
Delaware finally has a budget. Now let’s consolidate the schools

Filed in Delaware, Education by on July 5, 2017 5 Comments

Saving money isn’t the only reason consolidating Delaware’s 19 school districts makes sense.

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Nicole Poore Rides The Gravy Train At Public’s Expense

Filed in Delaware by on July 4, 2017 11 Comments

Been poring through the Budget and Grants-In-Aid bills.  My, uh, patriotic duty. There’s a category under Grants-In-Aid entitled ‘Disabled/Health/Labor’.  Total appropriations under this line are $2,890,641.  That’s for 40 agencies, if my count is correct. One agency’s take dwarfed what any other agency got.  Wanna guess? That’s right. Direct from the Grants-In-Aid bill: Jobs For […]

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BREAKING: Delaware Will Not Turn Over Voter Information…

Filed in Delaware, National by on July 3, 2017 20 Comments

…to Donald Trump’s phony voter fraud commission, which is itself the only fraud being perpetrated here: I really liked Jeff Bullock’s response: “Delaware has a long history of running fair and efficient elections open to all qualified voters. We should not be a part of any effort to turn back the clock on the progress […]

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Utterly Pathetic.

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on July 3, 2017 9 Comments

Congratulations, Andria. You now have a budget w/o income tax increases, even on Delaware’s wealthiest.  Please leave. Yes, the General Assembly has a budget, another smoke and mirrors kick the can down the road budget. A combination of sin tax increases and realty transfer tax increases.  Personal income taxes couldn’t be considered b/c Bennett’s no […]

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Breaking: JFC Restores Grants-In-Aid Funding

Filed in Delaware by on July 2, 2017 5 Comments

Well, 80% of that funding, according to WDEL.  They couldn’t have done that if they didn’t have good reason to believe that some sort of deal has been struck. Meaning that, at least as far as grants-in-aid are concerned, some sort of deal has been struck.

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Open Thread For July 2, 2017

Filed in Delaware, National by on July 2, 2017 0 Comments

Pope Ousts Leading Conservative Ideologue From Top Vatican Position.  He’s kinda like a reverse Trump. What’s Showing Up At Your Fave Grocery Store. After all, sriracha is so 2016.  Looks like Korean is in. Also chocolate covered chickpeas and lotsa other weird stuff. Learn to pronounce gochujang. American Taliban-Science Edition. Oh, There’s Also This. Plus […]

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Open Thread For July 1, 2017

Filed in Delaware, National by on July 1, 2017 5 Comments

UK Cyber Expert Tells How He Was Drawn Into the Hillary E-Mail Hacks By Peter Smith.  Shit’s real, folks, and Smith is only one degree away from collusion with the Trump campaign.  Flynn, Bannon, and Conway.  Wanna bet that they placed ethics and morality above political expediency? Me neither. Oh, and speaking of those Delaware […]

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General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Fri., June 30, 2017

Filed in Delaware by on June 30, 2017 0 Comments

A Long Day’s Journey Into Night Into Day Into…? Hey, don’t look at me. I don’t know what’s gonna happen.  Here’s what I know. What happened yesterday was political theatre.  One bill would have both restored grants-in-aid cuts and raised taxes. Why? Because the two are intertwined. The BS from Rethuglicans Simpson and Lavelle crying […]

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Open Thread For June 30, 2017

Filed in Delaware, National by on June 30, 2017 15 Comments

Deranged President Gets Derangier.  Look, I’m not a fan of Morning Joe either. But THIS? That boy ain’t right. County Projects On Hold Over Location of Paramedic Station.  Couple of goobers holding construction projects hostage. Phony Voter Fraud Commission Seeks Unprecedented Private Information On Every Voter.  Nothing to see here, folks. It’s not as if […]

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Open Thread For June 29, 2017

Filed in Delaware, National by on June 29, 2017 14 Comments

Wilmington Chief of Police: Culture Needs To Change. Couldn’t agree more. Get their lazy asses out of HQ and out of their cars and into the communities. Oh, and have them on patrol at the time that crime is at its highest.  Alby is correct: Police unions are an impediment to effective law enforcement. They’re […]

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General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Thurs., June 29, 2017

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on June 29, 2017 28 Comments

Speaker Pete has given the D Caucus their marching orders: Pass HB 240, don’t dare deviate.  Those who deviate will be marched up to the Governor’s office for a one-on-one with The Kingfish The Jellyfish. There are some progressive legislators who strongly believe that those least able to afford it are being inordinately impacted by the […]

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General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Weds., June 28, 2017

Filed in Delaware by on June 28, 2017 12 Comments

Wow. Democrats acting like Democrats in Dover. At least to an extent. Me likey. And, of course, Rethugs acting like Rethugs. Yep, R’s want to delay budget consideration through July while, in fact, they’re holding the budget hostage in order to push their ‘right to work for less’ obsession and to straitjacket future budget deliberations.  […]

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Open Thread For June 28, 2017

Filed in Delaware, National by on June 28, 2017 23 Comments

Baynard Stadium, Sallies Deal Moves Forward. No thanks to Charles Potter, who stuck his nose into the deliberations back in November. Manafort Retroactively Files As Foreign Agent. Represented Ukraine officials closely aligned with Putin. Hey, it was merely a $17.1 million oversight. Nothing to see here, folks. Jay Sekulow Funneled Millions From Christian Charity To–His […]

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