
Debunking Sunday Part I: Climate Change

Filed in International by on October 23, 2011 3 Comments

So Republicans have been paying people to “cloud” the issue of Climate Change for decades now. University of California-Berkeley physicist is one of those people. But when he actually tried to disprove climate change, the results he reached were not to the liking of his benefactors.

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Friday Open Thread [10.21.11]

Filed in International, National by on October 21, 2011 4 Comments

Coons seeks to ban bath salts. Hillary has a laugh with Karzai about the hillarity that is Herman Cain. Uncanny similarities between 2012 and 2004. Obama on Mt. Rushmore? He would be there already if he were a Republican.

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Science is Cool or Remember When the US Did Cool Stuff?

Filed in International by on October 18, 2011 0 Comments

This video was pointed out to me by @thinkgeek on Twitter. [youtube][/youtube] I can’t help thinking a few things… Why is it that this was developed in Israel and not the US? Is research like this even possible without government help? Can I have one? How quickly would Bobby Jindal refuse funding for a train […]

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BREAKING: Alaska Quake, Tsunami Warning

Filed in International by on September 2, 2011 0 Comments
BREAKING: Alaska Quake, <strike>Tsunami Warning</strike>

7.1 quake strikes near Alaska

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WikiLeaks Busts a Water Main

Filed in International by on August 30, 2011 0 Comments
WikiLeaks Busts a Water Main

What happens WikiLeaks springs a leak? Do they call in Joe the Plumber?

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The Possibilities of Waves

Filed in International by on August 29, 2011 2 Comments
The Possibilities of Waves

We’ve looked to the skies and now we are looking to the sea. As one entrepreneur says, ” “Wave energy has been talked about for hundreds of years. Now it’s actually starting to happen.”

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Huge Explosion In Oslo, Norway

Filed in International by on July 22, 2011 18 Comments

Reports are coming that there was a huge explosion in a government building in Oslo. It is a building used by the Prime Minister but he is o.k. Update: It was the PM’s residence. Eight people are reported injured. The PM was slightly injured.

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A Peak Inside Hell

Filed in International by on July 18, 2011 0 Comments

Former employees from The News of the World discuss the atmosphere at the paper under Brooks and why their denials don’t ring true.

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Rebekah Brooks Arrested

Filed in International by on July 17, 2011 8 Comments

This seems like a pretty big deal given her prestigious position and close ties to Rupert Murdoch. Updated at 9:17 a.m.: Rebekah Brooks has been arrested by police investigating allegations of phone hacking by the News of the World and allegations that police officers were bribed to leak sensitive information, The Guardian reports. The Metropolitan […]

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Karzai’s Brother Assassinated In His Own Home

Filed in International by on July 12, 2011 5 Comments

President Karzai’s brother Ahmed Walid Karzai was assassinated last night in his own home by one of his security guards.

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News Of The World Hacked Phones Of 9/11 Victims

Filed in International by on July 11, 2011 21 Comments

The News of the World phone hacking scandal just got bigger with reports that NOTW hired a NY investigator to hack into the phones of 9/11 victims.

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UK Tabloid Deleted Voicemail From Missing Girl

Filed in International by on July 5, 2011 1 Comment

A Murdoch-owned tabloid, News of the World, hacked the phone of a missing girl and deleted messages.

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Time to End the Wars

Filed in International, National by on June 21, 2011 7 Comments

The US Conference of Mayors did something on Monday that they haven’t done in over 40 years. They passed a resolution calling for an accelerated end to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. What is important to me at least is that the last time the Conference acted on this subject, we were mired in […]

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