
Bethany Beached: Day 36!

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on October 24, 2023 12 Comments

BREAKING BHL NEWS: There is none.  I looked. I scoured.  But not my kitchen. We’ll fill the gap with bon mots from the bethanyforde site.  Her last two–tweets? I was excited to join Delaware State University today at their Homecoming Parade! Our HBCU has been a pillar of strength, education and empowerment in Delaware for generations. […]

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Bethany Beached: Day 35!

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on October 23, 2023 4 Comments

It has been 35 days since John Carney hastily canceled his Bethany Hall-Long fundraiser, which happened mere days after he had hastily endorsed her.  With any luck, we won’t hear from him again until his annual State Of The State address.  Whether BHL will be on the podium as Lieutenant Governor is at best a […]

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Delaware Political Weekly: The (Truncated) Week Of October 16-19, 2023

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on October 20, 2023 4 Comments

1. Delaware R’s Get Their (First? Only?) Candidate For US Representative.  Donyale Hall.  They could have done much worse, which makes me think that they will do much worse: DOVER — Local veteran and businesswoman Donyale Hall announced Thursday her run for Delaware’s at-large seat in the U.S. House of Representatives. An unsuccessful candidate for […]

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Has Your Comment Been Trashed?

Filed in Delaware by on October 18, 2023 6 Comments

I’m seeing several comments in the trash folder that we haven’t deleted. While that usually means that the writer of the comment trashed it, I’m starting to wonder if the ‘algorithm’ has gone wacky. If you’re someone who has not been moderated or blacklisted in the past, please LMK here or on our tipline and […]

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Comment Rescue: The Case for BHL

Filed in Delaware by on October 17, 2023 13 Comments

Found this in the trash folder. From “Deeds,” whose comment ended up there because he or she used more than one screen name. I have consistently asked for someone to make the case for why BHL should be governor. This weak sauce is what the answer is: “Let me answer Alby aka the fat guy […]

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The FINAL Delaware Occasional Political Weekly Of The Year!

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on October 16, 2023 18 Comments
The FINAL Delaware Occasional Political Weekly Of The Year!

After this, we go weekly…until we don’t.  Meaning, maybe we have a political weekly this Friday, maybe we have one next Friday.  Depends on how many stories/rumors we can gather, and how quickly. 1.  BHL Opts To Brazen It Out.  Her campaign touted two endorsements last week–Lumpy Carson and Kendra Johnson.  Gotta love this: Rep. […]

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DL Open Thread: Saturday, October 14, 2023

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on October 14, 2023 4 Comments

Weisselberg Lied, Under Oath, About Trump’s Penthouse.  Too bad there’s incontrovertible proof–from Weisselberg: Allen Weisselberg, the longtime chief financial officer of the Trump Organization, lied in sworn testimony on Tuesday when questioned about Donald Trump’s penthouse atop Trump Tower. Weisselberg was on the stand as part of a $250 million lawsuit that the New York […]

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Karl Baker Breaks The BHL Story Wide Open

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on October 11, 2023 60 Comments

Tips of the sombrero to eagle-eyed readers Duarte and BLT who spotted it: Here’s an excerpt from Karl’s story: In 2018, Lt. Gov. Bethany Hall-Long’s husband went into business with her office’s chief deputy, forming an LLC that purchased nine row homes in a small Wilmington suburb that had been targeted as an ideal […]

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Delaware’s Most Intriguing Legislative Races Of 2024: #2-RD 29

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on October 11, 2023 2 Comments

The year was 2018.  Incumbent State Rep. Trey Paradee ran for the 17th State Senate seat and won.  The D primary to succeed Trey in his Kent Counry 29th RD was won by–wait–there was no D primary for the 29th RD. Making the successor-designee one Bill Bush,  who was pushed by the worst of the […]

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DL Open Thread Wednesday, Oct. 11, 2023

Filed in Delaware, International, National, Open Thread by on October 11, 2023 17 Comments

Whether you’re rooting for Israel or Hamas, the media has plenty of atrocity stories to stoke your righteous ire. I’m not linking to any of them because I don’t think war porn serves any useful purpose. For an overview of what the fighting is about, refer to this editorial cartoon. Saddest part of the Israel-Hamas […]

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Yo, Bethany: It’s Time

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on October 9, 2023 25 Comments

I’m pretty sure your supporters and/or those who would like to find an alternative if your ‘issues’ are fatal to your campaign are impatient for answers. I don’t know what happened, but it looks like your problems may both be related to campaign finances, and/or questionable business dealings that you and your husband have had […]

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Delaware (Occasional) Political Weekly: Early October, 2023

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on October 4, 2023 27 Comments

Don’t know if there’s anything more to be said about L’Affaire Bethany Hall-/Dana Long at this time, other than that Al’s speculation that the remaining insiders are trying to find a way to cover it up rings true to me.  Oh, and that the troubles may date at least all the way back to her […]

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Two Ethically-Bankrupt Legislators Stand Behind BHL…

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on October 2, 2023 13 Comments

…along with pretty much nobody else.  We have chronicled in these e-pages how both Our PAL Val and Sen. Nicole ‘No Longer’ Poore each got bullshit no-show jobs shortly after getting elected.  Longhurst as ‘Executive Director’ of the Delaware Police Athletic League (hence PAL, for newbies), and Poore as ‘Executive Director’ of the worse-than-useless Jobs […]

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