Was The DelDems Coordinated Campaign Merely An LBR Vanity Project?
You’ll notice the use of the past tense. Word on the street is that indeed LBR’s team was functioning as the Party’s Coordinated Campaign team and that–they all just resigned and went back exclusively to LBR’s campaign. Candidates are being informed of this as the news surfaces in DL. Our local committee had a fleeting […]
What We’ve Accomplished, What We Need To Do
The primaries have come and gone. If anything, I don’t think people realize just how much things have changed as a result. There’s more to do, coming later in this piece, but here’s what has already happened: Bethany Hall Long is toast. In a just world, she should and would be indicted for misuse of […]
What Else I Want to See Happen
El Somnambulo asked this question last week, but unlike others, my answer is backward-looking. I still want to see an actual audit of Bethany Hall-Long’s books, because I still don’t understand how her husband managed to ring up tens of thousands, possibly hundreds of thousands, of campaign expenses on personal accounts that the campaign then […]
Coward Carney Vetoes End Of Life Legislation
Alternate Title: ‘Carney’s Discomfort Causes Excruciating Pain For The Terminally-Ill’. Waited until after the election to even retrieve the bill, then vetoed it almost immediately: In his veto letter to state lawmakers, Carney said he does not believe there is “firm consensus” on the issue within the medical community. “Although I understand not everyone shares […]
Things I Want To See Happen…
…while we’re visiting our daughter in Portland, Oregon where, BTW, we’re attending concerts by Fontaines DC and Orville Peck. 1. I want to see Matt Meyer achieve a rapprochement with DSEA. I especially want him to commit to being a Governor who prioritizes public schools, including the naming of a public school champion to be […]
What Comes After the Revolution?
Guest post by Jason 330 What happens when the outsiders finally become the insiders after a revolution? Do they unleash their inner Robespierre, exacting revenge in a reign of terror? Or do they pull a Snowball Pig and run the farm like old man Jones, only worse? Maybe there is a third option? If you’re […]
FINALLY: The Auditor’s Report
Here are the quick takeaways. The audit covered the years 2019-2022. The University Of Delaware was singularly uncooperative. Yes, Bethany Hall-Long collected ‘coincident pay’ to which she was not entitled. We don’t know how much due to UD’s willing non-compliance. We do know, however, that then-State Senator Ernie Lopez reduced his pay at the time […]
Things I Want To See: Post-Primary Edition
In no particular order. Feel free to add your own: Someone needs to immediately stop BHL from disbursing any more money from her opioid slush fund. Especially to herself. I want to see Matt Meyer make government transparency and openness a key issue in his campaign and, one hopes, his administration. The voters have eliminated […]
Yes, Val. It Was Personal.
Been waiting for this day since 2008. The week between Christmas and New Years. The day you stormed into my office, tore down my posters from the wall, told me I was fired and had twenty minutes to vacate the premises, and thrust a letter in front of me saying I had resigned and told […]
A Pre-Post-Mortem
To me, this is the lede that must not be buried: The Delaware Democratic Party, DSEA, and several other groups of whom you might expect better, endorsed Bethany Hall-Long for Governor even though they knew about her violation of campaign finance laws and other various and sundry unethical activities. They knew, at least in part, […]
Bethany Hall-Long Copies Trump, Slings Mud in Desperation
Today marks the fourth day in a row I’ve received a mailer from Ms. Creant and the sleazy unions backing her that compares Matt Meyer to Donald Trump. You’d think they were running against a Republican, but no, all they have is that he once contributed to some Republicans – while you contributed to the […]
What The Fuck??!!
BREAKING NEWS: Branden Fletcher Dominguez is out of primary?? Here’s what just arrived in my e-mail: On Friday, August 30th, the Department of Elections reached out to my campaign requesting documentation by Tuesday of this week that I unfortunately was not in a position to provide. After communication with the Department I have decided to […]
El Somnambulo Picks Some Of ‘Em For You
Wasn’t gonna do this. But, I can’t help myself. US Representative: Sarah McBride (D) and Donyale Hall (R). Assuming, of course, that anybody turns out to vote in the Republican Primary. Governor: Matt Meyer (D) wins, doesn’t quite get to 50%. Let’s say 46%, BHL 32%, O’Mara 22%. Can’t wait for the Delaware Way implosion […]
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