
I’m Just a Citizen Standing in Front of a Politician

Filed in Delaware, National by on November 15, 2016 4 Comments
I’m Just a Citizen Standing in Front of a Politician

Are you a concerned citizen? Do you rant on Facebook? Would you like to change your representatives’ minds in DC, but you aren’t a bank or big pharma? What to do?

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It’s official – Charlie Copeland is a piece of shit

Filed in Delaware by on November 1, 2016 11 Comments
It’s official – Charlie Copeland is a piece of shit

I have wrestled with what to think about Charlie Copeland. Some people that I like and respect say he is a decent guy in a tough spot, just trying to do his best. He comes from a decent philanthropic family, and his own father was instrumental in establishing Planned Parenthood in Delaware. And then I get this is my mailbox, and it reveals the truth about what kind of person Charlie Copeland really is.

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I TOLD You Scott Walker Was a Slumlord.

Filed in Delaware by on October 27, 2016 7 Comments
I TOLD You Scott Walker Was a Slumlord.

His congressional campaign was quirky, and so he seemed harmless. Which, from a political perspective, he is. But here’s the Scott Walker I know, and he’s finally being sued for it:

The lengthy complaint filed in Delaware’s Court of Chancery says Scott Walker has racked up 371 housing code violations in the city of Wilmington and New Castle County in the last decade.

The full extent of the conditions, however, are unknown since Walker’s “golden rule” for his tenants is that law and code enforcement employees are not allowed access to the properties at any time, the complaint said.

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Trump-backer Colin Bonini is going to need a long shower after this campaign

Filed in Delaware by on October 25, 2016 2 Comments

Colin Bonini has steadfastly refused to unendorse the walking punchline that is Donald Trump, and lately he’s even using the same racist dog whistle.

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Charlie Copeland still “fully supports” Donald Trump for President

Filed in Delaware by on October 20, 2016 12 Comments
Charlie Copeland still “fully supports” Donald Trump for President

After the first Presidential debate on September 26th, Charlie Copeland released a statement saying that Donald Trump won the debate with a performance that made it clear that he should be supported by Republicans, Democrats and Independents alike.

Since that time Trump has revealed the fact that he is a serial sexual predator who feels that his celebrity status gives him the freedom to grab women “by the pussy.” He has supported Russian geopolitical aims, and taken election aid directly from the Kremlin, and last night Trump said that he will keep the country “in suspense” over the question of whether or not the peaceful transfer of power will continue in American.

And yet Charlie Copeland still fully supports Donald Trump for President. That is appalling. It is one thing for Charlie Copeland to have political differences with Democrats, but to fully support a candidate that is attacking a vital tenant of our system, the notion that election results are honored and accepted by winners and losers alike, that is simply appalling.

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Let’s Talk: A Discussion About Mental Health and Addiction Sponsored by Delaware United

Filed in Delaware by on October 19, 2016 1 Comment
Let’s Talk:  A Discussion About Mental Health and Addiction Sponsored by Delaware United

Delaware United is sponsoring a meeting to discuss the correlation between Mental Health and Addiction, with some discussion of strategies to help. This looks like a very interesting and on point discussion, especially as multiple groups and agencies are working to address the needs around both. Here’s the details:

This will be a meeting hosted by Delaware United to expand the discussion about the correlation between Mental Health and Addiction, and what we can do to help in Delaware.

Our list of guests speakers include:
Trinidad Navarro, Democratic Candidate for Insurance Commissioner
Matthew Meyer, Democratic Candidate for County Executive
Dave Humes, Board Member atTAcK addiction
Denise Bowers, Candidate for Senate District 5

This will be a forum style meeting, where speakers will get to answer questions about mental health and addiction in Delaware, and discuss different positions and ideas that they have for the future.

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Colin Bonini’s Weed Legalization Petition is getting a lot of play in and out of Delaware

Filed in Delaware by on October 18, 2016 17 Comments
Colin Bonini’s Weed Legalization Petition is getting a lot of play in and out of Delaware

I heard about Colin Bonini’s weed legalization petition from a friend on the west coast.

“What are your thoughts on Senator Bonini?”

“I like his stand against civil asset forfeiture, but he is going to get crushed on election day. Why do you ask?”

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It’s Time to Legalize Pot in Delaware

Filed in Delaware by on October 12, 2016 22 Comments
It’s Time to Legalize Pot in Delaware

Senator Margaret Rose Henry has a bill in draft that she has committed to sending to the GA in January to legalize and tax marijuana sales here. She is proposing it in part to help generate more than $21M in new revenue for the state. I hope that this is money that would be specifically earmarked for Education, rather than the general fund. Still — there’s not much detail yet.

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Every Single State Legislative Race*

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on October 3, 2016 46 Comments
Every Single State Legislative Race*

The asterisk means that I’m only looking at races with one D and one R on the ballot.  Per usual, the real story is the paucity of those races.  It’s even more pathetic than usual this year. Of the 11 Senate seats up this year, 5 are uncontested.  It’s worse in the House. Of the 41 seats, 23 candidates are running unopposed.  Well more than half. Just. Awful.

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The Vance Phillips Civil Suit Comes to an End With No Justice for the Woman He Assaulted

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on September 30, 2016 96 Comments
The Vance Phillips Civil Suit Comes to an End With No Justice for the Woman He Assaulted

It has been awhile since we heard anything about the lawsuit brought by Katelynn Dunlap against Vance Phillips seeking some accountability for raping her. We talked about this multiple times here at DL, but see here, here, here and here for a good recap.) Updating the story, Ms Dunlap has filed a stipulation of dismissal for the civil action filed against Phillips in Kent County court. This isn’t quite the end of the story though. Ms. Dunlap took to the airwaves Wednesday to talk about this and released a statement about her decision to both the media and her Facebook page. This is what she published to Facebook:

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Arson, Murder, Assault Charges for Resident of Wilmington Rowhome

Filed in Delaware by on September 29, 2016 15 Comments
Arson, Murder, Assault Charges for Resident of Wilmington Rowhome

I’ll let the Delaware Online story speak for itself, because I know what else to say. This is just so sad all the way around. I know I speak for the entire Delaware Liberal community when I say our condolences, thoughts, and prayers are with the families of Lt. Christopher Leach and Senior Firefighter Jerry Fickes, as our collective hope and encouragement for continued strength and recovery is with Ardythe Hope and Brad Speakman.

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Help for DL Family Raising Funds for Autism Speaks Walk

Filed in Delaware, Science and Health by on September 20, 2016 7 Comments
Help for DL Family Raising Funds for Autism Speaks Walk

Rachel Schain is DL family (we needed a musician, ok?) and she is fundraising for an Autism Speaks Walk in a couple of weeks.
Rachel is walking for all families dealing with autism and she is walking for her gorgeous toddler who has autism.

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Filed in Delaware by on September 15, 2016 34 Comments

That was the number of votes that separated Mike Purzycki and Eugene Young for Wilmington Mayor by the end of the night on Tuesday. The difference between Purzycki and Kevin Kelley was 415 votes. 12,578 votes for Mayor were cast. But at the end of the day, there were 2,734 votes cast for Eugene Young who made me proud to be a small part of his campaign everyday. Everyday. A quick reminder of where we started — a year or so back, as Eugene started talking with people to gather up support, the leadership of this city (and its pundits) told him that no one knew him, then that he needed to wait his turn for Mayor, then that he couldn’t raise any money. Eugene did, of course, overcome every bit of that and ignored the wait your turn crowd. With is smart and fiercely competitive management team, he ran a citywide campaign with more than 200 volunteers (91 volunteers showed up and volunteered on Tuesday. 91!) and ended up knocking on more than 50,000 Wilmington doors. He ran an honorable and progressive campaign and completely avoided the sideshows that were being run by the more establishment candidates. Eugene Young, his vision for the city and his crackerjack campaign team caught the attention of the News Journal who endorsed a genuine progressive for Mayor. It was a real heartbreaker to come up short by 234 votes.

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