney General, Carper rushed up the aisle to hug him. This is not normal. This is what Lizard People do. The only explanation then is that Tom Carper is a lizard person.

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February 10, 2019 Open Thread

Filed in Delaware, Open Thread by on February 10, 2017 39 Comments
February 10, 2019 Open Thread

School Bus Accident, Colonial School District Referendum, Newark, Justice Randy Holland, Delaware Shakespeare Festival,

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Put some heat on John Carney by helping fund this campaign

Filed in Delaware by on February 9, 2017 30 Comments
Put some heat on John Carney by helping fund this campaign is awesome. Read all about our efforts to put John Carney’s feet to the primary fire, and make a small pledge to get us started.

Here is what we say at Crowdpac:

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Resist. Persist.

Filed in Delaware, National by on February 9, 2017 6 Comments
Resist. Persist.

“Nevertheless, she persisted.” You’re goddamn right she did, just like countless brave women and men who came before Senator Elizabeth Warren and laid the foundation for the ground she stood on when she took the Senate floor. I’m not sure Senator Mitch McConnell realized that his attempt to silence Senator Warren would speak volumes to […]

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Calling a Fascist, Loofa-Faced, Shit-Gibbon a Fascist, Loofa-Faced, Shit-Gibbon

Filed in Delaware, National by on February 9, 2017 5 Comments
Calling a Fascist, Loofa-Faced, Shit-Gibbon a Fascist, Loofa-Faced, Shit-Gibbon

We here at Delaware Liberal have been accused of demanding too much from our Democratic representatives in Dover and DC, of wanting these Dems to have a spine when it matters. The bar is seriously low and half the time, these weak-kneed Democrats cannot even reach that.

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February 9, 2017 Open Thread

Filed in Delaware, Open Thread by on February 9, 2017 17 Comments
February 9, 2017 Open Thread

Snow, Vaughn Correctional Center, Syrian family, BF Rich, DE Turf, DelDOT, Raw Sewage Spill

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Your All-Purpose SD 10 Special Election Preview

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on February 9, 2017 13 Comments
Your All-Purpose SD 10 Special Election Preview

The Date: Saturday, Feb. 25, 2017, polls open from 7 am to 8 pm. The Stakes: Control of the Delaware State Senate. The Party Standard Bearers:  John Marino (R); Stephanie Hansen (D); Joseph Lanzendorfer (L). The District: The 10th SD’s northern boundary takes in southern portions of Newark.  The district runs south from there along […]

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Cutbacks Start in New Castle County

Filed in Delaware by on February 8, 2017 2 Comments
Cutbacks Start in New Castle County

New Castle County Executive Matt Meyer is taking steps to cut back on spending. Unlike his counterparts in state government, Meyer currently is not looking at program cutbacks.

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JFC Looking At Cutting Education Funding

Filed in Delaware by on February 8, 2017 16 Comments
JFC Looking At Cutting Education Funding

Sometimes it is like we don’t even have Democrats controlling the state of Delaware.

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