
Open Thread For September 25, 2017

Filed in Delaware, Featured, National by on September 25, 2017 4 Comments

County Council Food Fight.  Life is too short to figure out who is right and who is wrong here. Sponsors Try To Bribe Collins And Murkowski To Pass Obamacare Destruction.  New bill coming today. I’ll say it again. The national Republican Party is a criminal enterprise. NFL Players Unite Against Trump. Seriously, doesn’t King Cheeto […]

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Open Thread For September 24, 2017

Filed in Delaware, Featured, National by on September 24, 2017 4 Comments
Open Thread For September 24, 2017

Trump Targets Black Athletes With Minds Of Their Own.  Demands NFL owners fire players who kneel during National Anthem or face boycott. Does same for NBA stars. The man is certifiable and a certifiable racist. BTW, you know what sport is really dying? That bastion of white southern fans, NASCAR.  Oh, and Trump’s favorite. golf. […]

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Open Thread For September 23, 2017

Filed in Delaware, Featured, National by on September 23, 2017 9 Comments

Secret Corporate Crony Capitalism  Commission Names Temporary Executive Director. The News-Journal has figured out what a scam this is: The Delaware Prosperity Partnership’s 18-member board – made up of elected officials and local business leaders – voted Wednesday to hire former Ashland Inc. executive John Riley as interim CEO during a closed-door meeting at Corporation […]

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Open Thread For September 22, 2017

Filed in Delaware, Featured, National by on September 22, 2017 20 Comments

The Business Roundtable Is A Clusterbleep Even Before It Gets Started.  Let’s start with this quote: The board, for instance, will not be required to hold public meetings or publish minutes of its discussions. Financial disclosure documents that would reveal potential conflicts of interest also will not be released to the public. “I’m a big proponent of […]

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Open Thread For September 19, 2017

Filed in Delaware, Featured, National by on September 19, 2017 15 Comments

Meet The New Health Care Bill. As Bad As The Other Health Care Bills.   How bad? This bad. They’re Rethugs. What did you expect? Kollege Kid Karma: Trump Dickwad Tried To Get Classmate Deported. Got his white supremacist ass thrown out of school instead.  Has a career path as a Rethug demagogue ahead of him. […]

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Open Thread For September 17, 2017

Filed in Delaware, Featured, National by on September 17, 2017 4 Comments

NCC Needs Its Pipes Cleaned. Major sewer line at risk. An enema for the people. How Big Business Pushes Obesity In Developing Countries.  Door to door, in many cases. Processed foods uber alles. Saving Addicts: A Tale Of Two Ohio Cities. Whether you survive might just depend on which county you are in.  Yes, there’s […]

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Open Thread For September 16, 2017

Filed in Delaware, Featured, National by on September 16, 2017 9 Comments

Officials: Amazon Is Delaware’s Powerball Lottery Ticket. With, IMHO, just about as much chance of cashing in.  BTW, it’s ‘too early to talk incentives’: The company’s guidance to potential suitors specifically calls on cities and states to detail the types and amounts of incentives they can fork over — even if that means passing new […]

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Open Thread For September 15, 2017

Filed in Delaware, Featured, National by on September 15, 2017 0 Comments

‘Idiot’ Sessions Didn’t Resign.  Guess both Trump and Sessions consider Sessions to be a useful idiot. Is It Worth Rebuilding Flooded Communities?  Residents in Houston, the Florida Keys, and elsewhere considering best course going forward. Bernie Sanders On Single Payer.  Someone not living in the past. Benzene Levels Skyrocket After Harvey.  Stop the presses! Valero […]

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Open Thread For September 14, 2017

Filed in Delaware, Featured, National by on September 14, 2017 9 Comments

Bob Marshall Draws First Challenger.  Jordan Hines. Pretty impressive resume, although membership in the Monday Club is hardly a qualification.  Questions: What does he stand for? Where is he on minimum wage, death penalty (where Marshall, to put it charitably, has been wobbly), willingness to raise taxes to pay for vital programs, etc.? What is […]

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Open Thread For September 13, 2017

Filed in Delaware, Featured, National by on September 13, 2017 16 Comments

Sanders Will Introduce Universal Health Care Bill. 15 D’s On Board. Sanders leads, Hillary whines about him. BTW, I checked. Neither Carper nor Coons are among the 15. Vouchers, anybody? How about phone calls instead? I’ll start. Which reminds me.  Carper’s refusal to even consider single payer can be,  what are the words I’m looking […]

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Open Thread For September 11, 2017

Filed in Delaware, Featured, National by on September 11, 2017 9 Comments

Hmmm, 9-11. 911. Coincidence or…conspiracy? Did DeLuca Try To Pull Another Fast One? I support prevailing wage and recognize the Rethugs’ obsession against it as typical R disdain for allowing anyone but billionaires to make a decent living. However, proposed regulations don’t get posted by accident, especially when Tiny Tony’s pudgy fingerprints are all over […]

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Open Thread For September 10, 2017

Filed in Delaware, Featured, National by on September 10, 2017 6 Comments

Wilmington Shootings Exacerbated By Lack Of Political Will. Same assholes who throw millions at corporations don’t fund proven ways of preventing violence: But no local or state dollars have been allocated to implement the key component of the CDC roadmap: Use data such as truancy records, emergency room visits and domestic abuse allegations to identify at-risk […]

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Open Thread For September 7, 2017

Filed in Delaware, Featured, National by on September 7, 2017 16 Comments

Russians Used Facebook To Target Clinton.  Used bots to buy targeted propaganda.  Facebook denied it until…yesterday.  WaPo reporter says it’s the ‘tip of the iceberg’. Trump Deals With D’s.  Dems celebrate. He. Cannot. Be. Trusted. D’s are stepping into the spider’s web. How And Why House Rethug Killed Funding For Climate Satellites.  Cliffs Notes: They […]

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