
Democrat Dan Cruse Ends Campaign For SD 4 Seat

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on December 6, 2017 2 Comments

Citing family matters, Democrat Dan Cruse today announced that he will end his campaign for the nomination to challenge incumbent R Greg Lavelle in SD 4. Cruse’s withdrawal leaves Laura Sturgeon as the only announced D candidate in the 4th SD. His statement: As we’ve walked and talked with residents across the district, our campaign […]

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One Legislative Race I’d Love To See

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on December 6, 2017 10 Comments
One Legislative Race I’d Love To See

OK, let’s see. We’ve got a D House Speaker who is a DINO and would-be statewide power broker.  We’ve got an R State Senator whose personal reputation has been damaged and who represents the only Sussex SD with a D voting edge. We have a would-be statewide elected official who has or had strong relationships […]

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Open Thread Dec. 4: Your President Is Not a Crook

Filed in Delaware, National by on December 4, 2017 18 Comments

Oh, what a weekend it’s been. Turns out having a belligerent ignoramus in the Oval Office leads to lots of legal liability. After Ol’ Stubby Fingers tweeted out that he knew Mike Flynn lied to the FBI, about a million lawyers pointed out that he had just admitted to obstructing justice. The White House then […]

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Delaware Political Weekly: Nov. 24-30, 2017

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on December 1, 2017 3 Comments

1. Tizzy Lockman Brings The Beef. I’m calling it. She’s gonna win. On merit. And on organization.  In an era of substance-free campaigns, she is the exception.  Check out her priorities, among three e-blasts I got from her campaign this week: Oh, and you’ll notice, nothing negative at all.  I cannot stress strongly enough […]

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Open Thread Nov. 29: Matt Lauer, Closing Schools and Police Behaving Badly

Filed in Delaware, National, Open Thread by on November 29, 2017 22 Comments

Whoever had the Today Show’s Matt Lauer as the next media heavyweight to fall in the sexual harassment pandemic, contact management to claim your prize. The ax fell just this morning, so no details have emerged yet — that’s all people really care about, isn’t it, the dirty details? — which should keep reporters on […]

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Rehoboth Beach Mayor And Park City Kathy: LLC’s Are People, Too

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on November 28, 2017 22 Comments

This is why we have the Tip Line. I can’t make this up. Rehoboth Beach’s shiny new mayor Paul Kuhns and Rehoboth Beach Commissioner/would-be State Auditor Kathy McGuiness want to give LLC’s, wait for it, the right to vote. From the Cape-Gazette: “Voting rights for limited liability companies are on the agenda at a town […]

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Delaware Political Weekly: November 17-23, 2017

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on November 24, 2017 25 Comments

1. 1982 Called. They Want Their AG Election Back. Faced with the possibility of having either a pro- marijuana legalization candidate (David Skoranski) or a ‘nut’ (Tom Neuberger), as one party flak put it, the R’s are rumored to be pushing for Richard Gebelein to be their AG candidate.  If the D’s nominate Charles Oberly,  […]

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Tea and Clickbait Nov. 20: Firebugs, Idiots and Stacking the Bench

Filed in Delaware, National by on November 20, 2017 3 Comments

More “news” that requires no spoiler alert: Donald Trump is a “dope” and an “idiot.” That’s the opinion of his national security advisor, H.R. McMaster, according to four different people who heard him say it. Frankly, I find it reassuring that his few qualified advisors all seem to view him that way. Speaking of idiots, […]

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Delaware Political Weekly: November 10-16, 2017

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on November 17, 2017 6 Comments

1. D Primary In RD 12? Looks that way. I wrote about Rachel Blumenfeld’s candidacy three weeks ago. It now appears that there will be another D challenger.  Her name is Krista Griffith and, like Blumenfeld, she appears to be a quality candidate. She is currently the Vice President of the Down Syndrome Association of […]

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Open Thread Nov. 16: County Council Clown Show

Filed in Delaware, National, Open Thread by on November 16, 2017 11 Comments

The News Journal is too busy dredging up the Capano case (it’s an anniversary thing) to bother covering New Castle County Council, but WDEL was there for an epic meltdown by council President Karen Hartley-Nagle when she was stripped of her last committee assignment by a vote of council. The back-and-forth with Councilman George Smiley […]

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Will Joe Give It a Go? I Say No

Filed in Delaware, National by on November 13, 2017 2 Comments

A lot of people think Joe Biden is going to gird his loins for presidential battle one last time in 2020. He’s out peddling his new memoir, “Promise Me, Dad: A Year of Hope, Hardship, and Purpose,” and dropping lots of hints that he wishes he had run in 2016. As I noted this morning, […]

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Delaware Political Weekly: November 3-9, 2017

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on November 10, 2017 31 Comments

1. Who’s In, Out, Or Otherwise In AG’s Race. D’s:  Tim Mullaney: In Sen. Bryan Townsend: Out Rep. Sean Lynn: Likely In Chris Johnson: Likely In Charles Oberly: Considering, but will not be in race if Jennings runs Kathleen Jennings: Considering, but will not be in race if Oberly runs Ian McConnel: Was thought to […]

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BREAKING: Townsend Will Not Seek AG Nomination, Will Run For Reelection To State Senate

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on November 9, 2017 5 Comments

State Senator Bryan Townsend stated today that he plans to seek reelection to the State Senate instead of mounting a race for Delaware Attorney General. Two D’s who might seek to appeal to progressives are considering the race and will likely decide in the next few weeks.  State Rep. Sean Lynn appears poised to run […]

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