
The Legislative Pipeline Is Open

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on January 9, 2017 19 Comments
The Legislative Pipeline Is Open

19 bills have been prefiled in the House.  Several of which are important bills.  Here is the full list. Here are the ones that jump out at me: The Rethugs are wasting no time in trying to get rid of the Estate Tax. Looks like David Bentz might be a progressive champion. His HB 11 […]

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Open Thread – NJ Editorial chides lawmakers on stupid antitax stance

Filed in Delaware, Open Thread by on January 8, 2017 12 Comments
Open Thread – NJ Editorial chides lawmakers on stupid antitax stance

The Delaware Democratic Party’s “all tax increases are evil” stance is stupid on its face. John Carney is an idiot to begin his term by removing a discussion of common sense tax reform from the mix of possibilities, instead focusing 100% of his energies on cutting services.

We need to put something together to help push Rep. John Kowalko’s common sense tax recommendations, it is nice to see the NJ waking up to that fact:

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Help John Carney To Be the Best Democratic Governor He Can Be

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on January 7, 2017 54 Comments

$350 million. That’s the projected budgetary hole that soon-to-be-installed Governor John Carney will face this year. There is more than a little irony in that. Just like Ruth Ann Minner and John Carney had kicked the fiscal can down the road, leaving successor Jack Markell to deal with a budget shortfall in 2009, Markell has […]

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No civil rights charges for DE cops who fatally shot paralyzed man – Open Thread

Filed in Delaware, Open Thread by on January 7, 2017 8 Comments
No civil rights charges for DE cops who fatally shot paralyzed man – Open Thread

Dellose had fired about two seconds after first calling on McDole to put his hands up.

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I’m Out

Filed in Delaware by on January 6, 2017
I’m Out

It’s been a fun ride, one that started with me just looking to learn more about this state that I had just moved to, but seemed so politically insular. I learned alot along the way, some history but especially how easy it was to push some local political buttons. Even better, I made alot of friends that I would not have otherwise, including people who wanted to talk about better integrity from governments that didn’t seem interested in that. There’s more of those folks than you might imagine — in government and out — and they’ve helped me to be able to provide sunshine on issues that just got whispered about. Some of those folks are commenters and most are lurkers and I want all of you to know that I still share your interests and will still be looking for smarter decisions and better accountability — perhaps now on a broader playing field.

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Waiting for Governor Milquetoast

Filed in Delaware by on January 6, 2017 6 Comments
Waiting for Governor Milquetoast

The headline on DelawareOnline read, “Carney to worried Dems: ‘Keep doing the right thing’ “. This in itself should have raised some red flags.

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A Moment of Your Time

Filed in Delaware by on January 6, 2017 17 Comments
A Moment of Your Time

Since I went underground before Thanksgiving, I wasn’t even going to write this post, but three very close friends said I should. Last November my Dad became extremely ill. His kidney’s failed and he was diagnosed with mid-stage Congestive Heart Failure. He began dialysis immediately and was in the hospital for over a month, followed […]

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Delaware’s Blockchain Initiative is a thing

Filed in Delaware by on January 5, 2017 4 Comments
Delaware’s Blockchain Initiative is a thing

Blockchain sounds substantial. Just by saying it, you know it is not some flimsy bullshit. It contains the words “chain” and “block” so it is some heavy duty shit.

Turns out, Delaware is way ahead of everyone in getting away from stupid old slow paper records for corporate legal and financial filings, and we are going to build on our lead in 2017.. apparently…You know…it’s computers, what could possibly go worng?

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Coons “Encouraged” That Tillerson Doesn’t Seem as Clueless as Trump

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on January 5, 2017 2 Comments
Coons “Encouraged” That Tillerson Doesn’t Seem as Clueless as Trump

It doesn’t take much to impress Coons. [BTW – That’s not Coons shaking Tillerson’s hand. That’s Putin, the guy Coons says Tillerson understands to be a “threat to NATO” shaking Tillerson’s hand.]

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Delaware named top “state to watch” for pot legalization in 2017

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on January 5, 2017 28 Comments
Delaware named top “state to watch” for pot legalization in 2017

“Weed News” figures Delaware is among the most likely to legalize marijuana in 2017. I don’t see it, but my ear isn’t exactly tuned to cannabis issues. I mean it seems obvious to me that the “war on drugs” and criminalization of pot use is racially and economically unjust in the extreme, but other that that (not partaking myself) I’m agnostic the question of legalization.

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How John Carney Can Jump-Start His Term, Reinvigorate Democrats, and Win a Special Election–All With One Move.

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on December 26, 2016 54 Comments
How John Carney Can Jump-Start His Term, Reinvigorate Democrats, and Win a Special Election–All With One Move.

So, we’re facing a Special Election for State Senate. The candidates, D Stephanie Hansen and R John Marino, have been chosen by their respective parties.  The election has been necessitated due to incumbent Bethany Hall Long’s winning of the Lieutenant Governor spot.  She takes office later in January.  The date for the Special Election has not been set, and it’s not clear whether  outgoing Gov. Markell or incoming Gov. Carney will set the date.

Barring an unexpected flip, the winner of this seat will determine which Party controls the Senate.  The Republicans are motivated as they can end umpteen years of Democratic control of the State Senate. They will have no problem motivating their voters.

The Democrats?  If you are a Democratic voter and aren’t necessarily plugged into the party structure, what will impel you to come out to vote?  I know that some of the usual suspects on the blog are minimizing this concern, I think it’s real and I think it’s a major problem for the special.  Why should D’s come out to support the D candidate other than out of some sense of duty?

Unless…now hang with me for a minute. 

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Announcing the 2016 MVPs (Most Valuable to the Progressive Cause in Delaware)!

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on December 21, 2016 14 Comments
Announcing the 2016 MVPs (Most Valuable to the Progressive Cause in Delaware)!

2016 marks the conclusion of the public life of State Senator Karen Peterson.  Karen Peterson has been the single most effective progressive official in Delaware throughout her career.  She has been invaluable in pushing progressive causes–everything from open government to gun safety to equal rights for all.  Not just pushing for progress, but achieving it. Over and over again.  She is smart, tough and politically savvy.  Oh, and relentless.  Come to think of it, forget about words like ‘progressive’ or ”liberal’.  To me, she defines what it once meant and still should mean to be a Democrat.  Standing up for what is right and just and standing up for people who don’t have the power to purchase politicians with campaign contributions.  As I look for ways to have an impact moving forward, I’ll try to take the lessons that Karen taught us and put them into action.  She is, after all, the Most Valuable Progressive I have known during my time in politics in Delaware. A role model for all of us. Starting now.

OK, kids, time for the annual countdown of this year’s MVP’s…..

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How Tom Carper’s Positions and Votes Screw People and Help Rethugs Screw People. Volume 4

Filed in Delaware, Featured, National by on December 13, 2016 14 Comments
How Tom Carper’s Positions and Votes Screw People and Help Rethugs Screw People. Volume 4

Let’s first look at the terms of this unholiest of marriages.  In exchange for being perhaps Big Pharma’s most dependable stooge (Sen. Menendez of New Jersey is also in the running), Tom Carper has received compensation from the industry commensurate with his stoogery.  Big Pharma has contributed $225,010 to Tom Carper from 2011 to the present (end of year contributions not yet reported).  Of that amount, $194,410 came from PACs as opposed to $30,600 from individual donors. 86.4% of all dollars from the industry in PAC dollars.  Open Secrets has it all right here.  If you look at Carper’s 20 Top Contributors, the following all have significant involvement in Pharma:  Astra Zeneca, Ashland, Pfizer,  and DuPont. In addition, the following big donors have holdings in, and/or are lobbyists for, the pharmaceutical industry (relevant links provided):  Blackstone Group, Akin, Gump, et al, Skadden Arps, et al, and King and Spalding.

So, what exactly did/does Big Pharma get from Tom Carper?  A lot.  Carper’s obstructionism on behalf of the industry paid off handsomely during Obamacare negotiations. And, yes, people who rely on government insurance programs bore the cost.

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