
January, 2021: Cops Murder Lymond Moses. December, 2021: Cops Skate On Murder Of Lymond Moses.

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on December 20, 2021 12 Comments

The only Bill of Rights that applies in Delaware is the Law Enforcement Officers’ Bill Of Rights.  They have the right to kill with impunity, and never suffer consequences.  It will ever be thus as long as cops dominate the leadership of the Delaware House Of Representatives. January, 2021:  NCC Cops Kill Lymond Moses. Lie […]

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RIP: Sen. Bob Venables

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on December 20, 2021 10 Comments

If you are to know just one thing about Bob Venables, it’s this:  He was a tremendously empathetic human being.  Whenever anyone needed help, he tried, and often succeeded. Didn’t matter one’s station in life, didn’t matter how someone could help him, he just wanted to help.  He was a good person, without malice, without […]

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Delaware Political Weekly: December 3-9, 2021

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on December 10, 2021 11 Comments

1. Kathleen McGuiness Will Not Go Gently Into That Good Night.  She has adopted the Big Lie approach that is the Rethugs’ electoral model.  Here is her latest fundraising screed, which appeared in my inbox yesterday: When I ran for State Auditor in 2018, I pledged to bring my small business background and common-sense solutions […]

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BREAKING: Andria Bennett Cashing In With City Of Dover, Salary In the Six Figure Range

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on December 3, 2021 3 Comments

I just spoke to the current City Clerk of Dover, Traci McDowell.  She confirmed the report from one of our readers that Andria Bennett has indeed been hired for that job.  McDowell will stay on in the position until Bennett is ‘settled in’. Although the title is ‘City Clerk’, it’s more like the top administrative […]

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Delaware Political Weekly: Nov. 26-December 3, 2021

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on December 3, 2021 0 Comments

1. Kyra Hoffner Seeks D Nomination In 14th Senate District: The stakes are too high right now to sit on the sidelines. We need people like us in government, making decisions and helping to steer our community in a better direction. Eight years ago, I started volunteering and advocating for civic rights and against unjust […]

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When Did Delaware’s ‘Pharmacist Of The Year’ Last Fill A Prescription?

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on November 30, 2021 12 Comments

No, acting as a guest Pill Pusher at raves doesn’t count. Here’s what we know:  First, she’s been State Auditor for three years now.  Does/did she have a side gig?  Unlikely. Here’s what you may not know:  McGuiness sold her pharmacy in, wait for it, 2002.  2002. We’re talking pre-Park City.  She then went into […]

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Whoa. Brian Pettyjohn Isn’t Going Anywhere.

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on November 23, 2021 12 Comments

DD has the story over at Blue Delaware, and I gotta admit, I didn’t see this coming. He wanted to go somewhere (Deputy Director For Sussex County Department of Elections).  Ruth Briggs King wanted him to go somewhere.  But it was kiboshed by: Only the GOP members of the Board of Elections could vote on […]

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Darius Brown’s Latest ‘Woman Problem’

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on November 23, 2021 2 Comments

There’s more, perhaps much more, than meets the eye when it comes to his latest indefensible outburst.  But first, for those of you who haven’t paid attention, here’s the story: The senator got into a heated verbal altercation with Rep. Melissa Minor-Brown, a New Castle Democrat, during a press event on Nov. 8 when Gov. […]

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Seeking Our DL 2021 MVP (Most Valuable To The Progressive Cause) Nominees

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on November 22, 2021 2 Comments

Who deserves recognition this year?  We wanna hear from you.  You’ve got ’til December 10 to let us know.

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Delaware Political Weekly: November 9-18, 2021

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on November 19, 2021 8 Comments

Yep,  more than a week, for those paying attention.  DPW officially migrates to Fridays, until I change my mind yet again. 1.  Time To Jump Into That 2nd SD Race. Darius is toast. We’re looking for at least one credible non-grifter in the field.  Believe it or not, Darius Brown might have been the least-bad […]

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Terrell Williams Officially Announces For 9th RD

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on November 15, 2021 0 Comments

Here is his letter to constituents: Hello, my name is Terrell A. Williams, I am a resident of Middletown and I live in the 9th District. I am writing you today to formally announce my candidacy for Delaware’s 9th Representative District seat and my intentions to bring our district back into the Democratic fold. I […]

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General Assembly Retains Former Delaware Supreme Court Justice To Consider McGuiness Case

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on November 9, 2021 5 Comments

Yes, we were spared the Alphonse-Gaston back-and-forth that had inexplicably taken hold in Leg Hall over L’Affaire(s) McGuiness: House and Senate leadership announced jointly they’ve retained former Supreme Court Justice Randy J. Holland for guidance on the General Assembly’s powers under Article III of the Delaware Constitution. The never-before-used provision, created in 1897, permits the […]

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Delaware Political Weekly: Nov. 2 To Nov. 8, 2021

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on November 9, 2021 11 Comments

I’d imagine that this feature will migrate off of Tuesdays at some point.  But I put the first one up last Tuesday, and it suits my current work schedule. Besides, I’ve got stuff. 1.  First Would-Be Successor To Rep. David Bentz Surfaces.  And he has all the earmarks of a legitimate candidate.  Martin Willis filed […]

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