
El Somnambulo Predicts ‘Em All For You: The ‘Gimmes’

Filed in Delaware by on September 9, 2020 5 Comments

You know, the ones that improve my percentage w/o risk of being wrong: Governor (D): John Carney over David Williams.  I will cast a protest vote for Graham.  I thank him for running. Insurance Commissioner (D): Trinidad Navarro over Kayode Abegunde. I think Navarro could have been in a competitive race with a more credible […]

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Join Marie Pinkney For A Virtual Meet-And-Greet Tonight

Filed in Delaware by on September 9, 2020 0 Comments

From 7 to 8:30.  Here is the info: Since Dave McBride has sidestepped candidate forums with Marie (one by the League of Women Voters and one by the Urban League), this represents the last best chance to see and hear Marie before Tuesday’s primary.  This race is gonna be close.  Watch her tonight, and […]

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Mike Ramone Blatantly Violates Election Law. Will Anybody Take Action?

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on September 3, 2020 16 Comments
Mike Ramone Blatantly Violates Election Law. Will Anybody Take Action?

They say a picture’s worth a thousand words. I fortunately will not be writing that many.  But these pictures demonstrate blatant campaign violations by Mike Ramone. A political campaign pavilion at a public event.  These pictures are (a) from a public event to demonstrate the new voting machines, and (b) are taken right outside a […]

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John Viola Tries To ‘Pull A DeLuca’. Don’t Let Him Get Away With It

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on September 1, 2020 3 Comments

Kids, I want you to consider the twin fates of ‘Tiny Tony’ DeLuca and John ‘Third Chair’ Viola.  Both were products of the construction trade power brokers.  Both got jobs in the Department of Labor, jobs for which neither was qualified.  Tony was ‘in charge’ of labor law enforcement, and Viola was his go-fer.  They […]

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One More Reason We Need Marie Pinkney In The Senate.

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on August 26, 2020 9 Comments

While the absentee senator cuts a deal to increase the size of the Minquadale landfill, Marie Pinkney campaigns against blatant environmental racism:

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DL’s Most Intriguing Primaries Of 2020–Part 5: The Statewides

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on August 25, 2020 10 Comments

Insurance Commissioner (D Primary): Trinidad Navarro vs. Kayode Abegunde.  There are circumstances under which I could be persuaded to consider someone other than Navarro for this office.  This is not one of those circumstances.  Abegunde’s campaign, such as it is, has all the earmarks of a vanity campaign. He hasn’t really engaged in a debate […]

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Delaware’s Most Intriguing Primaries Of 2020: Part 4–The State Senate Races

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on August 18, 2020 27 Comments

There aren’t very many races, but I find them all to be interesting, albeit often for different reasons: State Senator District 14 (R Primary): Craig Pugh vs. Terrance Baker. Gotta say it–I like this Craig Pugh.  No, not b/c he is a progressive (he’s not), but b/c he strikes me as a hard-working guy who […]

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This Is Why Biden Will Win

Filed in Delaware, National by on August 17, 2020 2 Comments

Wilmington Rabbi Michael Beals posted this on Facebook a few weeks ago. It gets to the heart of why Trump cannot win this election by demonizing Joe Biden, and why, despite his many flaws and blunders, people ultimately relate to and like Biden: The story I’m about to share with you about Joe Biden is […]

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DL EXCLUSIVE: Chris Coons’ ‘Champion For Healthy Seniors Award’ Is A Big Fat Fraud–

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on August 16, 2020 12 Comments
DL EXCLUSIVE: Chris Coons’ ‘Champion For Healthy Seniors Award’ Is A Big Fat Fraud–

–perpetrated on Delaware’s unsuspecting voters by…wait, I’m getting ahead of myself. The ads are everywhere. In your mailbox, on the internets, in the paper, all congratulating Coons on having ‘won’ the 2020 ‘Champion For Healthy Seniors Award’. It’s right there on p. 29A of the Sunday News-Journal, which I can’t cut & paste b/c it’s […]

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Delaware’s Most Intriguing Primaries: Part 3

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on August 15, 2020 26 Comments

Today featuring primaries for the State House Of Representatives.  Again, in reverse numerical order by district: RD 34 (D Primary): Bob Haynes vs. Ade Koforiji.  Koforiji ran (IMO) a disappointing campaign against R incumbent Lyndon Yearick in 2018, yet still got 41% of the vote.  Haynes, the D chair of the 34th, is challenging him […]

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Delaware United Announces Endorsements For Legislative Races

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on August 11, 2020 2 Comments

Not a clunker in the bunch: “It is with great pride that Delaware United announces the first round of endorsements for this election season. We have also scheduled our first debate for this election season. Endorsement Announcement! Join us in supporting these fine candidates by donating to their campaigns to help get them over the […]

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Delaware’s Most Intriguing Primaries Of 2020: Part 2

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on August 11, 2020 12 Comments

Continuing our trek northward through the statewide primary ballot: President Of Wilmington City Council (D Primary): Hanifa Shabazz vs. Trippi Congo. After all the dust settled at the filing deadline, we were left with Shabazz and the Man Without A District.  To their credit, council members declared Congo’s 2nd District seat vacant after he admitted […]

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Delaware’s Most Intriguing Primaries Of 2020: Part 1

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on August 4, 2020 5 Comments

I’m gonna do things a little differently this time around.  I’m gonna start at the bottom of the statewide primary ballot and work my way to the top, stopping along the way whenever a race captures my fancy.  OK, let’s scroll from the bottom (meaning Lower Slower as our appetizer): Sussex County Council District 3 […]

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