
Lisa Blunt Rochester and Trump’s Inauguration

Filed in Delaware by on January 16, 2017 17 Comments
Lisa Blunt Rochester and Trump’s Inauguration

As several House Democrats have chosen to boycott Trump’s inauguration, this leads us to a question . . . well, really two questions. 1. Should Congresswoman Blunt Rochester boycott Trump’s inauguration? 2. Will Blunt Rochester boycott Trump’s inauguration It should be noted that we aren’t even asking Senator Carper or Senator Coons if they are planning on […]

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Markell’s Final Report Card

Filed in Delaware by on January 16, 2017 30 Comments
Markell’s Final Report Card

From a progressive viewpoint, I can only be disappointed by the mediocrity of Markell’s tenure, but I’m sure the Corporate-Clinton Democrats are quite content.

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January 16, 2017 Open Thread

Filed in Delaware by on January 16, 2017 6 Comments
January 16, 2017 Open Thread

More shootings in Wilmington, Housing Not Handcuffs Community Justice Walk, and Carney appointments,.

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Sen. Marshall Proposes Minimum Wage Increase

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on January 15, 2017 6 Comments
Sen. Marshall Proposes Minimum Wage Increase

If memory serves, this is a far more modest proposal than in recent years. SB 10 provides for a 50 cent increase each year for the next four years, and then, post-2020, ties minimum wage increases to Social Security Cost-of-Living increases.

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January 15, 2017 Open Thread

Filed in Delaware, National by on January 15, 2017 15 Comments
January 15, 2017 Open Thread

Trump’s Inauguration, Cory Booker, Trump and Plagerism, Wilmington’s Worker’s Compensation Problem, and Trump kicks off MLK weekend Trump-style.

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Coons’ BFD and I Don’t Care

Filed in Delaware by on January 14, 2017 5 Comments
Coons’ BFD and I Don’t Care

So Senator Chris Coons accidentally acts like a Democrat and will vote against the Sessions’ confirmation and we are supposed to sing high praises of his bravery and fortitude? Fuck that shit. That’s what real Democrats are supposed to do.

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Bernie Sanders Rip Carper and Coons Some New Assholes

Filed in Delaware by on January 14, 2017 41 Comments
Bernie Sanders Rip Carper and Coons Some New Assholes

It’s going to be a tough four years for the Corporate-Clinton Democrats who fucked everything up in 2016. The Left is not going to stand for your bullshit like voting against cheaper prescription drugs. There will be a price to pay for your pragmatism, for selling out to the highest bidder. You Clinton supporters own this shit.

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January 14, 2017 Open Thread

Filed in Delaware by on January 14, 2017 13 Comments
January 14, 2017 Open Thread

Congressional Republicans talk about Ethics, Trump is fast but too fast and really unpopular, Sixers win three in a row, and the Union release their 2017 schedule.

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Is Lisa Blunt Rochester Our Only Hope?

Filed in Delaware by on January 13, 2017 6 Comments
Is Lisa Blunt Rochester Our Only Hope?

Congresswoman Lisa Blunt Rochester is now a member of the Congressional LGBT Equality Caucus. This great news.

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The News Journal on Doing Nothing

Filed in Delaware by on January 13, 2017 5 Comments
The News Journal on Doing Nothing

So, like, the News Journal had this really cute editorial about, umm, Mayor Dennis Williams not writing any emails. I mean really who writes emails anymore?

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Sometimes A Cigar Is Not A Cigar

Filed in Delaware by on January 13, 2017 4 Comments
Sometimes A Cigar Is Not A Cigar

New Castle County Council found out the other day that they were snookered for $150,000 for an environmental study on the Port of Wilmington that was not an environmental study.

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More Markell Cronyism

Filed in Delaware by on January 13, 2017 4 Comments
More Markell Cronyism

First was Blevins appointment and there is also Secretary of Finance Tom Cook becoming the new director of the Delaware River and Bay Authority as reported by Matt Bittle at Delaware State News.

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‘Bulo on WHYY TV-12 Tonight

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on January 13, 2017 2 Comments
‘Bulo on WHYY TV-12 Tonight

I really hit my TV stride with this one.  ‘First’ at 5:30 pm.  Mark Eichman and I talk about the General Assembly and, specifically, the budget deficit. I’m pretty sure I managed to diss the current and future governor and most of the members of the General Assembly.  In other words, I was on target.  […]

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