
Song of the Day 1/17: Phish, “Farmhouse”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment, Delaware by on January 17, 2024 3 Comments

The venerable jam band Phish is coming to the Woodlands, the Dover Downs-adjacent campground that hosted the Firefly festival for a decade, for a four-day festival in August. Travel package tickets for the Mondegreen Festival go on sale tomorrow, weekend and camping passes Friday. Summer music festivals are pretty common now, and Phish was a […]

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Delaware General Assembly Pre-Game Show: Weds., January 17, 2024

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on January 17, 2024 5 Comments

You know that today’s gonna be a slow day when the only ‘notable’ scheduled activity is the passage of a resolution providing for John Carney’s State Of The State Address, which will take place tomorrow. Well, time to make chicken shit out of chicken shit. There is no House Agenda today.  Here are the committee […]

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Delaware Political Weekly: January 5-11, 2024

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on January 12, 2024 4 Comments

1. BHL Announces Her New Campaign Team.  Guess she still has enough coin to continue for awhile: Hall-Long’s campaign announced two senior staff appointments this week – Donnie Johnson as campaign manager and Sydney Diewald as finance director. According to Hall-Long’s campaign, Johnson has more than 16 years of experience in electoral management, government relations […]

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General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Thurs., January 11, 2024

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on January 11, 2024 4 Comments

We now see the outlines of the Delaware Rethuglican Party platform for 2024:  Giving LLC’s the right to vote; getting revenge for not being able to attend church back in 2021; and now fighting the onerous regulations driving people toward the purchase of EV’s.  Sound like a winning combo to you? Not content with merely […]

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General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Weds., January 10, 2024

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on January 10, 2024 10 Comments

I’m finally back online following a morning w/o internet or TV service.  My wife suggested I read a book.  I tried.  Too many words. Yesterday was the Story Of Dueling Resolutions–one asking our delegation and President Biden to support a cease-fire in Gaza, and one doing absolutely nothing.  You don’t need me to tell you […]

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Delaware General Assembly Pre-Game Show: Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on January 9, 2024 3 Comments

Welcome back, my friends, to the show that never ends.  Year Two of the 152nd General Assembly.  Here are some questions I have: How will Our PAL Val Longhurst fare as Speaker?  How will her two cronies perform in leadership? Will Val face any sanctions for using her official office and the state e-mail system […]

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DL Open Thread: Thurs., Jan. 4, 2024

Filed in Delaware, Featured, Open Thread by on January 4, 2024 13 Comments

MAGAt Brain Part I:  Apparently Delaware Rethugs have concluded that the Scourge Of Electric Cars is their hot button issue.  You know, like abortion.  Specifically, Mike Ramone.  Filed yesterday in Delaware Superior Court: Michael Ramone; Nandi Randolph; Samuel S. Sloan, owner of S&S Auto Repair; Richard G. Collins v. Delaware Department of Natural Resources and […]

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2023: The Good. The Bad. The Ridiculous.

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on December 31, 2023 0 Comments

As usual, the ‘Good List’ is much smaller than the other two.  I can not so humbly state that this is the only list you’ll need to sum up Delaware in 2023.  It’s long, but well worth your time, replete with generous links to the stories: THE GOOD: Jan. 18: Gov. Carney proposes a 9% […]

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Delaware Political Weekly: Dec. 22-28, 2023

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on December 29, 2023 14 Comments

1. Maybe some candidates filed for the ballot this week, maybe they didn’t.  You see, the Delaware Department Of Elections chose this week to roll out their new ‘improved’ website.  Yes, it’s more visually appealing. And less informative.  Here’s what I got when I was finally able to burrow down to click on the list […]

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Announcing DL’s MVP’s Of 2023!!

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on December 26, 2023 4 Comments

As usual, there are more than ten on the list.  While one of Jason’s preferred choices isn’t on the list, I’m pretty damn sure he’ll agree with our #1. 10.  Reps. Osienski , Heffernan, and Sen. Paradee.  While none of the three would be categorized as predictably progressive, each of the three passed signature bills […]

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Delaware Political Weekly: Dec. 15-21, 2023

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on December 22, 2023 12 Comments
Delaware Political Weekly: Dec. 15-21, 2023

 1. 37th RD Special Election Post-Mortem:  First of all, the Delaware Department of Elections can kiss my ass.  I’m writing this at 9:05 on election night.  The issue isn’t that we have no results, although we don’t. But that there’s no place on the DOE site where you can even find the results.  Is DOE […]

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Tomorrow’s Special Election In RD 37: An Uninformed View From Upstate

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on December 20, 2023 3 Comments

My uninformed view. While R’s have traditionally done better in special elections than D’s, it’s pretty clear that the Democratic Party has the better ground game this time.  Massive phone banks and grassroots activity.  Special elections often are more about the parties than the candidates, and that could well be the case here.  I honestly […]

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Pistol-Packin’ Pete Picks His Pawn

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on December 20, 2023 27 Comments

John Atkins, Part Deux.  Ex-Rethug just reborn as a D. Second Amendment absolutist, as in ‘law-abidin’ citizen’.  But don’t take my word for it, take his: Realtor and Builder Rob Burton filed today as a Democrat for the 14th District.  We won’t let you take our firearms We, the people of Delaware, have elected our […]

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