
Why Isn’t John Atkins In Jail?

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on July 25, 2018 17 Comments

After allegedly strangling a woman earlier this month, Atkins was arrested again this week for harassing the same victim and for breaching the conditions of his release: His punishment?: He’s free on his own recognizance. This man is a serial abuser of women.  He is not wired right. While many people accused of non-violent […]

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Most Intriguing Primaries: New Castle County Council Districts 1, 4 & 6

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on July 25, 2018 3 Comments

We have two insurgent candidacies challenging back-benchers, and we have an outlier.   Let’s start with the outlier. Perpetual candidate and realtor Vincent White is challenging Penrose Hollins in Council District 4.  If elected, White would join fellow family members Charles Potter and Velda Jones Potter in feeding off the taxpayers. Not to mention the unwillingly-retired […]

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July 24 Open Thread: Stand Your Ground = License to Kill

Filed in Delaware, International, National by on July 24, 2018 1 Comment

The latest Florida outrage — I know, it’s a new one almost every day — involves the cold-blooded slaying of another black man by another white man who apparently will get away scot-free by invoking the NRA’s notorious stand-your-ground law, claiming that the white man felt his life was threatened by the black man, who […]

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July 22 Open Thread: Democrats in the Woods Looking for Their Balls

Filed in Delaware, National, Open Thread by on July 22, 2018 4 Comments

The timidity of the Democratic Party establishment has long been chronicled ’round these parts, but it’s getting late in the election cycle and the mainstream pundits are starting to react with the same frustration that’s common ’round these parts. America’s best daily newspaper columnist, Leonard Pitts, questions whether the party’s leaders understand that they’re in […]

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John Atkins A Laughingstock No More

Filed in Delaware by on July 20, 2018 3 Comments

He is now a serial practitioner of domestic violence. There is nothing funny about that.  There is not a single redeeming feature about him.  Of course he claims ‘self defense’ when the victim clearly had choke marks on her neck and also had a black eye.  It’s time to put his ass in the same […]

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Bipartisanship Forever! Coons Takes Wing With GOP Lame Duck

Filed in Delaware, National by on July 19, 2018 2 Comments

Don’t accuse Sen. Chris Coons of doing nothing about Trump’s treason. Yesterday he swung into bold action by — INTRODUCING A RESOLUTION! Better yet, it’s a BIPARTISAN resolution! The Republic is saved! Or maybe not. His Republican symbiote on this is Arizona’s Jeff Flake, whose career died when he attacked Trump and scared any other […]

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Most Intriguing Primaries: SD 2 And SD 3

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on July 18, 2018 22 Comments

I first want to talk about how local Democratic primaries could impact the statewide primary races.  For the most part, with just a few exceptions,  the local primaries could well drive up progressive participation precisely where such participation could help statewide reform candidates. It’s just the way the primaries worked out geographically and demographically this […]

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Open Thread For July 17: Russian Roulette

Filed in Delaware, Featured, National by on July 17, 2018 4 Comments

In this case, Trump is not pointing the barrel at his temple, but at us. He is, indeed, Putin’s lackey. As are virtually all Rethug members of Congress. A couple of lonely R’s do the right thing, and resign. How Sinclair’s hubris pissed off even the Trump-controlled FCC. If it looks and smells like collusion, […]

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Delaware Political Weekly: July 6-12, 2018

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on July 13, 2018 11 Comments

1. Best Week Ever For Kerri Harris Campaign. Finally, the battle is joined. Tom Carper has a record that is indefensible to real Democrats. We’ve chronicled that record here for years now. It’s all over the DL blog this week. You’ve probably read much of it. Kerri Harris was not going to have a chance […]

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July 12 Open Thread: Pizza For Perverts

Filed in Delaware, Featured, National by on July 12, 2018 5 Comments

I was gonna lead off with the news that Tom Carper has finally been engaged on the issue of his terrible record. But I can’t emphasize it enough. Hey, read the article twice. (Hmmm, guess I did lead off with Carper’s terrible record.) Alby’s fave pizza slinger steps in it again. ‘Resigns’ from Papa John’s.   […]

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July 10 Open Thread: It Could Have Been Worse. Maybe

Filed in Delaware, Featured, National by on July 10, 2018 21 Comments

At least one right-winger wanted an all-out culture war, and so was hoping that Trump would nominate Amy Coney Barrett.  I’m sorry, you can read all the tea leaves in search of hopeful signs, but Kavanaugh will push the Court rightward. A good day to call Carper and Coons’ offices, and contribute to Kerri Harris’ […]

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Filing Deadline Countdown Thread

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on July 9, 2018 26 Comments

Was gonna wait until first thing tomorrow, but a lot happened today. First and, I believe, most important, Nnamdi Chukwuocha has indeed filed to challenge the ethically-bankrupt Charles Potter for Potter’s 1st RD seat. He is a serious and well-qualified challenger.  You can learn more about him here.  Kelly mentioned that Vincent White had filed […]

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July 9 Open Thread: Trump Vs. The Breast-Feeders

Filed in Delaware, Featured, National by on July 9, 2018 15 Comments

Yep, doing the bidding of the formula makers, the Trump Administration sought to deep-six a UN Resolution endorsing breast-feeding. Used ‘gangster tactics’ (threatened trade sanctions) to force Ecuador to drop its sponsorship.  Ultimately, the resolution passed when, wait for it, Russia stepped in as the sponsor. No Trump threats there. Local non-profit drops hiring of […]

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