RIP: John Daniello
I think I first met him in my parents’ living room circa 1964. I would have been thirteen at the time. He was running for a spot on New Castle County Levy Court, and I remember him saying he was ‘running to get rid of my job’. Meaning, running to seek a different kind of […]
Over-Analyzing The First Legislative Pre-File
It’s what I do, and it’s what I like to do. Here are all the bills that have been introduced so far. The Senate pre-file is mostly the Darius Brown pre-file. We’ll get to that in a sec. But there are two notable House bills I want to address first. HB 140 (Morrison) is essentially […]
In What Universe Is This Not A Police Cover-Up?
Here’s the story: An Odessa state representative is facing DUI and vehicular assault charges after Delaware State Police say he drove while intoxicated and caused a crash, injuring another driver. Delaware state House Rep. Kevin Hensley, who recently won reelection to his 9th District seat in November, will be arraigned Tuesday in Kent County Court […]
Why Matt Meyer Vetoed The Impact Fees Increases, And How Councilmembers Feel About It
GUEST POST BY VAL GOULD: On December 10th, New Castle County Council passed Substitute 1 for Ordinance 24-008, which calls for an update to the county’s impact fees for the first time since 1999. On December 26th, outgoing County Executive Matt Meyer vetoed the bill, drawing criticism from some council members. Impact fees are charged […]
2024: The Good. The Bad. The Ridiculous.
The Good: January 30: Chancellor Kathaleen McCormick Voids Elon Musk’s Tesla Compensation Package, Calls It ‘Unfathomable’. Feb. 13: Conviction Of Former State Auditor Kathy McGuiness Upheld. Mar. 12: Both bills protecting retired state workers from Carney’s attempts to dump them onto a Medicare Advantage plan pass the House unanimously. Apr. 25: Hospital Care Cost Review […]
DL’s MVP’s (Most Valuable To The Progressive Cause) Of 2024
I must first explain the omission of both Sarah McBride and Kyle Evans Gay from this year’s list. Yes, I’m thrilled that both have moved on to higher office. Yes, their legislative work deserves recognition on this list. The only reason I’ve left them off is, through no fault of their own, the State Senate […]
A Very Special Delaware Edition Of The DL Open Thread: Monday, December 16, 2024
Rethugs Got Handed The SD 5 Seat. Turned It Down. Backwards reels the mind. Word on the street is that Cathy Cloutier sought the nomination for the post being vacated by Lt. Governor-Elect Kyle Evans Gay. She would have blown away the rumpled empty suit who D party insiders chose as the nominee. However, the […]
Join Me in Donating to Friendship House
Given the city of Wilmington’s war on the homeless and unhoused, my annual donation to Friendship House is needed more than ever, so I thought I’d try something here on Delaware Liberal that I used to do on my radio show when we raised money for the state’s food banks: I will donate $1,000 to […]
DL Exclusive: How Ray Seigfried’s Campaign Sought To Disenfranchise Caucus Voters…
…In fact, even threatened possible legal action if the County Democratic Party wouldn’t consider the grievance filed by one of Ray’s supporters. The grievance claimed that County rules should have prevented the seating of certain committee members in RD 7 in time for Monday’s caucus. The so-called ‘aggrieved party’ was not the candidate, but one […]
Insiders Sweep Special Election Caucuses
Dan Cruce and Ray Seigfried. Running to take the place of Sarah McBride and Kyle Evans Gay. They even exhumed fuckin’ Gerald Brady to come out to vote for Cruce. The totals: SD 1: Cruce: 43 Bohm: 25 Frankel: 5 SD 5: Seigfried: 23 Frisby: 20 Before this night is over, I believe that the […]
An Open Letter To All SD 5 Electors
On Monday evening, we will all gather to choose a Democratic nominee to succeed State Senator Kyle Evans Gay, who has been elected as Lieutenant Governor. Our choices have now been reduced to two possibilities as Jonathan Tate withdrew and endorsed Shay Frisby, and Dr. Brian Haimes withdrew Saturday and endorsed Ray Seigfried. That makes […]
Who Wants To Be A DL Irregular?
Or perhaps even at some point, a regular? We are seeking occasional or even frequent contributors to share your thoughts with us. TheMomo, Wasabi Peas, and Kevin Ohlandt stepped up this year. Nathan Arizona shares his musical knowledge with us whenever Al takes a break. Even our beloved founder Jason 330 breaks out the nostalgia […]
SD 5 Candidates With Christiana Care Ties Oppose Hospital Care Review Board
Among the four candidates running for the Democratic nomination to fill the soon-to-be-vacant Senate seat currently held by Kyle Evans Gay are two with ties to Christiana Care. Both oppose the Hospital Care Review Board that was legislatively established to address the costs and lack of transparency on pricing from Christiana Care. For the record, […]
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