
Can’t Help But Smile

Filed in International, National by on July 28, 2012 9 Comments

I’m feeling good. My son just returned from his college orientation trip. He has his classes and is excited about starting school – with a scholarship. Whoopee! Since I’m feeling good I thought I’d share this video of the 2012 USA Olympic Swimming Team. Dare you not to smile!

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Obama to Withdraw all U.S. Troops from Afghanistan by 2013?

Filed in International, National by on May 21, 2012 0 Comments

Or so says Mark Thompson at Time Magazine, reporting that the President’s goal at the NATO summit in Chicago over the last 2 days was to “wrap up U.S. troops’ combat role over the coming year, and get the allies to pay more money to enable the Afghan military to fill the gap.”

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Palestinians Turn To Hunger Strikes

Filed in International by on May 15, 2012 7 Comments
Palestinians Turn To Hunger Strikes

Most Americans over the age of 40 have probably know of Bobby Sands. However, it is safe to say, that most Americans have know idea who Bilal Diab and Thaer Halahleh are.

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Break Up The Euro

Filed in International by on May 7, 2012 0 Comments

As the people of France and Greece voted that austerity is not working, Paul Krugman asks, “What’s next?”

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France Goes to the Polls

Filed in International by on May 5, 2012 3 Comments
France Goes to the Polls

The French head to the polls tomorrow to decide between President Nicolas Sarkozy and challenger François Hollande, a Socialist which is turning into a vote about Europe’s austerity plans.

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China Allows Guangcheng to Apply To Study Abroad

Filed in International by on May 4, 2012 4 Comments

After Chen Guangchen’s phone call to a Congressional hearing, China will allow Guangcheng to apply to study abroad in the United States.

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What Al Qaeda Thought Of Biden

Filed in International by on May 3, 2012 16 Comments

The Combating Terrorism Center released 17 documents taken from Bin Laden’s compound a year ago in Abbottabad.

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The Saga of Political Dissidents

Filed in International by on May 3, 2012 20 Comments

We haven’t written at all about the escape of Chinese dissident Chen Guangcheng, his rescue, his return and, now, change of heart, but I have a simple question for you all. If the roles were reversed, would the US goverment stand for China helping/interfering with US political dissident Bradley Manning?

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Seriously, Austerity Is Not Working

Filed in International by on April 29, 2012 1 Comment
Seriously, Austerity Is Not Working

As we brought to your attention the other day, austerity as a policy is not working. Economist Christina D. Romer writes, “The result is that austerity is uniquely destructive right now.”

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Austerity is Dead, Long Live Austerity

Filed in International, National by on April 28, 2012 2 Comments
Austerity is Dead, Long Live Austerity

With the failings of austerity as a large hammer to fix the world economy become oh-so-evident, still pundits and policy makers keep on pushing it through.

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Made-Up-Quote of the Day

Filed in International by on April 25, 2012 1 Comment

Ruport Murdoch testifying in UK said: “I don’t believe in using hacking, in using private detectives or whatever, that’s a lazy way of reporters not doing their job.”

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North Korea’s “Peculiar Means”

Filed in International by on April 24, 2012 9 Comments

I really don’t know what to make of this odd story out of North Korea.

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Wal-Mart: Low Prices, Huge Bribes

Filed in International by on April 24, 2012 4 Comments
Wal-Mart: Low Prices, Huge Bribes

As you’ve probably heard, Wal-Mart was hit with a bribery scandal in an effort to expand stores in Mexico. What’s interesting is that we have anti-corruption laws here in the United States that punish US-based companies for acts of foreign corruption.

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