
General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Thurs., March 15, 2018

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on March 15, 2018 10 Comments

We hear all the time about the NRA’s bullying tactics. And it’s true.  However, when faced with a Hall full of students demanding gun control measures, the NRA cowers in the corner. Legislators, take note. Schoolkids accomplished what you couldn’t/wouldn’t do for decades.  All of the gun bills are out of their respective committees, and […]

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General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Weds., March 14, 2018

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on March 14, 2018 19 Comments

Once again, the so-called D ‘leadership’ is caving to the NRA. Check out the rewrite of HB 330, the bill that was supposed to raise the legal age for purchasing firearms from 18 to 21.  Let us count the changes from the original: (1) ‘This bill permits a person to sell, give or transfer a […]

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General Assembly Pre-Game Show: Tues., March 13, 2018

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on March 13, 2018 2 Comments

Oh, no, we’re not letting the House cowards who couldn’t even vote to ban bump stocks off the hook.  Yes, the bill passed, 25 yes, 3 no, 11 not voting. 14 representatives who somehow can’t vote to ban something that turns killing machines into even stronger killing machines.  Two of the three no’s were from […]

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March 11 Open Thread: Some Delaware Democrats Don’t Like Democracy

Filed in Delaware, National by on March 11, 2018 7 Comments

The News Journal’s Scott Goss looked at how how DEDO’s replacement, the Delaware Prosperity Partnership, operates, and found there’s a reason their board meetings aren’t open to the public: They don’t really have any, at least not with a quorum. Decisions, including a grant that represents a significant chunk of this year’s funding pool, are […]

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Carper And Coons: ‘The Real Enemy Isn’t The Banks. It’s…Elizabeth Warren’

Filed in Delaware, Featured, National by on March 10, 2018 16 Comments
Carper And Coons: ‘The Real Enemy Isn’t The Banks. It’s…Elizabeth Warren’

Yep, the DINO senators who voted to radically reduce oversight of some of the biggest and most corrupt financial institutions are blaming Elizabeth Warren for outing them. By name. I say, first outing, then ousting. The money quote from this article?: “If Warren’s colleagues didn’t want to be criticized as Wall Street-owned hacks, then they […]

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Delaware Political Weekly: March 2-8, 2018

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on March 9, 2018 38 Comments

1. Miro Retires, D Primary Set In RD 22.  One of the worst-kept political secrets in Dover is secret no more. State Rep. Joe Miro announced yesterday that he would retire at the end of this legislative session.  This immediately becomes a top D pickup opportunity as two credible candidates have already filed.  Those two […]

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General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Thurs., March 8, 2018

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on March 8, 2018 6 Comments

For starters, there indeed was one vote of note on Tuesday.  I mean one vote by one legislator.  To quote my favorite political commentator (me): Today’s House Agenda is highlighted by a piece of ‘transparency’ legislation.  HB 92 (K. Williams): …provides that every member of the General Assembly or person elected to state office shall […]

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March 6 Open Thread: Let Denn Lead on Gun Control

Filed in Delaware, National by on March 6, 2018 11 Comments

Delaware Democrats, seeking leadership on gun issues given the makeup of their generally clueless caucus, should read Matt Denn’s op-ed supporting Gov. Carney’s call for a ban on assault weapons. This should stand as an answer to all those people who wonder why some of us considered Denn the best person for the governor’s job, […]

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Delaware General Assembly Pre-Game Show: Tues., March 6, 2018

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on March 6, 2018 15 Comments

On Feb. 14, 17 people were killed and many more were injured in a mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas HS in Parkland, Florida. The weapon of destruction was an assault weapon known as the AR-15. On Friday, Feb. 23, Delaware governor John Carney called for a ban on assault weapon sales in Delaware: “Military-style […]

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WTF Is Wrong With John Carney?

Filed in Delaware by on March 4, 2018 27 Comments

I understand why Gov. John Carney wanted to get rid of DEDO, the Delaware Economic Development Office, after the office spent the Markell years throwing taxpayer money with great fanfare at ventures that went tits-up (looking at you, Fisker!). What I don’t understand is why he replaced it with a “public-private partnership” that essentially hands […]

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March 3 Open Thread: The Scold Has No Clothes

Filed in Delaware, Featured, National by on March 3, 2018 11 Comments

It’s not just me who thinks Kevin Ohlandt made an ass of himself by trying to smear Rep. Mike Ramone . Fealty to the NRA might finally have become a political loser.  Here’s how they’ve gotten away with it for so long. Yep, this guy is Director of the Environmental Protection Agency.  And, yep, willful […]

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Delaware Political Weekly: Feb. 23-March 1, 2018

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on March 2, 2018 15 Comments

1. And Then There Were None.  Announced R candidates for AG, that is. Tom Neuberger has dropped out to, what else, represent a plaintiff in a high-profile liability suit. In this case, this plaintiff in this suit. Let’s see, the Rethugs ‘discouraged’ the pro-marijuana guy from running…no word yet on whether they are gonna scrape […]

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Know Your Firearm Fondlers: State Rep. John “Larry” Mitchell [UPDATE]: Larry Sees the Light

Filed in Delaware by on February 26, 2018 18 Comments
Know Your Firearm Fondlers: State Rep. John “Larry” Mitchell [UPDATE]: Larry Sees the Light

State Rep. John L. “Larry” Mitchell isn’t a major recipient of blood money — $100 in 2016, another $100 in 2017 from the Delaware Foundation for Legislative Action. The question is why he took any at all. Democrat Larry Mitchell, you see, is an ex-New Castle County cop and current Chief of Security at DelTech, […]

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