
Open Thread For August 2, 2017

Filed in Delaware, Featured, National by on August 2, 2017 7 Comments

Trump ‘Justice’ Department To Push Affirmative Action For White People. Typical Rethuggery. Dubya did it. To be run out of Justice’s political shop, not the career employees.  Betch’a Sen. Flake approves. Judges To Rethugs: Redraw North Carolina Districts Now!  What’s at stake? Rethug veto-proof majorities. Tillerson Turns Down $80 Mill To Counter ISIS and Russian Propaganda.  […]

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Open Thread For August 1, 2017

Filed in Delaware, Featured, National by on August 1, 2017 22 Comments

Trump Came Up With Jr’s Phony Russian Meeting Meme.  More orphan than not. Dictated the memo about how Junior should lie while on Air Force One.  Sounds like Obstruction of Justice to me. Must-read of the day. Administration still leaking like a sieve. BTW, Trump’s lawyer had specifically asserted that the President was not involved in […]

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Open Thread For July 31, 2017

Filed in Delaware, Featured, National by on July 31, 2017 13 Comments

Carper Is Running. In case you’ve forgotten, here are some reasons why we need a progressive challenger: This defeatism that only Father Time can stop Carper is BS.  Eugene Young, for one, can stop Carper. Putin To Kick Out 755 American Diplomats. Well, maybe they aren’t all diplomats.  Only VP Pence acts ‘presidential’ […]

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Open Thread For July 30, 2017

Filed in Delaware, National by on July 30, 2017 16 Comments
Open Thread For July 30, 2017

Student Scores Prove It: Our Education Policy Is Not Working.  That includes de-facto resegregation. NCC Police Union Flexes Muscle.  Anything that makes the police knucklebreakers unhappy, I’m for it. Yes, Our Voting Machines Are Totally Vulnerable.  Took hackers mere minutes to dismantle security protections at DEFCON in Vegas. Anyone gonna do anything about it? Huey […]

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Open Thread For July 29, 2017

Filed in Delaware, National by on July 29, 2017 6 Comments
Open Thread For July 29, 2017

Reince Lanced. Enter the General.  Hard to restore order when the only guy who outranks you is insane.  But Kelly is competent, which Reince was not. He’s also as obsessively anti-immigrant as King Cheeto. Hanifa Shabazz and Theo Gregory: Kindred Crooks?  Someone needs to investigate  this unholy relationship and the entire Wilmington City Council slush […]

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Open Thread For July 28, 2017

Filed in Delaware, National by on July 28, 2017 10 Comments
Open Thread For July 28, 2017

Skinny Repeal Goes Down! McCain (finally) does the right thing. Didn’t see that coming.  And, yes, Trump went nuts on teh Twitter. Russia Ratchets Up Diplomatic Pressure On Sanctions.  This bromance is sure going well. Will Trump veto the sanctions bill? Steve Bannon’s Off-The-Books Press Office. I guess ‘volunteers’ aren’t just for Tony DeLuca any […]

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Open Thread For July 26, 2017

Filed in Delaware, National by on July 26, 2017 16 Comments
Open Thread For July 26, 2017

Blevins Is Out As Director of Office of Animal Welfare.  Glad to see that cronyism is being put under a microscope. Keep it coming.  However, Greg Lavelle gets it wrong as usual: “This hire was a case of the fox watching the henhouse from the start.” he said. No, Monsignor, people heading agencies they seek […]

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Open Thread For July 25, 2017

Filed in Delaware, National by on July 25, 2017 12 Comments

Kushner No Babe In The Woods On Russia.  His carefully-parsed statement read that he doesn’t ‘rely’ on Russian money, but he never said that he hasn’t used Russian money to make transactions. He, in fact, has. Bigly. Will McCain Pull A ‘Reverse Ted Kennedy’? Trundle his diseased body back to DC to help throw tens […]

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Mo’ Better Democrats: Melanie George Smith, RD 5

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on July 24, 2017 10 Comments
Mo’ Better Democrats:  Melanie George Smith, RD 5

OK, I’m cheating here a little. Melanie Smith and her husband have purchased a house outside of her RD.  It is an open secret that she plans to leave the General Assembly at the end of her term. She sought a judgeship, but was rebuffed by the Nominating Committee.  However, even had she chosen to […]

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Open Thread For July 24, 2017

Filed in Delaware, National by on July 24, 2017 7 Comments

Brandywine Country Club Development Plan Ruled ‘Unacceptable’.  By NCC Land Use. It’s back in Louie Capano’s court now. I’m pleasantly surprised. Capano tried (I know this is redundant when it comes to Capano) a sleazy trick where he labeled apartments under names other than apartments.  Land Use didn’t fall for it. Kushner’s Story. How does […]

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Open Thread For July 23, 2017

Filed in Delaware, National by on July 23, 2017 12 Comments

Delaware Direct Train To Airport Possible? Yes, but there’s that little matter of money. Man, do we need a massive infrastructure investment now. Congress To Strengthen Russian Sanctions.  Wonder if Putin counted on this. Senator Kid Rock? For those who dismiss the idea, I’ve got two words for you: President Trump. US Investigators Looking To […]

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Open Thread For July 22, 2017

Filed in Delaware, National by on July 22, 2017 3 Comments

Trumpcare To Be Brought Down By–Parliamentary Procedure?  Could well be. Financial Assets That Kushner ‘Forgot’ To Disclose.  They’re all crooks.  Sans pardons, they’re all going down. Freedon and Manafort Will Not Testify Next Week As Planned. But Grassley and the disgraceful Dianne Feinstein will go after compiler of Trump dossier.  Someone needs to take out […]

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Open Thread For July 21, 2017

Filed in Delaware, National by on July 21, 2017 13 Comments

Trump Considering Pardoning Family and Himself.  Anyone surprised? They’re Also Looking To Undermine Mueller’s Investigation.  Criminals looking to kill criminal investigation.  Rethug response? Crickets. Entire party is a criminal enterprise, or at least acting like one. Carney Vetoes Controversial Charter School Radius Bill.  Seems like for good reasons.  What do our education mavens think? City […]

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