
Delaware Political Weekly: December 8-14, 2023

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on December 15, 2023 5 Comments

1.  Velda Jones Potter Files For Wilmington Mayoral Race.  She’s not just running for herself, she’s running for her family and their assorted hangers-on.  With your vote, you can provide a whole bunch of needy grifters/deadbeats with jobs and access to big pots of money.  Let’s see–she ran for Mayor in 2020, and got over […]

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It’s Official: House Democratic Caucus A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary Of BHL’s Campaign

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on December 12, 2023 46 Comments
It’s Official: House Democratic Caucus A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary Of BHL’s Campaign

Thanks to Our PAL Val, who has stated that she supports BHL because she can manipulate her.  Which is why the current House Chief-Of-Staff is only there for the paycheck while still working as BHL’s operative.  On the state’s dime.  Kinda what you have to do if the campaign has no money and no volunteers.  […]

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Final Call: DL’s MVP’s Of the Year

Filed in Delaware by on December 11, 2023 3 Comments

We started off strong, but responses have dropped off. Deadline’s this Friday.  Who belongs on our list, and why do they belong? C’mon, pipples, I can’t do it all by myself.  At least, I don’t want to do it all by myself.  Help me out!

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You Can NOW Donate To Kamela Smith!

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on December 8, 2023 2 Comments

Finally, Act Blue has come through: You will note that there’s a $99 level for those who don’t want to risk retaliation from Val. Me?  I’m going with $101, because (a) I want Val to know, and (b) I got my wife’s permission. Make it happen, pipples.  Contribute and then come over here and […]

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Delaware Political Weekly: December 1-7, 2023

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on December 8, 2023 20 Comments

1.  The Collin O’Mara Soon-To-Be Gubernatorial Candidacy.  He’s running.  I have no idea how he’ll do.  Don’t know for sure, but I believe he’s running in the BHL lane that I think is soon to be available.  You can’t run a campaign without money, without donors, without staff, and without volunteers.  Which is why I […]

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DL Open Thread Wednesday, Dec. 6, 2023

Filed in Delaware, International, National, Open Thread by on December 6, 2023 15 Comments

Everyone knows that Donald Trump has never had an original thought and that most of his insults are simply projection. You’d think the mainstream media would have noticed this by now, and investigated him for any of the complaints he has about someone else. For example, his constant drumbeat of “Joe Biden is old and […]

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Song of the Day 12/5: Nine Inch Nails, “The Beginning of the End”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment, Delaware by on December 5, 2023 0 Comments

Could this be a message for Valerie Longhurst? You decide. It comes from Trent Reznor’s 2007 LP “Year Zero,” a concept album about an American dystopia. Reznor set his tale of a United States beset by terrorists and ruled by a Christofascist regime in 2022, 15 years in the future, because that was the year […]

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Filed in Delaware, Featured by on December 5, 2023 26 Comments

If anything, seven exclamation points aren’t enough.  Far be it from me to engage in hyperbole (he lied), but this immediately jumps to the top of the list. The challenger?  Her name is Kamela Smith.  She’s incredible.  More on her in just a moment. The incumbent?  Our PAL Val Longhurst.  Delaware’s most corrupt legislator who, […]

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Collin O’Mara Announces Exploratory Committee For Governor Run

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on December 4, 2023 42 Comments

Make no mistake–he’s running.  I’m pretty sure that BHL’s fall from grace precipitated this run as some key players are moving to Collin’s camp.  Here is his announcement: “Delaware needs a new generation of leadership. The serious challenges we face — from not enough well-paying jobs and underperforming schools to the existential threat of climate […]

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Delaware Political Weekly: November 24-30, 2023

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on December 1, 2023 9 Comments

1.  Annnd, just like that, we have a Democratic primary for NCC Council President.  Robert A. Williams, who previously served on Wilmington City Council, as filed.  I spoke to him yesterday.  He started as a policeman, then became an RN who, among other things, worked as a fraud investigator in the AG’s office.  He said […]

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Val Longhurst–Anti-Semitic Legislator AND Scofflaw Violator Of State Law

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on November 29, 2023 22 Comments

Both on behalf of Bethany Hall-Long. We’ve already established that Longhurst urged legislators to back BHL because, at least in part, Matt Meyer was part of some ‘Jewish cult’, apparently because Alan Levin is supposedly supporting him.  A quick look at any of BHL’s campaign finance reports, original or ‘amended’, reveal plenty of Jewish donors.  […]

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RIP: Kathy MacDonough

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on November 29, 2023 4 Comments

Many of you knew her on this blog as Scarlet Woman.  Without a doubt, one of my favorite commenters ever. Many of us knew her in ‘real life’.  In my case, I first met her when she was a young reform-minded Democrat who was very active in ridding the party of Gene Reed, Sr.  Since […]

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BREAKING: UD To Go (Semi-) Big Time In Football

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on November 27, 2023 10 Comments

From Sports Illustrated: Delaware is preparing to join Conference USA in the 2025–26 academic year, according to multiple reports. With Delaware’s move from the FCS to the FBS, it would become the first program required to pay the $5 million application fee, per Brett McMurphy of Action Network. In October, the NCAA Division I Council raised the […]

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