
Code Pink Co-Founder Brutalized in Egypt

Filed in International by on March 5, 2014 2 Comments
Code Pink Co-Founder Brutalized in Egypt

Medea Benjamin, the indomitable co-founder of the women’s activist group Code Pink has reported that en-route to a women’s conference in Gaza, she was physically attacked at an airport in Egypt.

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Ukraine: Geopolitical Chess

Filed in International by on March 3, 2014 18 Comments
Ukraine: Geopolitical Chess

Some sentimentalists have been characterizing the Ukraine crisis as a popular revolution. Not so fast. This situation requires some careful analysis, not platitudes. Hear that CNN and mainstream media? Probably not.

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Trans-Pacific Partnership: Corporations Reign Supreme

Filed in International by on February 15, 2014 6 Comments
Trans-Pacific Partnership:  Corporations Reign Supreme

You might have read that the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement, developed under the auspices of the Obama Administration is currently stymied, bottled up in both the House and the Senate, with lots of opposition. Let’s count our blessings while we can on this one. Here’s why, in a nutshell.

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New Analysis Of U.S. Misjudgement on Sarin Gas Source

Filed in International by on January 21, 2014 14 Comments
New Analysis Of U.S. Misjudgement on Sarin Gas Source

Robert Parry, of ConsotiumNews and noted investigative reporter has just published an investigative report on the August 21 Sarin Gas attack in Syria. The report is entitled “The Mistaken Guns of Last August” and can be seen at He cites the work of Richard Lloyd of Tesla Labs and Theodore A. Postol, science professor at MIT. Parry says:

“A new report by two American weapons specialists, entitled “Possible Implications of Faulty US Technical Intelligence in the Damascus Nerve Agent Attack,” makes clear that the case presented by Kerry and the Obama administration was scientifically impossible because the range of the key rocket carrying Sarin was less than a third of what the U.S. government was claiming.

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NSA/Surveillance: A First Step In Reining It In

Filed in International by on January 18, 2014 4 Comments
NSA/Surveillance: A First Step In Reining It In

The President’s speech on Friday, pre-empting the final report he commissioned on NSA restraints, is a good first step. So, we applaud a beginning in rolling back the Surveillance State aimed at the American people.

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Republicans Become Dumber – Is That Possible?

Filed in International, Science and Health by on December 30, 2013 6 Comments
Republicans Become Dumber – Is That Possible?

Yep, it’s possible.

Belief in evolution among Republicans has dropped more than 10 percentage points since 2009, according to a new poll by the Pew Research Center.

Pew found that 43 percent of Republicans said they believed humans and other living beings had evolved over time, down from 54 percent in 2009. More (48 percent) said they believed all living things have existed in their present form since the beginning of time.

Oh my, that’s embarrassing.  Guess all this talk of the importance of STEM classes doesn’t resonate with the GOP.  Science, technology, engineering and math are obviously not Jesus approved.  Good luck with that.

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RIP, Madiba

Filed in International by on December 5, 2013 7 Comments
RIP, Madiba

You’ve all heard by now that Nelson Mandela died peacefully at his home this evening. His is among the most heroic political and personal stories I have ever heard, and am still informed by.

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NSA Is Out Of Control. Time To Rein It In.

Filed in International, National by on October 30, 2013 10 Comments
NSA Is Out Of Control.  Time To Rein It In.

James Clapper, the Obama Administration’s Director of National Intelligence has said NSA does not “wittingly” collect data on citizens. General Keith Alexander, NSA’s Director as well as his predecessor have testified that NSA is not spying on or collecting data on citizens. Even the Chair of the House Intelligence Committee has told the media that the American intelligence community is not intrusively monitoring the communications of our citizens without a warrant.

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Carney Misses Chance for Bipartisanship

Filed in Delaware, International, National by on August 29, 2013 1 Comment
Carney Misses Chance for Bipartisanship

When it comes to John Carney’s cherished bipartisanship vs. the obligation to do the job he was elected to do, John Carney has chosen…neither.

According to this article, 162 members of the U. S. House of Representatives have called for a debate in Congress prior to any authorization of attacking Syria. 62 Democrats are among those signing the letters to call for such action. John Carney is not among them.

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“It’s Global Warming, Stupid”

Filed in International, National by on November 3, 2012 7 Comments
“It’s Global Warming, Stupid”

“Our cover story this week may generate controversy,” wrote editor Josh Tyrangiel on Twitter. “But only among the stupid.” I agree.

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Breaking: US Ambassador Killed in Libya

Filed in International by on September 12, 2012 23 Comments

The United States ambassador to Libya, J. Christopher Stevens, was killed in a rocket attack on the American Consulate in the city of Benghazi on Tuesday, a contractor working at the mission said Wednesday after seeing Stevens’ body. (link)

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Girls Just Wanna… Play Ball

Filed in International, Sports by on August 8, 2012 6 Comments

First, the Pandora household has now taken to watching the Olympics On-Demand.  NBC’s coverage has driven all of us away.  What has also bothered us, mainly my daughter, is how the commentary surrounding female athletes has been dominated by their hairstyles, emotional moments, and uniform colors and bikini styles.  So when my Cross-Country and Track […]

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The Romney Campaign And Do-Overs

Filed in International, National by on July 29, 2012 14 Comments

There’s a pattern here, and I think it’s deliberate. First, the Romney Campaign says something outrageous (Anglo-Saxon comment, questioning the preparedness of security at the Olympics, etc.) then they counter their initial statement with an do-over.

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