
Open Thread For July 19, 2017

Filed in Delaware, National by on July 19, 2017 22 Comments

Sussex Sports Complex Planned.  Before you ask, yes, government money is expected to help pay for this alleged financial windfall.  Raising the obvious question, if it’s such a windfall, why do taxpayers have to underwrite it?  US Military Paying Trump $130K A Month For Rent. In Trump Tower. Agreement was reached in April. Whatever happened […]

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Meet Laura Sturgeon, Candidate For State Senate

Filed in Delaware by on July 18, 2017 18 Comments

Laura Sturgeon will host a meet-and-greet tomorrow, Wednesday, July 19, from 5:30 to 8 pm at Six Paupers, 7465 Lancaster Pike in Hockessin. She is challenging incumbent Greg Lavelle, a most deserving target indeed, in the 4th Senatorial District.  Come find out what she’s all about tomorrow night. After all, if you’ve read this blog […]

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Open Thread For July 18, 2017

Filed in Delaware, National by on July 18, 2017 12 Comments

Trumpcare Dead…For Now.  No senator wanted to be the single deciding no. So Senators Lee and Moran jointly announced that they were both no votes. In typical McCain weasel fashion, Arizona’s senior senator then said that the time was right for bipartisan negotiations. Hey, he may be temporarily off of TV, but his words aren’t. […]

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Open Thread For July 17, 2017

Filed in Delaware, National by on July 17, 2017 12 Comments

Trump Acted On Fake News To Sanction Qatar. Turns out the United Arab Emirates were behind the fake news. Does Trump have any golf courses there? McCain Could Be Absent From Senate For Awhile Longer.  Seems like a more serious surgery than claimed.  Lindsay Graham will have the cameras all to himself.  I can’t stand […]

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Open Thread For July 16, 2017

Filed in Delaware, National by on July 16, 2017 3 Comments

Serious Infighting Over Ogletown Land Deal.  Some of our favorite elected officials sniping at each other. Depressing. Meet Cheryl Stanton: Trump’s Choice To Enforce Federal Wage Laws.  Yes, she’s stiffed the people who clean her house. Perfect. Trumpcare Vote Delayed.  McCain had surgery, will miss at least a week.  Will probably need a couple of […]

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Open Thread For July 15, 2017

Filed in Delaware, National by on July 15, 2017 21 Comments

City Council’s Slush Fund. It was easy pickin’s for serial grifter Theo Gregory. I rarely quote from articles, I’d rather have you read them, but this can’t be ignored: In this atmosphere, former Council President Theo Gregory granted nearly $600,000 over four years to Education Voices, Inc. – a nonprofit he founded the month he took office.   […]

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Open Thread For July 14, 2017

Filed in Delaware, National by on July 14, 2017 2 Comments

Who Was the 5th Guy At That Meeting?  Yes, there was one. A counter-intelligence Russian guy. Fredon neglected to mention it. Oops he did it again. What’s that? Now it looks like there might have been six people in the meeting… Judge Rules Grandparents Not Barred Under Travel Ban.  Of course, it’s only temporary, but […]

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Open Thread For July 13, 2017

Filed in Delaware, National by on July 13, 2017 5 Comments

Wilmington Ethics ‘Watchdog’ Disbanded. Nobody Noticed.  Correction: Those whose ethics were already in the sewer enabled the demise of the agency.  Purzycki’s reconstituting it. Charles Pierce On The Christopher Wray Hearing.  Brings some much-needed context to yesterday’s Kabuki Theatre. Plus, he’s always funny. US Border Officials Lying To Asylum Seekers And Turning Them Away. Hey, […]

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Open Thread For July 12, 2017

Filed in Delaware, National by on July 12, 2017 10 Comments

White House & Trump Concocted Phony ‘Orphan’ Cover Story For Fredon Jr..  BTW, they lied. D’s Flip Two Legislative Seats in Oklahoma.  BTW, Okie Rethugs appear to be particularly perverted. The R state rep resigned ‘after two former legislative assistants accused him of sexual harassment’. The R state senator resigned b/c he ‘faces three felony […]

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Mo’ Better Democrats: RD 4

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on July 11, 2017 6 Comments

The Incumbent: Gerald Brady. District Registration: 9024 D; 4548 R; 4347 I. The District:  RD 4 runs from western Wilmington, including Trolley Square and the Flats west through Westover Hills, out past Chestnut Run and almost to Hockessin, with Barley Mill Road and Lancaster Pike as the northernmost boundaries and Faulkland Road as the southernmost […]

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Open Thread For July 11, 2017

Filed in Delaware, National by on July 11, 2017 14 Comments

Donnie Jr. Lied Again.  A big lie. He’s not as skilled a liar as his pop. Yet. They’re all going down. Firing of Mueller in 3-2-1? Kushner Pushed For Huge Loan From Qatar. Could this be why Trump is putting the screws to Qatar? Blatant conflicts-of-interests everywhere. 666 y’all. Rare Good News For Consumers. Federal […]

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Open Thread For July 7, 2017

Filed in Delaware, National by on July 7, 2017 2 Comments

Could It Be…Sater?  Trump’s Russia money man is cooperating with the Feds. Sad. Astra Zeneca Selling Campus.  All the better to head for the exits, my dear. The Cuomo For President Boomlet Has Begun. Just what we need. A neo-Clintonesque presidency. Denn Joins Robocall Opponents. For all the good it will do. Whatever happened to […]

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Open Thread For July 6, 2017

Filed in Delaware, National by on July 6, 2017 7 Comments

Hobby Lobby Busted! For smuggling Iraqi artifacts into America. You may remember Hobby Lobby for refusing to provide contraceptive coverage b/c of the devout religious beliefs of its owners. We now know that said beliefs don’t apply to “Thou Shalt Not Steal”. Here’s Where The Artifacts Were Headed. A ‘Bible Museum’ that Hobby Lobby is […]

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