
Calls for a Global War on White Nationalism Begin

Filed in International, National by on March 17, 2019 3 Comments

Christopher Dickey, foreign editor of the Daily Beast, is out with a column that calls the devil by his name. The New Zealand killer, Dickey writes, may have been a lone shooter when he slaughtered 50 people at two mosques in New Zealand on Friday, but he was not a “lone wolf.” He was part […]

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Another Reason Russiagate Matters

Filed in International, National by on March 6, 2019 12 Comments

I think the No. 1 reason is that foreign money in elections was a foreseen consequence of the Supreme Court’s Citizens United ruling, and I hope I don’t have to convince you this is a bad thing. Leftists who think Russiagate is no big deal seem to believe it’s all just political. But leave aside […]

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Who’s Afraid of the Green New Deal?

Filed in International, National by on February 26, 2019 7 Comments

Lots of people, it seems, even some of the 81% who tell pollsters they support it. Republicans consider it the spawn of Satan or, worse, Lenin. Democrats fret that it’s so radical it will drive voters into the nurturing arms of President Stable Genius. To which I say, good. Excellent. All this chatter shows the […]

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Aug. 2 Open Thread: Liberals Are Not Popular, But Liberal Ideas Are

Filed in Delaware, International, National, Open Thread by on August 2, 2018 2 Comments

When people say, “I worry that voters will be scared of a leftist agenda,” they’re really saying, “I’m scared of a leftist agenda.” Polling demonstrates this over and over again — people label themselves conservative but approve of all sorts of programs that are unabashedly liberal. Here’s another one that shows surprising strength even for […]

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July 24 Open Thread: Stand Your Ground = License to Kill

Filed in Delaware, International, National by on July 24, 2018 1 Comment

The latest Florida outrage — I know, it’s a new one almost every day — involves the cold-blooded slaying of another black man by another white man who apparently will get away scot-free by invoking the NRA’s notorious stand-your-ground law, claiming that the white man felt his life was threatened by the black man, who […]

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May 31 Open Thread: Maybe Trump Is Impeachable

Filed in International, National, Open Thread by on May 31, 2018 31 Comments

Almost everybody assumes that, even if Democrats retake the House in November, impeachment is a non-starter because two-thirds of the Senate would have to vote in favor of removing him from office, and there’s been no sign so far that even overwhelming evidence would get enough Republicans to go along. Lucian Truscott, writing at Salon, […]

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Open Thread For August 29, 2017

Filed in Featured, International, National by on August 29, 2017 12 Comments

Trump/Putin Link Incontrovertible.  There’s no doubt about it. Trump wanted to build the Moscow tower, and his aides sought to convince Putin that Trump could be President if the deal was consummated.  Oh, and Ivanka got to sit in Vlad’s chair.  And, yes, Trump himself signed ‘letter of intent’ to pursue project. Texas Rethugs Change […]

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BREAKING! Manafort Was Putin’s Proctologist

Filed in International, National by on March 22, 2017 6 Comments

No wonder Trump’s mouthpieces are trying to minimize the role of Trump’s former campaign chair: According to the AP, Manafort was directly working as a lobbyist on behalf of Vladimir Putin as far back as 2005, which directly contradicts administration assertions that no campaign official had any direct contact with Russia: President Donald Trump’s […]

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What Al Thinks You Need To Know: Mon., Jan. 30, 2017

Filed in Delaware, Featured, International, National by on January 30, 2017 9 Comments

A Guest Post from Alby Damned Welcome to the Protest Presidency of Donald Trump, Steve Bannon, proprietor. It’s becoming obvious, at the start of the second week of the Trump Interregnum, that it’s Steve Bannon with his hands on the marionette’s strings. Dozens of pundits, including Digby, have come to that conclusion: Trump’s Muslim […]

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Chris Coons Continued Support of Israel

Filed in Delaware, International by on January 16, 2017 3 Comments
Chris Coons Continued Support of Israel

If Chris Coons supported the people of Delaware as much as he unabashedly supports the people of Israel, maybe we wouldn’t give him so much crap.

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BREAKING: Turkish Military Attempts Coup

Filed in International by on July 15, 2016 10 Comments
BREAKING: Turkish Military Attempts Coup

More details from the statement read out on the state broadcaster TRT at the behest of the military faction that seems to be behind the coup: It says that the freedom of Turkish citizens is guaranteed by what is referred to as a “peace council”, regardless of religion, race or language.
It says the Peace Council will not allow public order to be damaged.
It is worth remembering at this point that the Turkish government still claims to be in charge.
An EU source monitoring events has told Reuters that military forces have control of airports and strategic points in Istanbul.

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Sadiq Khan Wins London Mayoral Election

Filed in International by on May 7, 2016 2 Comments
Sadiq Khan Wins London Mayoral Election

Sadiq Khan, a human rights lawyer and Labor Minister of Parliment, has become Mayor of London. Why is this importantant? Why should we even care? As The New York Times writes: “The victory also makes him one of the most prominent Muslim politicians in the West.”

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Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Claims Holocaust Not Really Hitler’s Idea

Filed in International by on October 21, 2015 21 Comments

Can’t. Make. This. Stuff. Up. During an address Tuesday to delegates at the World Zionist Congress in Jerusalem, Netanyahu posited that the Nazi fuehrer did not initially intend to annihilate the Jews, but rather sought to expel them from Europe. According to the prime minister’s version of the events, Hitler changed his mind after meeting […]

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