
How Tom Carper’s Positions and Votes Screw People and Help Rethugs Screw People. Volume 3

Filed in Delaware, Featured, National by on December 6, 2016 4 Comments
How Tom Carper’s Positions and Votes Screw People and Help Rethugs Screw People. Volume 3

Perhaps no issue defines who Carper represents in the Senate and who he doesn’t represent in starker terms than his leadership in screwing families down on their luck in favor of the big banks and credit card operations. MBNA, to be more specific.

In Carper’s world, any feigned empathy consistently takes a back seat to the banking and financial interests who fund his campaigns.  While there is so much to dislike about his record, this issue, in my opinion, is the clarion call for his replacement in 2018.

You see, Charles Cawley and MBNA had a dream. A dream that came to them almost every day and night.  They dreamt of a world where down-on-their-luck folks could no longer get out from under huge credit card balances by declaring bankruptcy. No exceptions.

The dream was funded by campaign contributions. Huge sums of money dating back to the early 1990’s.  One of the earliest beneficiaries of MBNA’s largesse was then-Sen. Joe Biden.

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In Which We Find That Legislators Can’t Read Contracts — The Sallies Contract vs. Charles Potter

Filed in Delaware by on November 30, 2016 27 Comments
In Which We Find That Legislators Can’t Read Contracts — The Sallies Contract vs. Charles Potter

So this deal is still dead and I think that the expectation is that if it gets revived it will be because the new Mayor will work at reviving it. No idea if it is even possible at this point, but that is where we are. In the meantime, we have Rep. Charles Potter putting out a piece of propaganda that specifically misrepresents the terms of this dead deal — I guess so that he can make himself look like a hero or something for standing up to the big bad Sallies and their desire to make Bayard Stadium into a working home field for everybody. He counts, of course, on the fact that no one will spend any time on that document and just get fired up because he says to. I did look at that contract and here is the response to the propaganda with references to the page numbers where I found this info. The items in BOLD are the ones listed on the “Highlights of the major points of the contract with Sallies” that he has posted to Facebook. My responses and references follow.

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How Tom Carper’s Votes and Positions Screw People and Help Rethugs to Screw People. Volume 2

Filed in Delaware, Featured, National by on November 30, 2016 9 Comments
How Tom Carper’s Votes and Positions Screw People and Help Rethugs to Screw People.  Volume 2

I was gonna release these at a more leisurely pace, but this one sticks in my craw. Well, they all do, but I couldn’t let this one slide any longer.  When it comes to grandstanding, Tom Carper is right there with the best. With support for the military (and braggadocio about his own service) near the top of the list.  When the rubber meets the road, though, that’s a different story.   This one is about how Tom Carper screws the grunts in the military…

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How Tom Carper’s Votes and Positions Screw People and Help Rethugs to Screw People. Volume 1

Filed in Delaware, Featured, National by on November 29, 2016 14 Comments
How Tom Carper’s Votes and Positions Screw People and Help Rethugs to Screw People. Volume 1

I think a lot of people view Tom Carper as an essentially well-meaning, if occasionally eccentric, public servant.  That includes a lot of Democrats and plenty of liberals who I know.  They are wrong.

His votes and stated positions, all a matter of public record, and easily discovered via a simple Google search, reveal that he largely ignores the needs of those who routinely vote for him.  He does, however, pay fealty to those who finance his campaigns, and he also gives away votes on behalf of his search for bipartisanship.  That search, like Charlie Brown trying to kick the football held by Lucy, never comes to fruition.

Carper’s desire to ‘reach across the aisle’ becomes even more dangerous in the era of Trump and Republican-controlled government.  He could well end up as the key D who enables the gutting of Medicare and Social Security.

So, while it will take several pieces to flesh out his many sins of commission and omission,  let’s get started.

Tom Carper and the Keystone Pipeline…..

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We don’t need no education

Filed in Delaware, Education, National by on November 24, 2016 7 Comments
We don’t need no education

As a former public school teacher, I loved nothing more than having an administrator, with NO teaching experience, come into my classroom with a clipboard and a checklist to tell me how to do my job better. I mean—if it’s on the checklist, it must be easy to implement in a classroom with 25+ students […]

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Tom Carper and The Third Way

Filed in Delaware, Featured, National by on November 22, 2016 22 Comments
Tom Carper and The Third Way

Delawareans can no longer afford the risk of having Tom Carper in the United States Senate.  He is, in his own way, as dangerous as Donald Trump because he does not represent the people of this state, but rather represents those who control the lives of ordinary people through undue influence.

We have long referred to Carper’s corporatist leanings, but we perhaps haven’t spelled them out so that people truly understood the extent of them, and the extent of the damage he has caused and can cause.

Today we begin.

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Paging 2016 MVP Nominees!

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on November 21, 2016 17 Comments
Paging 2016 MVP Nominees!

Yes, time to honor those who most contributed to the progressive cause in Delaware in 2016.  It was a real tough year, but there were some distinct bright lights, including longtime stalwarts and intriguing newcomers.

While I, of course, have some ideas, I fully expect many of those on the final list, and the order, to come directly from you.

The rules are simple.  Make your suggestions, and explain why they deserve mention.  Keep in mind that individuals or groups are welcome as are those who aren’t progressive, but somehow contributed to the progressive cause.  For example, Christine O’Donnell won this award the year she took out Mike Castle.

I’m also hoping that this may serve as a catharsis to get us all feeling more optimistic about the future and to inspire us to redouble our efforts.  After all, marching isn’t just important, but it’s a great way to lose weight.

Nominate away!

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Meyer Appoints Chairpersons to Transition Team

Filed in Delaware by on November 18, 2016 3 Comments
Meyer Appoints Chairpersons to Transition Team

On January 3, 2017, Tom Gordon will be gone. He’ll be back like herpes, but in the meantime we can move forward the Matt Meyer, the New Castle County Executive-elect. Meyer has appointed Charles H. Toliver IV and Dan Freeman to head his transition team.

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Are Carper’s Empty Suit Days Over?

Filed in Delaware, National by on November 17, 2016 12 Comments
Are Carper’s Empty Suit Days Over?

Other than being a US Senator, Tom Carper is also Delaware Liberal’s punching bag and for many a good reason. One aspect of Carper’s record that is kind of good, B minus good, is his environmental record. With Sen. Barbara Boxer’s retirement, Carper backs himself in as the ranking Democrat on the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee.

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How Many White Supremacists is Tom Carper Comfortable With?

Filed in Delaware, National by on November 16, 2016 18 Comments
How Many White Supremacists is Tom Carper Comfortable With?

After Senator Coons released a statement concerning the raging anti-Semite Stephen Bannon in the White House, a friend on Facebook asked Tom Carper what his position was. The DC office told my friend that there were no plans. My friend asked, “How many white supremacist the senator was comfortable with in the incoming administration?”

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Good Riddance Sallies

Filed in Delaware by on November 16, 2016 48 Comments
Good Riddance Sallies

The Sallies-Baynard Stadium deal is no longer and I say, “Hurrah!” When I first heard of Sallies proposal to take over Baynard Stadium, I was quite skeptical. Sallies has a history in Delaware high school sports that is not so sporting.

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Buckle up, buttercup—it’s time to march

Filed in Delaware, National by on November 16, 2016 17 Comments
Buckle up, buttercup—it’s time to march

Tuesday night, November 8, 2016, it became clear to the millions of Americans that the country they thought they lived in, the one where women, people of color, members of the LGBTQIA community, and people with disabilities were considered actual people, was just an elaborate illusion created by the “Matrix.”

Wednesday, the 54% of women who voted for an intelligent policy wonk, with years of relevant experience, a spine stronger than steel, and an actual plan, woke up to the new reality of a Donald Trump presidency, and also to a terrible hangover. As it happened, in a shocking twist, the group complaining the loudest about the “trophy generation,” and the delicate nature of millennials who demand “safe spaces,” were the ones who needed the most hand-holding, and when they didn’t get the exact amount of love and adoration they were used to, they opted to show their displeasure and voice their grievances in the only reasonable manner available—they cut off their hands and threw them at Democrats. Hillary, they claim, did not understand their specific needs, or if she did, she didn’t cater to them exclusively. They didn’t feel included in her message. They weren’t the most coveted group, and that hurt their feelings. This of course begs the question, who is the special snowflake now, middle America?

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Please Welcome Evey to DL

Filed in Delaware by on November 16, 2016 8 Comments
Please Welcome Evey to DL

We’ve known Evey for years. For some, she’s everything that is wrong with liberal women. For us, she’s everything that is right with liberal women. Please give her a warm welcome and enjoy her rants.

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