
Carn(e)y’s New Business Council Gives Company $474 K To Create…Maybe 20 Jobs

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on August 15, 2017 61 Comments

The founder has already had one big success. Which raises this question, among other questions, why the bleep does this company need taxpayer subsidies? The company in question is Prelude Therapeutics, and the founder had previous success with Incyte. If Cerron Cade is to believed, this is extortion money to keep the company from even thinking of […]

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Open Thread For August 15, 2017

Filed in Delaware, Featured, National by on August 15, 2017 0 Comments

Wilmington City Council Routinely Violates Open Meeting Requirements.   Cue sound: Manafort’s $850 Million Deal With Organized Crime Figure And Putin Crony.  Remember, Trump didn’t pull his name out of thin air.  They both were neck-deep in schemes with Russian oligarchs. DOJ Demands 1.3 Million IP Addresses From Websites Protesting Trump.  This isn’t America. Or, this […]

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Open Thread For August 13, 2017

Filed in Delaware, Featured, National by on August 13, 2017 9 Comments

Massive Embezzlement From DHSS Sparks Changes.  One little tidbit I took away from the story–the embezzlement of $1.3 mill wasnn’t revealed to the public until a year after the crime was discovered.  BTW, isn’t this something the State Auditor could/should have identified if he was merely doing his job? BTWBTW, nice convenient weekend news dump […]

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Open Thread For August 12, 2017

Filed in Delaware, Featured, National by on August 12, 2017 14 Comments

Karen Hartley-Nagle Accused Of Mistreating Staff.  This is what happens when we elect people who run to try to prove their self-worth rather than run to serve the public.  She’s just as bad as we thought. How Scott Pruitt Destroys The EPA’s Mission In Secret.  This is what Steve Bannon’s America looks like. Speaking Of […]

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Did Nicole Poore Double Her Own Salary At Jobs For Delaware Graduates?

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on August 11, 2017 18 Comments

That’s one of only two possibilities. Neither of which paints her stewardship of this worthless organization in a positive light. This rundown of JDG’s 501(c)(3) returns raises an obvious question.   Which one of these is not like the others?: $112,485 $112,030 $116,940 $111,700 $110,610 $202,635. (Cue music). OK, you’re probably saying, El Som, you’ve lost […]

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Open Thread For August 11, 2017

Filed in Delaware, Featured, National by on August 11, 2017 3 Comments

Trump As Victim.  If you ever want to understand the symbiotic relationship between King Cheeto and his most rabid supporters, you need to understand their shared victimization.  If you’ve read Hillbilly Elegy by JD Vance, you’re aware of the self-proclaimed victimization of that  poor white core of his base. While it’s a sympathetic portrayal, Vance’s […]

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Open Thread For August 10, 2017

Filed in Delaware, Featured, National by on August 10, 2017 7 Comments

How Charter Schools Buy Political Support.  Pssst, legislators profiting off of charter schools is not, um, coincidental. Trump Actions Triggering Health Premium Increases.  Highest proposed premium increase?: Wilmington, Delaware.  You read that right. Trini: You have the hammer. Use it. It’s Not Affirmative Action That’s Depriving Asian Americans Of College Placements.  It’s privileged whites. Searching […]

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Open Thread For August 9, 2017

Filed in Delaware, Featured, National by on August 9, 2017 20 Comments

Judge Wharton: “No E-Mails For YOU”:  Markell found a way around FOIA, judge who Markell appointed rules that shielding correspondence from the public is legal.  A lot of the Delaware Way in that decision. And then there’s Chip Flowers… North Carolina To Sue DuPont And Chemours.  Turns out that Wilmington DE is not the only […]

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Open Thread For August 8, 2017

Filed in Delaware, Featured, National by on August 8, 2017 20 Comments

The Long Transperfect Nightmare Could Be Over. Hey, at least they dropped some nice advertising bucks in Delaware. And likely into Colin Bonini’s campaign coffers. Climate Change Is Real. Will Trump Dismiss Comprehensive Report?  Fake science? No. Fake president? Yes. Must-Read: Trump’s Russia Deals, Annotated.  Trump’s out there playing the rubes, but facts are facts.  […]

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Open Thread For August 7, 2017

Filed in Delaware, Featured, National by on August 7, 2017 7 Comments

Pence Lays Groundwork For 2020 Presidential Bid. Denies It.  Of course he would. Both lay the groundwork and then deny it. Doesn’t want to anger King Cheeto. Blames Fake News. Jared And Ivanka Advancing Trump’s China Trip. Here’s What Could Go Wrong.  Short answer: Pretty much everything. RIP Darren Daulton. Undisputed leader of the 1993 […]

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Open Thread For August 6, 2017

Filed in Delaware, Featured, National by on August 6, 2017 3 Comments

Dog Bites Man: Biden Wants To Be President.  Or at least wants to be talked about as wanting to be President.  Especially with that lucrative book deal… Bibi’s Legal Problems Mount As Former Chief Of Staff Flips.  Like Trump, (a) he throws red meat (uh, pork is not a red meat) to his right-wing base […]

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Open Thread For August 4, 2017

Filed in Delaware, National by on August 4, 2017 4 Comments

R Senate Ties Trump’s Hands Before Leaving Town.  I found it deliciously ironic that it was Lisa Murkowski who set up the procedural roadblock. Bottom line: No recess appointments. Michael Lewis: Our Biggest Nuclear Danger Is From Within.  Department of Energy Secretary has no idea what the DOE does or is supposed to do. Be […]

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Mo’ Better Dems: Andria Bennett, RD 32

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on August 3, 2017 10 Comments
Mo’ Better Dems: Andria Bennett, RD 32

You knew this one was coming.  Failure to field a progressive challenger in  this district would be political malpractice. The District.  Perhaps no RD was made safer for D’s during the 2012 redistricting than the 32nd .  It went from a swing-D district to a totally safe district. The registration numbers are as follows: 6914 […]

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