
AG Kathy Jennings Comes Out Strong–REAL Strong

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on February 19, 2019 14 Comments

Maybe, just maybe, we have one statewide elected official worth their salt.  It’s too early to say for sure, but Attorney General Jennings provided some real hope yesterday. First, she joined 15 other state Attorneys General in challenging the constitutionality of Donald Trump’s declaration of a national emergency. From the press release: In a section […]

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What Chris Coons Gets for His Bipartisanship — Trump in His Face

Filed in Delaware, National by on February 14, 2019 6 Comments

Politico posted a story yesterday about Donald Trump’s supposed growing embrace of Christianist ideals, and chose as its opening anecdote this vignette starring none other than our senator, Fightin’ Chris Coons, the Bipartisan Brawler. The night before last week’s National Prayer Breakfast, President Donald Trump was hosting religious leaders and lawmakers for dinner at the […]

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Kerri Harris Takes New Job–And It’s Just What We’d Expect

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on February 12, 2019 4 Comments

From The Intercept: Kerri Harris, the insurgent candidate who lost her primary challenge to Sen. Tom Carper in Delaware, will be taking a new national advocacy director position at Working Hero Action, a nonprofit organization advocating for the earned-income tax credit and other anti-poverty policies…Working Hero Action is an organization that advocates for ending poverty, mainly […]

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Yet Another Cover-Up From DOC And the State Of Delaware

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on February 7, 2019 2 Comments

Delaware is the Secrecy State.  You don’t have the right to know when cops, corrections officers, and/or entire agencies screw up to the max. Or let out their frustrations on people who get beaten just b/c they are there. Enter the News-Journal, which at least is covering the prison story superbly.  If little else. Here’s […]

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R. I. P. Steve Amick

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on February 5, 2019 0 Comments

Former Newark legislator Steve Amick, who passed away last week, was one of the finest legislators to serve in the Delaware General Assembly during my time there. Yes, he was smart, one of the most intelligent legislators to ever serve in Dover. An attorney by training and practice, he got his JD from Dickinson College. […]

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Here’s How To Deal With Extortionists

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on January 30, 2019 7 Comments

We start this story with one of the poorest excuses for journalism ever to clear the e-keyboard of Scott Goss, which is saying something. This story.  It’s all about Delaware Rethugs crying crocodile tears over how their efforts to bargain in good faith are being destroyed by the perfidious D’s. And we’ll get right back […]

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GGW: Guards Gone Wild

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on January 26, 2019 8 Comments

Delaware is the Secrecy State. Especially when it comes to actions by so-called enforcement officers of every stripe. Keeping secrets is one way of controlling the narrative, as in blaming everything on the actions of those who are being ‘enforced upon’.  Which is precisely what has happened in the aftermath of the uprising at the […]

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An Understander’s Guide to Gov. Carney’s Budget

Filed in Delaware by on January 25, 2019 7 Comments

The budget released by Gov. John Carney doesn’t officially mean a thing, because the General Assembly’s Joint Finance Committee puts together the state’s real budget, starting with hearings next Tuesday. But the JFC has to start somewhere, and that somewhere is Carney’s proposal. Matt Bittle of the Delaware State News has an accessible rundown along […]

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General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Thurs., Jan. 24, 2019

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on January 24, 2019 7 Comments

Even the Rethugs knew that they were on the wrong side of yesterday’s defeat of HB 3 in the Senate.  Serial bloviator Colin Bonini said this: “I will personally write a check to start the GoFundMe page if people want to do this to help these folks,” said state Sen. Colin Bonini, R-Dover South. “But […]

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Delaware Forced-Birthers Want Abortion Restrictions

Filed in Delaware by on January 23, 2019 8 Comments

This one hasn’t made it to El Som’s GA PG/PG roundup yet because it hasn’t been officially introduced. But the mere announcement by Sen. Bryant Richardson (R-Your Womb) that he would sponsor measures to ban abortion after 20 weeks and force women to undergo ultrasound procedures drew a front-page headline story in the Delaware State […]

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Bye Bye Biden

Filed in Delaware, National by on January 23, 2019 15 Comments

You can stop worrying that Joe Biden will clutter the Democratic presidential primary ballot. The New York Times reports that Biden was paid $200,000 for a speech supporting a Michigan Republican for re-election, infuriating Democrats who thought they had a shot at unseating Rep. Fred Upton. Mr. Biden was collecting $200,000 from the Economic Club […]

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General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Weds., Jan. 23, 2019

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on January 23, 2019 26 Comments

Richard Collins.  Shannon Morris.  Bryan Shupe.  Jesse Vanderwende.  Remember those names. Yesterday, the Delaware House Of Representatives enacted emergency legislation designed to lessen the burden of federal workers who have been caught up in the government shutdown. HB 2 (Schwartzkopf), well, let me just post the synopsis in its entirety: This Act creates the Delaware […]

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Delaware General Assembly Pre-Game Show: Tues., Jan. 22, 2019

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on January 22, 2019 16 Comments

Man, that Carney State Of The State was downright sad.  Read it for yourself if you don’t believe me.  Half-measures on everything except tilting the playing field to the advantage of businesses, regardless of what protections need to be sacrificed along the way.  And the half-measures reflect Carney trying to get away with as little […]

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